August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, promoting the benefits associated with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding has rewarding benefits for both mom and baby, but at times, it can be equally as challenging. What are the benefits, and why is it worth the many obstacles that moms face while breastfeeding?

Research suggest that breastfed babies have lowered risk of asthma, childhood obesity, ear infections, eczema, and SIDS. Breast Milk includes hormones and antibodies that are utilized to support the baby’s proper immune system functions and nutritional needs. Breastfeeding promotes bonding and reduces health risks for mothers. Breastfeeding benefits for mothers include a decreased risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, osteoporosis, and promotes emotional health and postpartum weight loss. Breastfeeding is also more economical and environmental friendly.  

With anything in life, one typically ask if the journey is worth the trouble or work that it demands. Although breastfeeding has the obvious benefits, many mothers and babies struggle along this journey. The incidence of latching and breastfeeding issues continue to rise with time. Common issues range from latching difficulties, little or decreased milk production, and discomfort of the mother.

For those who struggle with breastfeeding, there are other options to consider before you withdraw. Latching issues could be related to misalignments in the baby’s upper neck, resulting in discomfort while feeding. Chiropractic adjustments safely correct spinal misalignments,making latching a more comfortable and enjoyable experience for the baby. Milk production issues and discomfort, can be addressed with other health care experts from lactation consultants, La Leche League, Midwives, and primary care providers.  

For more information about how chiropractic care can help with breastfeeding difficulties for your baby and you, contact Corrective Chiropractic at 404-355-5499.

What is an Acetaminophen?

Acetaminophen is an active ingredient in over the counter and prescription drugs. It is commonly used to treat pain and reduce fevers. Many pregnant women use common over the counter actemaniophens such as Tylenol and Excedrin to treat back pain, headaches, toothaches, the common cold, fevers, and muscle aches.


Are they safe to use?

Unlike other over the counter and prescription drugs, actemaniophens are technically considered safe to use during pregnancy because the side effects are minimal for the growing and developing fetus and mother compared to other drugs. However, although it is deemed fairly okay to take, most medical doctors recommend minimizing the use of actemaniophens throughout pregnancy.  


What are the risks?

All drugs, prescription and over the counter, have associated side effects that vary with individual cases. To see a list of common side effects of actemaniophens, visit For pregancy and actemaniphen warnings, visit Both links provide information on known side effects and interactions. However, new data is now showing a link between acetaminophen use during pregnancy and an increased risk of hyperactivity in children. According to a new study, prenatal exposure to acetaminophen is associated with an increased risk of having children with hyperactivity, emotional and behavioral symptoms. To read the entire study, Association of Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy With Behavioral Problems in Childhood, go to


What are other options?

There are natural and safe options for symptoms that acetaminophen are commonly used for. Musculoskeletal symptoms such as back pain, headaches, and other muscle related aches, can be addressed with prenatal chiropractic care. Chiropractic care has been proven to safely and effectively treat such symptoms. The only “side effects” associated with prenatal chiropractic care is decreased pain, increased energy, more room for baby to grow and develop, and shorter labor and delivery times. Call our office at 404-355-5499 to schedule an exam with our prenatal chiropractor, Dr. Samaira. If outside the metro Atlanta area, please visit to find a prenatal and family chiropractor in your area.


Despite the hot temperatures, it is hard to believe that summer is near an end and the kids are returning back to the classrooms. Despite your child’s age, the number one school supply is the ultimate backpack. There are many different options of backpacks that vary with different themes, styles, accessories, and so forth; however, the most important quality of a backpack is the safety. Nearly 5,000 annual emergency room visits are related to backpack injuries. On the other hand, most backpack related injuries are not emergencies; however, consistent overweight loads can lead to pain, and compensation to the neck, shoulders, upper back, low back and hip regions. Such heavy and consistent loads lead to not only musculoskeletal symptoms, but will also have a direct influence on the posture and structural development of children.


Back Pack Size

Not all backpacks are created equal. There are many sizes, materials used, and other factors to consider. To ensure proper size, search for a backpack designed for your child’s age, height, and weight. Backpacks made for children typically are made of lighter material and are smaller in size. The length of the backpack should be the length of the child’s torso, with the bottom being two inches below the waist. The overall backpack size will ensure proper fitting of the backpack on the child’s spine.


Overall Back Pack Weight

When in hunt for the perfect backpack, look for one that offers multiple compartments. A backpack with many compartments allows for equal distribution of items, in order to balance the load. Heavier items should be packed lower, towards the back, and closer to the body. The weight of the backpack should never exceed 15% of the child’s weight.


Fitting of Backpack

Having the perfect size backpack that has equal and proper weight would be of little value if the fitting of the backpack was improper. The backpack should be worn on both shoulders to ensure proper weight distribution. Preferably, a waist strap should be utilized to promote additional weight disruption. With minimal space between the spine and the backpack, proper fitting would be worn as close to the body.


For further information on backpack safety, check out the National Safety Council’s guide on backpack safety here Any additional questions regarding backpack safety, or for a complimentary backpack safety check for your child, please contact Dr. Samaira at 404-355-5499.

There are numerous benefits associated with prenatal chiropractic care, including a safer, easier, and more comfortable pregnancy and birth, along with added benefits for the unborn baby. Physically, a mother’s body experiences many changes over the course of 9 months. As her weight and stomach size increases, the center of gravity shifts, producing more compensation on muscles, ligaments, and joints. This commonly results in low back pain, sciatica, headaches, and even non-musculoskeletal issues such as acid reflux and digestive issues. Ligament tension and pelvic misalignments not only lead to discomfort during the pregnancy, but they can potentially impact the birthing process, as well. Published research and collaborative studies to show the efficacy and safety of chiropractic care in pregnancy can be found at:

Nervous System

The nervous system is the master controller of the body and administers the development of the baby in the womb. Chiropractic care corrects misaligned vertebrae that interfere with the functions of the nervous system. Chiropractic adjustments allow the nervous system to work at its best, promoting proper growth and development of the baby.

“Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy removes interference to the mother’s nervous system, enhancing baby development and uterine function. It balances her pelvis, eliminating undue tension to muscles and ligaments, thereby allowing for optimal fetal positioning”

Dr. Jeanne Ohm

Managing Symptoms

Chiropractic care is a safe (for mom and baby) and natural way to manage common symptoms associated with pregnancy. Common symptoms that many expectant mothers experience include muscle soreness, low back pain, headaches, sciatica, morning sickness, acid reflux, indigestion, constipation, and others. Chiropractic care does not cure any of the common symptoms; however, taking pressure of the nervous system allows the body to adapt to the overwhelming physical and hormonal changes, resulting in decreased intensity and duration of symptoms.

Delivery and Postpartum

Chiropractors trained in prenatal care are equipped with the Webster Technique, which is a type of adjustment that re-aligns the sacrum and pelvic bones and reduces tension of the Round Ligament. Proper positioning of soft tissue and bone structures allows for adequate room for the baby to grow, develop, and position in preparation for birth. Although the Webster Technique does not turn breech babies, many breech births are avoided after correcting misalignments and reducing tension of the Round Ligament, both of which create more room for a baby to turn naturally on her or his own. When the baby is in proper position, and the mother’s pelvic bones and ligaments are at ease, the delivery is much safer and efficient for mom and baby. A further advantage of prenatal chiropractic care is that fewer complications tend to arise during delivery (cesarean section, vacuum extraction, forceps), allowing for a more smooth transition and recovery for all parties involved.


What Is Sciatica?

Sciatica is pressure and or irritation on the sciatic nerve that results in pain along the distribution of the nerve (buttock, down the back of the thigh and leg). The quality of pain can vary from sharp, dull, achy, to burning.

What Causes Sciatica?

Pressure on the sciatic nerve from a herniated disk, misaligned vertebra, or spinal degeneration. Based on individual anatomy, the piriformis muscle can irritate the sciatic nerve resulting in similar symptoms as sciatica, and is termed “Piriformis Syndrome”. In pregnant women, different factors can attribute to sciatica symptoms. Weight gain, uterus expansion, increased lordotic curve (due to the growing belly), and the position of the baby can all put additional pressure on the sciatic nerve during pregnancy.

How Can Chiropractic Help?

Chiropractic adjustments provide a non-surgical, non-invasive, and safe treatment for sciatica for both mom and baby. Spinal adjustments help correct misaligned vertebrae and reduce nerve irritation that can promote sciatica symptoms and muscle tension. Chiropractic care during pregnancy is safe and effective, and it provides benefits to both mom and the developing baby. To find a chiropractor trained and specialized in prenatal and pregnancy care, call our office at 404-355-5499.

When we feel those sinus-like symptoms start to kick in, our society tends to turn
very quickly to antibiotics. These antibiotics eliminate the harmful bacteria
that are intruding on our systematic physiological flow (“anti”- against, “biotic”- living organisms).
Unfortunately, they also destroy the thriving bacteria that keep our guts strong.
We have so much concern with bacteria in and on our bodies that we go to extreme
lengths to eradicate them- all of them (which means destroying the destructive
and beneficial little buggers alike).

Here is a run-down of what happens when antibiotics are introduced to the body:


Now, please do not misunderstand me- I believe antibiotics can have their place in our lives (i.e. in emergency situations). However, when we take them, we have to be so intentional about also giving our bodies plenty of probiotics to help support our gut’s natural ability to rid itself of harmful illnesses. In Joyce Killian’s article “The Overlooked Role of Probiotics in Human Health” in Life Extension Magazine, April 2012, she explains the impact that probiotics have on a person’s overall health. Our bodies depend on these organisms for healthy immune functioning (as the gut is host to more than 70% of the immune system), decreased inflammation, and gut flora balance. Probiotics also group together to line the intestinal walls, hence acting as a shield against the determined and harmful bacteria that want to escape into the body. Protecting the gut is foundational to a healthy and thriving body.



Food sources of probiotics

Kombucha (fermented tea)
Fermented vegetables
Organic Keifer (from grass-fed animals)
Organic Whole Fat Plain Yogurt (from grass-fed animals)


For personalized health plans and nutritional advising, contact us! We would love to chat with you about ways to help improve your health, so you can live a thriving life!


Don’t you just love summertime foods? This season is booming with delicious produce! From watermelon, to tomatoes, to squash, to berries, to peaches, to greens, to herbs, and the list continues.

Ever wonder why we crave these foods in the summertime and other foods in the fall or wintertime? It is because our bodies were intentionally designed to eat seasonally – this is why eating seasonal is important to our body. We want watermelon in the hot summer months because it is made almost entirely of water, so the fruit provides refreshing relief on a humid and sunny day. In the colder months though, we desire warmth and comfort, which means root veggies and soups. These foods are heavier and starchier, so we feel satiated and internally warm. Nature knows best, that’s for sure.

Check out a local farmer’s market for this season’s food selection – all the healthy kids are doing it 🙂

There are ITP (Inside The Perimeter) and OTP (Outside The Perimeter) markets almost every day of the week!

I do chef demos at the Grant Park Farmer’s Market (Grant Park, Atlanta) one Sunday each month during the season, so put Sunday, July 17th on your calendar to come hang out with us and sample delicious and fresh foods! You surely do not want to miss free samples of delicious food, right?! Also, here is a free local summer salad recipe you can try out first.


Want to get more of our healthy food recipes?

Be sure to follow my food blog @More_Than_Food on Instagram/ Facebook to stay updated on demo dates and daily recipes/health tips!

Be sure to try out also the summer supplements Dr. Austin recommend and use. Or follow the 3 steps to maximize your health and summer!

Do you get those unwanted spring allergies every year? What if those symptoms can be lessened (and sometimes even eliminated)? The keys are preparation, detox, and support. We need to cleanse the body of toxins and build up the fighting organs with enough fuel to combat allergens that are coming just around the corner. Follow these steps, and build a titanium internal defense against allergies. We provide tips on how to prepare for unwanted allergies this spring season.

  1. Beat spring allergies by eating beets. Lots of them! These root veggies are powerful in thinning out the bile that carries toxins out of the body, making everything move out a bit faster.
  1. Include more raw leafy greens into your food choices. Not only do they provide a surplus of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber to the body, but greens also are important for the cleansing process of your organs, blood, and tissues.
  1. Add a high quality fish oil. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils decrease inflammation in the body that is caused by toxins. Healthy oils also build up the brain, cardiovascular system, and digestive track.
  1. Increase foods that are high in Vitamin C. This important vitamin is essential for adrenal health and stress response, as well as your immune health {organic bell peppers, leafy greens, kiwi, broccoli, berries, oranges, papayas, and tomatoes}. Vitamin C will help your body fight seasonal allergies by strengthening your immune system.
  1. Use Apple Cider Vinegar. This versatile ingredient does wonders for the body. First thing in the morning, mix 2 tsp of ACV in a glass of water with juice from a lemon, and your digestive track and detox systems will start working asap.
  1. Check for nutritional deficiencies in your body. Use whole food-based concentrates to correct any levels that are off balance, and regain your health before the seasons change. Ask Jessica, our Nutrition Advisor, about nutrition services offered here at Corrective Chiropractic and to schedule your appointment.

Alternatively, this is also a time in the season where chiropractic visit becomes so important. Regular chiropractic adjustment has proven effects that lessens allergies on patients. You can also check out nutritious recipes and healthy living tips on the @More_Than_Food in Instagram and YouTube channel!

Best Food For Kids School Lunch
With a busy holiday season in full speed, preparing school lunches can be pushed to the bottom of the to-do list (especially when it comes to making wholesome, nutritious meals). Kids need constant fuel to maintain momentum throughout the day- every cell, organ, tissue, and muscle are hard at work every moment of the day to keep your child alive and well. Therefore, it is at the utmost importance to feed her or him nourishing and energy-filled foods to supply the body’s systems with fuel.

Let’s be honest- reaching for the packaged box of crackers can be much more convenient than making a raw side salad. I totally get that. Do you want to hear some great news, though? Making supercharged dishes and sides for your child’s lunch really can be as easy as opening a box of crackers- it just takes one thing: commitment.

The key to healthy lunches is to include a little bit of everything (nutrients and flavors, of course!) Make sure to provide sources of protein, healthy fat, complex carbs; different textures (i.e. crunchy and smooth); and a combination of flavors (e.g. (Check out our previous article “Healthy Breakfast Options for Kids” for examples of good proteins, fats, as well as fruit and veggie options.)

Here are some homemade food options that are easy to prepare, colorful, and packed with nutrition to fuel your child’s energetic fire all day long (in a healthy way!).

[title size=”2″]Apple Sandwich Delights[/title]

Local apples
Raw Nut/Seed Butter*
Organic Raisins/Figs
Local Honey (Optional)


  1. Core the apples, and slice horizontally into roughly ¼ inch sections (use the ends, too!)
  2. Spread the nut/seed butter on one slice; sprinkle with raisins/figs cinnamon, and honey (if using).
  3. Top the sandwich with another apple slice, and voilà!

*Making your own nut butter is the best option to avoid unhealthy ingredients like sugar or hydrogenated oils. To make, soak raw nuts/seeds in water for 1-2 hours or so, then drain and pat dry. Next, use a food processor to blend the nuts/seeds. Feel free to add a dash of sea salt, a bit of organic, grass-fed butter (melted), coconut oil (melted), or Extra Virgin Olive Oil (might affect taste a bit, so experiment first). Flavor with cinnamon, honey, fair trade dark cocoa powder, etc. The taste opportunities are endless!

[title size=”2″]Fruit & Veggie Chips (Homemade!)[/title]

Various fruits that are naturally crisper (apples, pears)
Various veggies (zucchini, squash, beets, sweet potatoes)
Coconut Oil (melted)
Spices (cinnamon, salt/pepper, garlic, dill)


  1. Slice veggies/ fruit into extremely thin slices (about 1/16 in thick).
  2. Coat veggies in coconut oil, and spread out on baking sheet (use parchment paper to keep food from sticking to baking sheet).
  3. Sprinkle spices of choice onto fruits/veggies.
  4. Bake at 200 for 1- 1 ½ hours, or until a bit crispy.

[title size=”2″]Toasted (Not)! Peanut Butter & Jelly Bars[/title]
Makes about 15 bars

16 oz. of raw sunflower seeds
16 oz. of Organic Thomson Seedless Raisins
1 tablespoon of grass-fed butter or ghee*
Dash of sea salt


  1. Melt butter/ghee in a sauce pan. Add sunflower seeds, and toast over medium heat; stir constantly to prevent burning (5-10 min).
  2. Process seeds in food processor (30 seconds). Add raisins and salt; process until the mixture comes together in a sticky ball (1-2 min).
  3. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper, and spread mixture onto a third of the pan.
  4. Place second parchment paper on top. Smooth out mixture with rolling pin.
  5. Place in the fridge, and store in an airtight container. Cut into bars when chilled.


* Check website for dairy-free version

Recipe courtesy of Honestly Delicious blog

[title size=”2″]Farm Fresh Wrap[/title]


Coconut Wrap (these are seriously amazing and are an excellent healthy alternative to other wrap
options like flour or corn)

Optional Toppings:

Sliced veggies (ex: peppers, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, onions, carrots, radishes)
Sliced fruits (tomatoes, apples, grapes, pomegranate seeds, peaches, pears)
Leafy greens
Organic, pasture-raised loose meats/chicken


  1. Spread avocado on wrap.
  2. Top with veggies, fruits, sprouts, leafy greens, meats, or any other farm fresh food!
Healthy Breakfast Options for Kids

Healthy Breakfast Options for Kids

With the school year starting and schedules quickly filling with homework and after-school activities, fast and healthy nutrition can easily be overlooked. However, proper food choices are key for these busy times, especially for our kids. After all, the food we put in their bodies is the fuel that powers them through the day. Do we want our kids running on sugar and processed (i.e. whole nutrient deficient) foods? Hopefully not because this kind of diet leads to energy crashes and various developmental challenges (Dr. Mercola, “Breakfast is Not So G-r-r-reat When Your Only Option is Frosted Flakes”)*. So for this weeks article we’ll discuss healthy breakfast options for kids.

One of the struggles with preparing a nourishing meal is breakfast time. What is filling and nutritious but also intriguing to the youngin’s taste buds? Here are some quick tips when focusing on such an important meal of the day:

  1. Include healthy omega-3 fats (e.g. Avocado; coconut oil/milk; seeds; organic, grass-fed meat). These fats support the brain and cellular functioning, and they keep us fuller longer.
  2. Include protein sources (e.g. organic, pasture-raised eggs; organic, grass-fed meat; chia/hemp seeds). Protein helps rebuild the body’s tissues and support the immune system and hormones.
  3. Veggies! (Any kind). Vegetables are vital for their high vitamin, mineral, and fiber contents. The goal is to have veggies at every meal!
  4. Fruits (e.g. Berries, cherries, green apples, grapefruit). Look for fruits that are low-glycemic. In other words, they do not affect insulin levels as greatly as other high sugar/carb fruits.
  5. Avoid processed grains. They have various negative effects on the body and brain, especially for growing kids!*

Quick Breakfast Recipes

  • Poached eggs with avocado; veggies; a side of berries
  • Chia seeds soaked overnight in coconut oil; top with berries, sliced raw almonds, and cinnamon
  • Green smoothie (kid-friendly!). 1 handful greens, 1 ½ c. fruit, 1 c. coconut milk, ½ avocado,
    2 tbs. chia/hemp/sunflower seeds. Blend together.
  • Leftovers from dinner

Articles for more details on Child Nutrition

by Dr. Joseph Mercola (a leading expert in the nutrition field) this is an article with bountiful information and resources on food for kids!