What is the average cost of a chiropractor?

Chiropractic can range anywhere from twenty dollars to hundreds per visit. The reason for such a large scale of pricing can be due to a lot of different factors. These differences include, time spent with patient, extra modalities, value of care, office perks such as coffee, X-rays, etc. As the saying goes, sometimes you pay for what you get.

Of course, not all chiropractors who charge less means they’re bad. It is important however, that the doctor is providing quality care. You should feel comfortable not only during the adjustment, but in the office space as well. A quality office should provide you with a roadmap in order to gage where you’re starting from and headed with care. Quality of care can often times drive the price of care up. Quality is valuable and can make all the difference in one’s experience.

There are several different costs one might encounter while at a chiropractor. The first is usually the initial visit. This ranges from 50 dollars to 150. Fluctuation of this cost results from whether or not the doctor uses any analysis equipment such as X-rays or thermal scans. Some offices provide extra services such as massage, or acupuncture. Extra charges may also accrue if services such as exercises, nutrition counseling, or supplements are provided.

Cost can be reduced in several instances. One being, if the office takes insurance. A lot of doctors opt out of taking insurance because in reality not many pay for chiropractic care. Another price reduction can occur if the office provides bundle plans, meaning you pay for x amount of visits upfront. Sometimes offices will offer administrative discounts on care plans or initial visits if paid for beforehand.

You can buy a cheap piece of clothing that lasts one wash, or a more expensive piece that will last a lifetime, chiropractic care can be the same. One office might not cost much and crack you, but may not spend the time to look at improving your overall health. At the end of the day, find what work best and fits into your budget.

Does chiropractic hurt?

This is a common fear among many first time patients. Although an adjustment may look frightening or even sound like it, it is not painful. Many people find it relaxing and relieving. In order to ease any nerves, it is important to understand what’s going on physiologically.

So what is the popping sound during an adjustment? The pop comes from a release in gas between the joints, just like cracking your knuckles. This gas is harmless, and pain free. There are even some low force chiropractic techniques that do not involve any cracking. In addition to understanding the “pop’ there are some relaxation techniques to help the adjustment go smoothly.

These techniques allow maximal comfort and efficiency of the adjustment, by allowing the muscles and body to relax. One of the most common places people tense up is during the neck adjustment. This is completely normal since it is such an important area of the body. In order to keep the muscles of the neck relaxed, try imaging you’re laying on a pillow. People will subconsciously try and hold the weight of their head, but the more loose the neck is, the easier the adjustment will be. Typically, if you are someone who likes to be in control this can be more difficult to do.

Sometimes, there can be soreness after an adjustment, just like after a workout. The adjustment stimulates the muscles, which can lead to fatigue. Icing after an adjustment can help prevent or relieve the pain. The pain should be mild, if it is extremely intense it is recommended to contact the chiropractor. Your chiropractor should strive to provide you with ease and care during the adjustment. As the patient, do not be afraid to tell the doctor if something was uncomfortable. Once the first time adjustment jitters pass, you’ll be jumping on the table every appointment.

Are Chiropractors Real Doctors?

First, it is important to ask yourself how you define a Doctor? According to a Google search, a doctor is someone who who holds a doctorate degree. There are many different professions that require a doctorate degree, such as a college professor or psychologist. In order to practice in the US, chiropractors must hold a doctorate of Chiropractic.

Often when someone asks if a chiropractor is a “real” doctor they are making the comparison to a medical doctor. A medical doctor is someone who goes to medical school for 4 years, and obtains a doctorate to practice medicine. “Practicing medicine” means to prescribe medications or perform surgeries, in order to treat disease. This western portrayal of a healthcare provider is the mainstream image that comes to mind when “doctor” is mentioned. There are many different types of healthcare providers, but when they do not fall under the main stream umbrella often times they can be disregarded as true professionals.

One common misconception is that chiropractors do not have as extensive of an education or training as medical doctors. Chiropractors are masters of the nervous system, and since the nervous system runs the entire body they must be well versed in how it operates and functions. They complete over 4,200 credit hours and are proficient in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, plus many more subjects pertaining to the working of the body. They do not learn surgery or pharmaceuticals, but when compared side to side to a medical doctor’s education, there is very little difference. Chiropractors have a year and a half of clinicals and even have a “residency” at the end of their schooling.

A lesser know reason to why this common misconception exists, is due to a scheme to destroy chiropractic. This is a whole other topic on its own, in short a couple of groups (one being the American Medical Association) got together and plotted against the chiropractic profession. One of their tactics was to create a stigma that chiropractors are not real doctors. The truth was revealed after a court trial between this group and chiropractors proved the plot to be real. Unfortunately, this misconception about chiropractors has remained in the public’s perception. Next time you go visit a chiropractor feel free to ask them any questions regarding the human body, you might just be surprised they know a little more than just the spine!

Do You Have to See the Chiropractor Forever?

This is a common misconception throughout the world today. In reality, this statement should say, “After your first visit, you will want to go to a chiropractor for the rest of your life”.

Most people that have been under consistent chiropractic care will tell you how if they go a while without an adjustment they start to feel it. Ultimately, once under chiropractic care it is up to you whether you continue or not.

It is important to understand every person’s care plan varies from one another. A few factors that can create these differences are; how many injuries someone has, severity of these injuries, health level of the vertebra and disc, and response to care. This means your visits could range anywhere from twice a week to every other week. There are also different levels of care to progress through.

The first stage of care is intensive care to help relieve symptoms. It usually takes about a month to get through this phase. The second level is stability care in order to stabilize and strengthen the spine, lasting around 1-3 months. Next, is corrective care to correct the problem, again taking about 1-3 months. Finally, moving into wellness care which helps maintain all of the corrective care, keep your body in alignment, and achieve optimal health.

How fast a person progresses through different levels of care can be due to age, compliance of at home exercises or care, and how consistently they show up to appointments. It is important that your chiropractor is preforming some kind of analysis to monitor the progression of your care, as well as sitting down and discussing your results with you. These tools to monitor progression can range from a posture scan to X-rays.

At the end of the day, your health is your own journey. Continuing care is always up to the patient. Once you go to a chiropractor, you are not stuck going for life. However, hopefully you will see the value in maintaining a healthy, happy nervous system and spine the rest of your life!


Beyond The Adjustment Table

Welcome back to the Corrective Chiropractic blog! We love having you here. A part of being your own health advocate is taking time to research, learn, and apply healthy habits to your life. By now, I’m sure you have noticed that chiropractic goes far beyond the adjustment table. It’s a lifestyle! With that being said, we are always going to encourage you to continue learning about your health. It relates to your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


Influence Beyond the Adjustment

Have you ever heard the motivational quote, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Or what about… “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” Whichever one sounds more familiar to you, the heart behind them both is the same. It’s true! While we are uniquely impacted by the people closest to us, the influence doesn’t just stop there.


Friends Of Friends

Did you know? The first major study regarding social influence was conducted by Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler. They started by analyzing data to see what the effects of obesity on family members and friends. According to their results, if your friend becomes obese, you yourself are 45 percent more likely to gain weight over the next two to four years. More unpredictably, Christakis and Fowler found that if a friend of your friend becomes obese, your chances of weight gain increases by about 20 percent (even if you don’t know that friend of a friend). The effect still shows up one more person out. You see, if a friend of the friend of your friend develops obesity, you still sit 10 percent more likely than random chance to gain weight as well.


Identify and Increase

We share this data not to scare you. Instead, we care to challenge you! First things first. Take a bigger look around you. Where do you sit inside the larger network of your social community? Are you in the right surroundings to propel you towards reaching your specific health and wellness goals? If not, identify and increase contact with the people who will enable you to become the healthiest person you can be. As always, we are rooting for you!


Healthy Habits

Happy 2021, our patients! There is no one else we would rather start this year off with than you. Yes, you! We raised our hands and crossed the finish line of 2020 – together. Our hope is that this new year is filled with newness, joy, adaptability, and all-out resilience. For the month of January, we are going to be talking about all things (you guessed it!)… healthy habits. More specifically, habits relating to our favorite topics: health, wellness, and chiropractic.

Screen Time

First up – let’s talk screen time. Did you know? The average amount of time spent on screens is seven to ten hours. With that being said, the recommended screen time usage is two hours per day. Our guess is that the average adult exceeds that recommendation… including you! That’s why we are here to help and encourage you to start small. For you, limiting screen time to two hours a day might not be super realistic.

Setting Small Goals for Healthy Habits

If you are spending a lot of time on screens, start by setting smaller goals. Instead of diving headfirst to the recommended two hours a day… start by simply cutting your screen time in half. Sometimes, we think we need to approach our health with an all-or-nothing mindset. However, that is not always shown to be sustainable. By setting more realistic and attainable goals… we are not as likely to get overwhelmed or quit too soon. Ya tracking with us?

Modeling Appropriate Behavior

Parents – the best way that we can show our children appropriate screen time behavior is to model healthy habits ourselves. If our children are constantly seeing us on our phones, computers, or tablets… you betcha they will want to copy that same exact behavior. We get it! The online world and new technology of today is pulling us in every single direction. But remember… it has its own time and place. Besides, there is so much freedom in disconnecting for a while!  It’s only when we make the conscious decision to disconnect… that we are able to authentically connect with those right in front of us. Trust us, it’s far more than worth it!


The Gift of Rest

With the holidays in full swing right about now, we want to dedicate this blog post to rest. Yes, you heard us right – REST! Sometimes… we just need simple reminders to slow down and remember why we started. So, here’s yours!

In the middle of our busy (whatever that looks like for you), let us not forget to rest. But not just any “get-it-where-we-can” kind of rest. We are talking quality rest! If quality rest is not already a priority of yours, we encourage you to start making it one. We have talked about it here before, but we cannot speak it over you enough. Your sleep is so important, your sleep is important, your sleep is important! We know that we know that we know that getting good sleep will help us feel better overall as humans. However, we want you to remember this one thing! As your local Chiropractor, we are way more concerned with how you are functioning rather than how you are feeling. Getting quality rest plays a huge role in helping our minds and bodies FUNCTION better! Make sense?

Rest to Recover

Our bodies were literally created to rest! We don’t rest at night because there are just too many hours in the day. Instead, your body takes that time to HEAL itself while you sleep. Why? So that way… it is able to rest, recharge, and recover for the next day. Think about it! From sunrise to sunset, we are putting a crazy amount of stress on ourselves. With that being said, we have to make sure we are slowing down and actually listening to our body. (Check out our recent blog, “Listen to Your Body” for more advice on how to do just that.) You see, when our body is not able to properly rest and recover, we see things like low energy, sickness, and dis-ease start to show up. So before you are forced to slow down… learn how to rest so you can recover.

Creating a Routine

If you want to become a healthier person, creating a bedtime routine is the perfect place to start. So here are just a few ways that you can create better bedtime habits! First things first, put your phone away. At least an hour or two before bed, we recommend that you put your phone on do not disturb. More than getting rid of the temptation to check your social media or inbox right before bed… you will also avoid the negative effects of blue light. In case you didn’t know… phones and tables give off blue light, which is suggested to hinder the production of the sleep-inducing hormone (melatonin) and disrupt our circadian rhythms. Next, do something that helps you wind down! Whether that be reading a book, taking a bath, writing in your gratitude journal. or even doing some of those at-home exercises we give you… the choice is yours! Last but not least, shoot for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If you don’t plan it, it most likely won’t happen! So be intentional about what time you need to start winding down for bed. We believe in you!


The Gift of Giving Back

Last week, we got to talk about the “Celebrating Community for the Holidays.” If you haven’t had a chance to read it… we really encourage you to go and read all about it! However, this week, we get to talk about the “Gift of Giving Back.” Here at Corrective Chiropractic, we want to be extra intentional about giving back this holiday season. Whether that be doing a canned food drive, sponsoring a family in need, donating to a local charity, or serving our local community… our aim is to help keep hope and joy alive!

Filling the Gap

Our why behind being extra intentional about giving back this year is because we want to fill the gap. Single parents need it. Families need it. Small businesses need it. Our community needs it! So, no matter what Corrective Chiropractic office you call “home,” be sure to see what we are doing to give back. Since we are all located in different areas, we have each chosen different ways to fill the gap where we are at.

What We are Doing for Giving Back

Our Sandy Springs office is helping prevent hunger locally with CAC. The Woodstock office is doing a canned food drive for a local elementary school and doing the giving tree. Our Decatur office is gathering donations for Friends of Refugees Christmas store and partnering with DFACS to do an Angel Tree. Our Buckhead office is holding a blanket drive and making goody bags for the homeless in Atlanta.

Do What You Can

We can all agree that this year has been challenging. Most likely, we have all struggled financially in some shape or fashion. So as we give back… we ask you to do what you can, with what you are able, as it makes sense to you and your family. If you are in the position to give abundantly more this year… do it! If you are only able to donate one can… do it! No matter what you decide to give or donate, we are so thankful for your generosity and kindness. We truly are better together. There’s no denying that we are blessed to call you our patients!


Celebrating Community for the Holidays

For today’s blog… we have something BIG to celebrate – our community! One of the sweetest things about being a part of our Corrective Chiropractic family is that our community has become yours. We love seeing our offices filled with friends, family, and familiar faces. Our patients have connected with each other through living and leading a lifestyle based upon the basic principles of chiropractic. Moms have connected with moms. Families have connected with families. Athletes have connected with athletes. Business owners have connected with business owners. Strangers have connected with strangers. It’s a beautiful thing to witness!

The Gift of Chiropractic for our Community

Our patients always seem to amaze us. When they experience true healing through nervous-system centered and evidence-based chiropractic care, they cannot help but share it with others. They keep on giving it away! They share it with their family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and even strangers… all because they want every single person to experience the gift of chiropractic. When it comes to your health, we want you to feel educated and empowered to make conscious decisions. We want you to say, “yes!” to chiropractic because YOU understand that it is more than just “getting cracked.” We have a ton of blog posts that talk about the benefits of chiropractic care for proper brain and body connection, as well as optimal health… so check them out if you are curious!

Book an Appointment

If no one has shared the gift of chiropractic with you – then this blog post is specifically for you! We want you to experience your body’s ability to heal and thrive. Our bet is that it is far greater than anyone has ever permitted you to ever believe. So… take a deep breath, give us a call, and book your first New Patient Appointment today! We are right here, fighting for you!


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, Turkey’s! We are just so grateful for each and every single one of you! We hope that this holiday is filled with thanksgiving, family, friends, fellowship, nourishing food, and some delicious dessert (of course).

Thanksgiving Traditions

We don’t know what your Thanksgiving traditions are, but we want to share one of our favorites with you! Whether gathering in person or virtual this year – go around the table (or Zoom call) with your friends or family to share three things that you are thankful for this year. Not only does this help us see the good, but it also allows us to be grateful for the gifts we have so graciously been given. This is such a fun tradition to do… especially with your children! Their answers always guarantee some good giggles and remind us, as adults, to keep the child-like joy of our children.

Reach Out

We encourage you to take this day to reach out to the people who either have or has had an impact in your life. This day is more than grandma’s famous stuffing or pecan pie. Instead, we hope that Thanksgiving is a day that we cherish the ones who have helped shape, steady, and strengthen us. We are who we are because of those closest to us and our circle of influence.

It Takes a Village

We’ve all heard the quote, “It takes a village to raise a child.” We couldn’t agree more! Similarly, we believe that it takes a village to approach one’s health. We are so thankful to play a tiny role in your health journey! Trust us, we will never take it for granted. Providing true healthcare to you and your family is what we are thankful for every day… but especially today! More than that, we are thankful that you show up! Sometimes, it’s hard to invest in our health. But we are thankful that you choose to show up and commit to consistent chiropractic care! We wouldn’t be here without you. You are our family. For that, we are forever thankful!