Why Do Chiropractic Adjustments Feel So Good?

You’ve noticed it and boy… have we noticed it, right back. We’ve seen it in you, just like we’ve seen it in all of our patients! There’s something special about a chiropractic adjustments that just feel so good. Day after day, our sweet patients leave this practice with a spring in their step and a renewed sense of vigor and vitality. But how can this be? How can an adjustment lead to the surge of well-being that our clients experience on a daily basis? We’ve got an analogy for you… so let us explain!

The Spine: The Highway of the Nervous System

Think of your spine as the nervous system’s very own highway.
Every day… billions of cars (or nerve impulses) travel up and down this highway. Their job is to transmit data to and from the brain. You see, when your spine is in a state of proper alignment, these “cars” are able to flow freely.

However, when your spine is misaligned due to interference (daily stress, toxins, injuries, etc.)… it can slow the traffic down all the way to a crawl. When this happens, it can have adverse effects on the nervous system. But it doesn’t just stop there! Because the nervous system also controls the endocrine and immune systems, it can have adverse effects there, too. Sure, we see things such as poor mobility and pain. But this is when we also start to see things such as headaches, low energy, and even depression.

A chiropractic adjustment can feel like that wonderful moment where heavy traffic begins to ease on the highway. Finally! You are free to resume your journey, free of the stress and frustration of being stuck in traffic. However, we are oftentimes not even aware of the wear and tear that has been done to our spine and the systems dependent on it… UNTIL it has been rectified.

You Can Heal and We Can Help!

Our professional and personable team of chiropractors are well versed in the role that spinal health can play in maintaining a healthy nervous system. With their help, you too can enjoy the natural feeling of well-being that comes with regular chiropractic adjustment.

Why wait? Schedule an appointment today!


One of the Fastest Growing Companies in America

“With over 70,000 chiropractic practices in the United States alone, making Inc.’s 5,000 fastest growing companies seems like a shot in the dark – not for the award-winning staff at Corrective Chiropractic, who were recently named as the 3,926th fastest company in the country. The Inc. Magazine’s prestigious designation comes at the heels of Corrective Chiropractor opening its newest location in Marietta, GA, adding to the growing list of 8 locations in Georgia, South Carolina, and Colorado.”

Corrective Chiropractic Mission

The mission of Corrective Chiropractic has been to educate, empower, and inspire our communities. We want  to lead a proactive life through the principles of Chiropractic. The Founder of Corrective Chiropractic, Dr. Austin Cohen, shepherded well by prioritizing his Buckhead community at the center of his practice. At each location, community is the reason why our Corrective Chiropractic Doctors wake up in the morning. While our primary job as Chiropractors is to adjust our patients, we know that getting rid or relieving the pain will never be enough.

Fastest Growing Company Making a Difference

As a “teacher” in the profession, Corrective Chiropractic keeps our sight fixed on making a difference. Each Doctor, at each location, lives this out practically by having conversations with one’s patients about the real costs and adverse effects of medications versus the cost of chiropractic care. Our Doctors assist in changing the narrative by shifting one’s perspective from only thinking “right here, right now” to thinking long-term. Lastly, we are going out into the community to purposefully educate and empower people of all ages (especially our patients) to take action on their health. How? By encouraging them to take steps towards owning and managing a life with vitalism.

Thinking Long-Term as One of the Fastest Growing Companies

In conclusion, one of the most impactful ways that we, as Corrective Chiropractic Chiropractors, continue to serve our communities is by not making the mistake of thinking in terms of one generation. As Chiropractors, thinking in terms of one generation is not only shortsighted, but selfish. Sometimes, we can think that what we do for us is solely for us. It is… but it isn’t. It’s also for the third and fourth and fifth generations.

Healthy Communities for Generations

While we often think about right here and right now, Corrective Chiropractic aims to think about generation upon generation. Together, we fight for dreams that are bigger than what we alone can accomplish in our lifetime. For Corrective Chiropractic, the bigger the dream, the longer the timeline. Yes, it all starts right here in Georgia. However, the goal is to continue to raise healthy up communities for generations to come!

chiropractor lifestyle adjustment

What’s The Chiropractic Lifestyle

A Chiropractic lifestyle is sometimes unheard of in our society, right? However, it is truly a healthy lifestyle! Sure, it is an alternative approach to the traditional drugs and surgeries. But really, it is about making conscious decisions towards healthy living and all-around wellness + wholeness!

What is a Chiropractic Lifestyle?

Most of the time, when people think of Chiropractic, they think of neck or back pain. But a Chiropractic lifestyle is so much more than that! Yes, it includes regular adjustments. However, it also includes a healthy diet, exercise, and other positive lifestyle choices.

Why Should I Choose This Lifestyle?

Although a lot of patients will come into our office with specific issues, Chiropractic care is also used as the preservation of health. Because your nervous system controls every cell, organ, and tissue in your body, Chiropractors focus their attention on the health of the spine being properly aligned.

When subluxations occur, these misalignments put pressure and tension on the nerves exiting from the spine, causing either pain or decrease of function somewhere in your body. This means that the brain and body cannot communicate effectively, which leads to symptoms and dysfunction.

How Does This Fit In With My Lifestyle?

In this day and age, we are always on the go! We are always in the left-lane, going somewhere fast and want things to happen NOW! We choose to pick immediate pleasure over delayed gratification. Unfortunately, we tend to do that in most areas of our life, including our health. Chiropractic care, however, is not a “quick fix.” Although sometimes it is sold that way, it is not meant to serve as an emergency room. If you only come to see the Chiropractor when you’re in pain, then it is similar to only eating healthy food when you’re sick. Make sense?

Good Things Take Time

It takes your body time to heal and adapt to the changes that are being made. It takes patience and positivity and persistence. The truth is, Chiropractic care is not designed to make you instantly feel better, but FUNCTION better! We will give you some “homework” such as special exercises and routines to continue working on correcting between sessions.

Think about it! If you wake up, make it to a workout, work a 9-5 job Monday through Friday that has you sedentary for the majority of the day, drive home, cook dinner, take care of your family’s needs before your own, then do that process all over again… a substantial amount of physical and emotional stress is being placed on your body all week.

How To Get The Best Results Out Of Your Daily Routine

When Chiropractic care is a normal part of your routine, your body is able to adapt to those constant stressors in your life! Not to mention, when you are properly aligned, your body is put in the most optimal position to heal from the inside-out. If you don’t have patience, you will conform to what society says is “normal” and go straight to the medicine cabinet to cover up your symptoms.

Your body is always going to go through stresses that will come with different seasons of your life. But it’s all about how you adapt to stress when it comes! When you come to understand that patience is required for healing and restoration of life, you will notice that your body’s innate ability to adapt and heal is pretty incredible! Keep your chiropractic appointments! This is essential in maintaining a healthy spine.

Health Is A  Continued Journey

We write all this to remind you to not give up on your health journey too soon! Sometimes, setbacks happen because of something external that is out of our control. We like to encourage our patients, “That’s why we have you on a care plan.” It is only a matter of time before your body begins healing the way it was designed to, naturally!

We will leave you with this awesome quote by D.D Palmer, “Chiropractic is a restorative healthcare profession that focuses on the inherent healing capacity of the body and the fact that the nervous system is the primary system involved in that healing and repair.”

back pain chiropractor

Are Chiropractors Safe To Visit?

Are you considering going to see a chiropractor or if chiropractors are safe? If your spinal condition is severe enough, your neurologist may recommend this form of treatment. However, before heeding the doctor’s orders, it’s important to understand what a chiropractor can do you.

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment is a procedure where a licensed chiropractor uses their hands to apply force to a specific area of your spine. In some cases, they may use a small instrument instead. The goal of a chiropractic adjustment is to improve a person’s bodily functions as well as enhance their spinal motion.

Who is a good candidate for chiropractic adjustment?

Before you’re able to get this procedure, you must be considered a good candidate for it. However, there are factors that need to be taken into consideration.

You may be a candidate for chiropractic adjustments if:

  • There is stiffness in your neck
  • You suffer from recurring pains and aches
  • Your shoulder musculature feels like they’re in knots
  • You have repeatedly experienced recurring health issues
  • You’re constantly feeling fatigued
  • You experience frequent headaches

What are the benefits of chiropractic adjustment?

While people have reported numerous benefits upon having chiropractic adjustment, there are still some misconceptions. Most people visit a chiropractor because of their poor posture or seek to relieve pain.

Here is a list of a few benefits that come with chiropractic adjustment:

  • Enhances your joint health, mobility and function
  • Can strengthen your immune system
  • Speeds up your recovery
  • Improves your sleep and vitality
  • Can relax an excited mind

Final Thoughts

Chiropractic adjustments are generally safe when performed by a licensed chiropractor and you’re in overall good health. There are other forms of treatments aside from chiropractic care, but if you feel like it’ll help, go for it. Just be sure to consult your doctor first.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with the best chiropractor for you.

healthy nervous system

A Healthy Nervous System with Chiropractic Care

A healthy body cannot be complete without a healthy nervous system. No matter how well you eat, how much you work out, how much water you drink or how active your lifestyle, it’s much harder to remain in good physical health if you neglect your spine. We all know that a course of chiropractic care is the best way to remain free of back and neck pain, stiffness, immobility and the risk of more serious conditions like sciatica or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. However, preventing pain is only one of the many benefits of chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care is essential in maintaining a healthy nervous system. And if the nervous system can’t function correctly, the whole body can’t function correctly.

Getting to know the nervous system

Most of us have very little to no idea of how our nervous systems work. And who could blame us? It’s an extremely complex part of the human body incorporating literally hundreds of billions of tiny nerves all transmitting data to and from the brain via the spine. The nervous system governs things like pain and sensation but it is also in charge of communicating impulses from the brain which control our basic organ functions. Without a properly functioning nervous system your body can begin to miscommunicate a number of vital messages throughout the body which can be severely disruptive to your overall health.

How does chiropractic care help?

So, we know that a healthy immune system is integral in ensuring that all of the organs of the body function as they should. But what does this have to do with chiropractic care? While many see their chiropractor to mitigate or prevent stiffness, immobility and pain, let’s not forget that the spinal column is the highway down which all nerve impulses must travel to and from the brain. When the spine is misaligned or otherwise traumatized, this can be like a roadblock on this all-important highway, slowing or impeding the transmission of vital nerve impulses. Over time this can have a range of negative consequences on the body. Fear not, however, with the aid of your chiropractor you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy nervous system throughout your whole life. What are those benefits?

Glad you asked…

Benefits of a Healthy Nervous System

The nervous system is intrinsically tied to the endocrine and immune systems. When your immune system is functioning well you benefit from better hormone regulation as well as being better able to fight off illnesses and infections.

There are hundreds upon hundreds of functions which our bodies carry out every day without us even realizing. These functions are improved when you have a better functioning nervous system. With regular chiropractic care you may enjoy benefits like;

  • More efficient metabolism
  • Better growth and development in children and young adults
  • Improved sexual function and libido
  • Better sleep

All because the nervous system is doing a better job of governing the endocrine and immune systems.

There are even a range of conditions which have been proven to improved with maintaining a healthy nervous system through chiropractic care such as:

  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease

Corrective Chiropractic can help you to be your best self through improved nervous function. So, what are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment today!

immune system

Boosting Your Immune System with Chiropractic Care

Though Spring often brings milder temperatures, it also brings with it a host of allergies, colds, and other illnesses. These can make us question whether our immune system is working the way it should. Our lifestyles can play a large role in how healthy we feel through the the year. Staying on top of annual physicals and incorporating regular chiropractic visits can be the key to feeling your best.

And, to do this will require you to pay particular attention to your immune system.

What is the role of the immune system?

To stay in great health, your immune system must work quickly to eliminate any foreign particles or viruses that may get into your body. Its main role is to fight off infections and keep them from wreaking havoc on our other body systems. To do this, you want to be sure your immune cells are as strong as they can be. Because when they are not, your risk of getting (and staying) sick increases exponentially.

How can I naturally boost my immune system?

Your diet plays a large role in the health of your immune system. Getting ample rest and staying active through regular exercise are also ways that you can give your immune system a boost. recent Research points to chiropractic adjustments as being an additional way to ensure your immune cells are ready to protect you.

Although many people associate chiropractic treatments as only needed to alleviate back or neck pain, these treatments can actually help improve a host of conditions, including seasonal allergies, ear infections, even bedwetting. That is because chiropractic treatments adjust the spine to ensure that it is not misaligned. When the spine is misaligned, it disrupts the connections traveling between the nervous system to all of the other body systems. When this is corrected using soothing chiropractic sessions, the nervous system is able to restore these critical connections. And, when your nervous system is functioning properly, you are able to increase the number of immune cells and their response rate to ensure you are able to fight off any infection, bacteria, or virus you may encounter.

It is recommended to visit your chiropractor, once every three months. During these sessions, they will be able to assess your spinal alignment and recommend a course of treatment to keep your spine and posture in perfect alignment.

If you have not seen a chiropractor this year, then now is the time to make an appointment. With 7 convenient Atlanta-area locations, Corrective Chiropractic is able to offer its patients the highest level of quality care to keep them healthy all year round. Click here to schedule a free back evaluation session.

benefits for seniors

Chiropractic Benefits for Seniors

The natural aging process can take a toll on your body. For seniors getting up and moving can be a challenge, if not painful. With less physical activity, it is easier for the body to become stiff. This can have a negative effect on a senior’s health. Many studies have pointed to the health benefits for seniors of remaining active into late adulthood. Staying physically fit, as you age can be a surefire way to protect yourself from disease and illness. In fact, regular exercise has been linked to preventing Alzheimer’s and depression among seniors. Staying active is equally good for your brain as it is for your body.

A Study of Benefits for Seniors

A recent study from the University of lowa has established a link between chiropractic care and our health as we age. Researchers studied the medical records of Medicare patients to examine patterns in patient reports of function, activity levels, and self-reported health outcomes, specifically of patients who had visited a chiropractor, compared to those who had not.

For those patients that had visited a chiropractor, they were less likely to have functional or mobile limitations, difficulties participating in physical activity and had, on average, a lower number of doctor’s visits and hospitalizations. So, in short, visiting a chiropractor can be an insulating factor to protect aging seniors from inactivity and physical deterioration.

Researchers found that patients with spine conditions, receiving chiropractic adjustments provided a protective effect against 1-year declines in functional and personal health. Previous studies have shown that regular chiropractic adjustments can not only alleviate spinal pain but can also be a great way to manage your overall health.

Get the Help You Need

If suffering from back pain or want a natural way to boost your health, visiting a chiropractor can help. The award-winning chiropractors at Corrective Chiropractic are at the forefront of the industry. Their friendly and comprehensive approach will get you the information you need and the added health boost you deserve.

Posture deviations can lead to aches and pain in the neck, mid back, and low back regions. Muscle memory from prolonged sitting, daily activities (computer and cell phone use for instance) result in forward head posture, leading to excesses stress and strain on the back muscles and structure. Along with decreasing the amount of time seated and on technology, posture exercises can be incorporated into your health plan to re-establish healthy muscle memory for proper posture. Exercises including plank, the yoga pose Cat Cow, and spinal extensions can in time help reverse posture deviations with time.



The standard plank effectively targets the lower abdomen (abs), glutes and thighs in order to relieve stress and strain of the trapezius, and erector spinae muscle groups.

How to do it:

  1. Lie on the floor with your face down.
  2. Tuck your toes into the floor.
  3. Now lift your body with the help of your elbows, hands, and toes. You should experience strain in the abs and glutes while you’re doing so.
  4. After rising off the ground, make sure you align your hips, back, and shoulder.
  5. Maintain this position for about 15 seconds and then relax.
  6. Repeat this position for 15 times in 3 sets. Keep adding 2 seconds to the time after each rep.


Cat or Cow Exercise


This exercise is one of those yoga postures that can strengthen your back muscles and your abs at the same time. It works in an alternative manner where you target the abs first and then the back muscles by arching downward and upward respectively.

How to do it:

  1. Get on all fours.
  2. Make sure your wrists are below your shoulder.
  3. To exercise your abs, inhale while bringing your stomach toward the floor. Also, gently arch your back down and your shoulders and tailbone upward.
  4. Hold this position for about 15 seconds.
  5. Afterwards, to stretch your back, exhale while arching your back toward the ceiling, and bringing down your shoulders and tailbone to the floor.
  6. Hold this position for about 15 seconds.
  7. Repeat both of these stretches alternatively for 15 times in 3 sets.
  8. Rest in between the reps.


Back Extending Exercise


Back extension exercises can help target posture muscles that are typically in a forward or flexed state due to posture deviations.

How to do it:

  1. Lie face down on the floor.
  2. Bring your hand beneath your face.
  3. Tuck your toes into the floor but not lift your legs.
  4. Extend your arms to lift yourself off the floor until you feel the strain in the lower back.
  5. Hold this position for about 15 seconds.
  6. Repeat the exercise for 15 times in 3 sets.


Performing the exercises mentioned daily may help with the reduction in the back or shoulder pain. Posture muscle stability combined with corrective chiropractic adjustments are the best combination to obtain and maintain healthy posture. If you perform these 3 easy exercises, you will experience a reduction in the back or shoulder pain. However, if the symptoms still persist, you should see a chiropractor.

If we closely look at our finances, healthcare expenses consume a major part of our budget. The cost of health treatments and medicines are surging up, which further makes it difficult for the families having a limited budget to meet their day to day expenses. One way to reduce your healthcare costs is to opt for chiropractic care. Whether or not you have budget issues, chiropractic care is the best option for you as it contains no adverse or side effects.

To put it simply, chiropractic care is known to be one of the safest therapies available across the globe. For the patients who are suffering from neuromusculoskeletal issues such as back pain or joint pain, chiropractic care is a proven and effective treatment for them.

When it comes to chiropractic care, it can be safely said that it is an investment, not a cost. The major reason behind making this statement is that chiropractic care not only heals your body but also improves the overall health conditions. It can help to improve circulation, reduce lactic acid levels, enhance flexibility, and cell nutrient delivery. Furthermore, chiropractic care can also improve the recovery time, immune system, and prevent any future injury from occurring.

Now compare these benefits with any other form of medical treatment. They are usually costly, take a long time to recover, and some of them often result in other minor and major issues. Hence, by opting for chiropractic care, you are actually making an investment for your body since it poses a minor injury risk (0.0002%) and provides numerous benefits to our body.

The theory behind chiropractic care is that our body has the power to heal itself. Therefore, chiropractors remove the blockages or subluxations from the spines of the patient in order to alleviate the back pain or any other issue they are suffering from.

The popularity of chiropractic care can be deduced from the fact that a huge number of people, across the globe, opt for this treatment method for recovery from sports injuries, back pain, muscle strains etc. If we talk about US only, 22 million US residents annually (an approx. value), prefer chiropractic care over other treatments. You can easily find chiropractors in your area. It doesn’t matter whether you are residing in Ontario or Atlanta, a Chiropractor can be found anywhere easily.

The number is growing not only because it is a safe option but also because it brings improvement in our overall health without the need for any surgery or medication. The fact that chiropractic care facility is available at nominal rates further makes it ideal for everyone.

To sum it up, chiropractic care should be treated as an investment rather than a cost because of the numerous benefits it offers to our body. However, if you want to enhance the benefits of this particular treatment, there are certain other healthful practices that you need to adopt. This includes opting for a healthy diet, making exercise a regular part of your routine, and reducing alcohol and cigarette intake. By adopting a healthier lifestyle, you will be able to enjoy maximum benefits of chiropractic care. If you are residing in Atlanta, head to your nearest Atlanta Chiropractor and avail their healing services.


And Why It Might Be The Best Option For You

Each day there is a long queue of patients in the hospitals who suffered from pain-related problems. The reason can either be their age, daily routine, nature of the job or due to an unfortunate accident. The fact is that, everyone goes through some kind of agonizing pain at least once in their life.

Some of us are dread going to the doctor and instead, take any medicine that would work for us at the moment. However, this is not a vigorous approach rather, it might risk our health. The good news is that, there is a second option of chiropractic care that works quietly efficiently to treat issues of our nervous system.

Some of the widely common pains stricken problems are given below:

  • Head and Neck Pain
  • Cognitive Issues
  • Headaches
  • Muscle and Joint Pain
  • Cardiovascular and Respiratory Problems

This article will be covering all the necessary guides or information there is about the methodology, possible benefits and misconceptions of chiropractic care in Atlanta city.

Welcome to the World of Chiropractic Care

How does it work?

Atlanta Chiropractor

The technique of chiropractic involves the readjustment of our body position through different adjustments. This is determined through different diagnostic testing to figure out “Why” somebody feels the way they feel.

Some common diagnostic testing are listed below:

  • Thermal scans
  • Surface EMG scans
  • Digital postural analysis
  • 3D Foot Imaging
  • X-Ray Analysis

Why Should You Choose Chiropractic?

The biggest benefit of Chiropractic Care is that the adjustments used in this kind of methodology can work wonders for patients with different disorders.

What to Remember:

When visiting your chiropractor in Atlanta be sure to communicate everything beforehand about your history so that there is no confusion left. Know how is your first chiropractic visit done and what to do.

Who Should Avoid:

Before going for any kind of treatment, it is important to check your medical history and then decide accordingly. If you are suffering from any of the below problems, you should avoid a chiropractic mode of treatment.

  • Spine Cancer
  • Spine Instability
  • Severe case of Paralysis

A Final Word

To sum it up, chiropractors in Atlanta focus on healing the patient’s body by realigning the spine. This kind of treatment ensures that the patient’s nervous system is completely recovered after acute traumas or chronic stress (excess computer usage, lots of traveling, etc.

Considering all the key facts mentioned above, for those of you who would like to seek full recovery after an agonizing back pain, should opt for chiropractic care. Request your appointment here!