
Decompression Therapy: An Innovative Approach to Relieving Spinal Discomfort

In our fast-paced modern lives, many of us find ourselves struggling with various types of physical discomfort, especially related to our spinal health. Whether it’s due to poor posture, sedentary lifestyles, or injuries, spinal discomfort can significantly impact our daily lives. However, with advancements in medical technology, a revolutionary treatment known as decompression therapy has emerged as a promising solution for many individuals seeking relief from back and neck pain. In this article, we will delve into what decompression therapy is, how it works, and its potential benefits.

Understanding Decompression Therapy:

Decompression therapy is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment modality that aims to alleviate pressure and discomfort on the spine. This therapy is primarily used to treat conditions such as herniated discs, bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, and facet joint syndrome. It offers a safe alternative to surgery and provides a gentle and controlled approach to spinal decompression.

The Process of Decompression Therapy:

During a decompression therapy session, a patient is carefully positioned on a specialized table. The table is equipped with a computer-controlled traction system that applies gentle pulling forces to the spine. By doing so, decompression therapy creates a negative pressure within the affected spinal discs, encouraging the retraction or repositioning of herniated or bulging discs. This action helps to reduce pressure on nerves, enhance blood flow, and promote the delivery of essential nutrients to the injured areas.

The controlled traction force applied during decompression therapy can be customized to meet the specific needs of each patient. The therapy session typically lasts between 15 and 45 minutes, depending on the severity of the condition and the recommendations of the healthcare professional.

Benefits of Decompression Therapy:

  1. Pain Relief: One of the primary objectives of decompression therapy is to relieve pain associated with spinal conditions. By reducing pressure on nerves and improving blood flow, this therapy can significantly alleviate discomfort in the neck, back, and legs.
  2. Non-Invasive Approach: Unlike surgical interventions, decompression therapy is a non-invasive treatment option. It avoids the risks and complications associated with surgery, making it an appealing alternative for individuals seeking conservative treatment options.
  3. Improved Mobility and Function: By addressing the underlying causes of spinal discomfort, decompression therapy can enhance joint mobility and functional abilities. This improvement allows individuals to engage in daily activities with less pain and increased range of motion.
  4. Avoidance of Medication Dependency: Decompression therapy focuses on targeting the root cause of spinal pain rather than relying on medication to mask the symptoms. By reducing the need for pain medication, individuals can avoid potential side effects and long-term dependency.
  5. Cost-Effective Solution: In comparison to surgical procedures, decompression therapy is often more cost-effective. It reduces expenses related to hospital stays, post-operative care, and the recovery period.

Decompression therapy offers a non-invasive and promising approach to relieving spinal discomfort. By gently decompressing the spine, this innovative treatment helps to alleviate pain, enhance mobility, and improve overall quality of life. Although decompression therapy may not be suitable for everyone, consulting with a healthcare professional can provide valuable insights into whether it may be an appropriate treatment option for your specific spinal condition. Remember, taking care of your spine is crucial, and exploring non-invasive alternatives like decompression therapy can be a significant step toward a pain-free and active lifestyle.

Benefits of Yoga and Stretching

Key Benefits of Yoga and Stretching

Yoga and stretching are two practices that have been around for thousands of years, and for good reason. Both of these activities have a wide range of benefits that can help improve physical health, mental wellbeing, and overall quality of life.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the key benefits of yoga and stretching, and how they can help you lead a healthier and happier life.

5 Benefits of Yoga and Stretching

  1. Improved flexibility

One of the most obvious benefits of both yoga and stretching is improved flexibility. By regularly practicing yoga or stretching, you can help your muscles and joints become more supple, allowing you to move more freely and with less discomfort.

Improved flexibility can also help prevent injuries, as your muscles and joints are better able to handle sudden movements or changes in direction.

  1. Increased strength

While many people associate yoga and stretching with flexibility, these practices can also help increase strength. In particular, yoga poses such as downward dog, plank, and chaturanga can help build strength in the core, arms, and legs.

Similarly, stretching exercises such as lunges, squats, and hamstring stretches can help build leg and glute strength, which can be particularly beneficial for runners and other athletes.

  1. Better posture

Poor posture can cause a wide range of health problems, including back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Fortunately, both yoga and stretching can help improve posture by strengthening the muscles that support your spine and encouraging proper alignment.

Yoga poses such as mountain pose, tree pose, and warrior pose can help improve posture, as can stretching exercises that focus on the muscles of the back, neck, and shoulders.

  1. Reduced stress and anxiety

In addition to physical benefits, yoga and stretching can also have a positive impact on mental health. In particular, these practices are known to help reduce stress and anxiety, which are common issues in today’s fast-paced world.

Yoga and stretching can help lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, while also promoting the production of feel-good hormones such as dopamine and serotonin.

  1. Improved sleep

Finally, both yoga and stretching can help improve sleep quality, which is crucial for overall health and wellbeing. In particular, yoga and stretching can help promote relaxation and reduce stress, both of which can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Additionally, some yoga poses and stretching exercises can help relieve tension in the muscles and joints, which can be particularly helpful for people who suffer from sleep-related pain or discomfort.

Yoga and Stretching Offer a Wide Range of Benefits

In conclusion, yoga and stretching are two practices that offer a wide range of benefits for both physical and mental health. By incorporating these activities into your daily routine, you can improve flexibility, strength, posture, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve sleep quality. So why not give it a try and see the positive changes in your life?

Good Posture

How Important is Good Posture?

Posture refers to the way we hold our bodies when sitting, standing, or lying down. Good posture refers to the position in which our body is aligned correctly with minimal strain on our muscles and ligaments. Most people are not aware of the importance of good posture, which is why they tend to slouch and develop various postural problems. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of good posture and how it can benefit our overall health.

What Can Good Posture Do for Me?

  1. Reduces back pain: Poor posture can cause tension in the muscles and ligaments of the back, leading to chronic pain. Maintaining good posture while standing or sitting can help to reduce the strain on your back muscles, thus reducing the risk of back pain.
  2. Improves breathing: Good posture also helps to improve breathing. When you slouch, your lungs have less space to expand, which can lead to shallow breathing. On the other hand, maintaining an upright posture allows for better lung expansion, resulting in improved oxygen intake.
  3. Boosts confidence: Good posture can also have a positive impact on your self-confidence. Standing or sitting tall and straight can make you look and feel more confident, which can improve your overall self-esteem.
  4. Improves digestion: Maintaining good posture can also improve digestion. When you slouch, your organs become compressed, leading to digestive problems. On the other hand, sitting or standing up straight allows your organs to function optimally, leading to better digestion.
  5. Enhances circulation: Good posture also helps to improve blood circulation. When you slouch, your blood vessels become constricted, which can lead to poor circulation. On the other hand, maintaining an upright posture allows for better blood flow throughout your body.
  6. Prevents injuries: Good posture can also prevent injuries. When you maintain proper posture, your muscles and ligaments are less likely to become strained or injured. This is especially important for athletes and individuals who engage in physical activities.

Good Posture is Essential for Maintaining Optimal Health

In conclusion, good posture is essential for maintaining optimal health. It can improve back pain, breathing, digestion, circulation, and prevent injuries. So, whether you’re sitting at a desk or standing in line, remember to maintain good posture to reap its numerous benefits.

Cold Plunge

What is Cold Plunging?

If you’re looking for a way to improve your physical and mental health, you might want to consider cold plunging. Cold plunging, also known as cold water immersion, involves submerging your body in cold water for a short period of time. While it may seem daunting at first, this practice has been found to have numerous benefits. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the key benefits of cold plunging.

Key Benefits of Cold Plunging

  1. Boosts Circulation One of the primary benefits of cold plunging is that it can help to boost your circulation. When your body is submerged in cold water, your blood vessels constrict, which causes blood to flow to your organs and tissues more efficiently. This improved circulation can help to increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to your cells, which can lead to improved overall health.
  2. Reduces Inflammation Another benefit of cold plunging is that it can help to reduce inflammation in your body. Inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection, but chronic inflammation can contribute to a variety of health problems, including arthritis, heart disease, and cancer. Cold water immersion has been found to reduce inflammation by reducing the production of inflammatory cytokines in the body.
  3. Improves Mood Cold plunging has also been found to have a positive impact on mood. When you’re submerged in cold water, your body releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers and mood boosters. This can lead to feelings of euphoria and improved overall well-being.
  4. Boosts Immune System Cold plunging has also been found to boost the immune system. When your body is exposed to cold water, it triggers an increase in the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting off infections and diseases. Regular cold plunging may help to improve your body’s ability to fight off illness and disease.
  5. Promotes Recovery Finally, cold plunging can be an effective way to promote recovery after exercise. When you engage in strenuous exercise, your muscles can become sore and inflamed. Cold water immersion can help to reduce inflammation and promote muscle recovery, which can help you to bounce back more quickly after a tough workout.

Cold Plunging Has Many Health Benefits

In conclusion, cold plunging offers a variety of health benefits, from improved circulation and reduced inflammation to improved mood and a boosted immune system. If you’re interested in trying cold plunging, start slowly and be sure to consult with your doctor if you have any health concerns. With regular practice, you may find that cold plunging becomes an integral part of your overall health and wellness routine.


5 Benefits of Stretching

Stretching is an often overlooked aspect of physical fitness, but it is essential for maintaining flexibility, improving range of motion, and preventing injury. Regular stretching can have many benefits for your overall health and well-being, and it is something that everyone can do regardless of age or fitness level. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the benefits of stretching and how you can incorporate it into your daily routine.

  1. Improves flexibility – A Primary Benefit of Stretching

One of the primary benefits of stretching is that it can improve your flexibility. As you stretch, you are lengthening your muscles and increasing your range of motion. This can be especially helpful for athletes or anyone who engages in physical activity, as it can help prevent injuries and improve performance. Improved flexibility can also help with everyday activities such as reaching for objects or bending down to tie your shoes.

  1. Reduces muscle tension and soreness

Stretching can also help to reduce muscle tension and soreness. When you stretch, you increase blood flow to your muscles, which can help to relieve tension and soreness. This is especially important after a workout or any activity that requires physical exertion. Stretching can help to reduce the risk of muscle strains or injuries and can also help you recover more quickly after exercise.

  1. Improves posture

Poor posture can cause a wide range of health problems, including back pain, headaches, and even digestive issues. Stretching can help to improve your posture by lengthening tight muscles and strengthening weaker muscles. By improving your posture, you can reduce your risk of developing these health problems and also look and feel better.

  1. Reduces stress and promotes relaxation

Stretching can also be a great way to reduce stress and promote relaxation. When you stretch, you activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the body’s rest and relaxation response. This can help to reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and even improve sleep quality.

  1. Enhances athletic performance

Finally, stretching can enhance athletic performance by improving flexibility, reducing muscle tension, and improving posture. This can lead to better athletic performance and a reduced risk of injury. Many athletes incorporate stretching into their warm-up and cool-down routines to help prepare their bodies for physical activity and aid in recovery.

Consider Adding Stretching Into Your Daily Routine

Incorporating stretching into your daily routine can have many benefits for your overall health and well-being. Whether you are an athlete or simply looking to improve your flexibility and reduce muscle tension, stretching is a simple and effective way to do so. Consider incorporating stretching into your daily routine, whether it’s through yoga, Pilates, or a simple stretching routine, to reap the many benefits of this simple yet powerful practice.


Supplements 101

Supplements are a type of dietary supplement that is intended to supplement a person’s diet with additional nutrients, minerals, or other substances that may be lacking or inadequate. They are widely used by people all over the world to support their overall health and well-being.

While many supplements are safe and effective, it is important to understand that they are not a replacement for a healthy diet and lifestyle. Rather, they should be used as a complementary measure to ensure that you are meeting your nutritional needs.

Types of Supplements

There are many different types of supplements available on the market today, each designed to provide a specific benefit. Some of the most common types of supplements include:

  1. Multivitamins: These are supplements that contain a variety of vitamins and minerals in one pill. They are designed to help you meet your daily recommended intake of nutrients.
  2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These are essential fats that your body needs but cannot produce on its own. They are commonly found in fish oil supplements and are known to support heart health, brain function, and joint health.
  3. Probiotics: These are supplements that contain live bacteria that are beneficial to your gut health. They are commonly used to improve digestion, boost the immune system, and support overall health.
  4. Vitamin D: This nutrient is essential for bone health, immune function, and overall health. It is commonly found in supplements and is especially important for people who do not get enough sun exposure.
  5. Herbal Supplements: These are supplements that contain extracts from plants and are used to support various health conditions, such as anxiety, inflammation, and sleep problems.

Benefits of Supplements

Supplements can offer many benefits when used appropriately. They can help fill nutritional gaps in your diet, support specific health conditions, and boost your overall health and well-being. Here are some of the key benefits of supplements:

  1. Improved Nutrient Intake: If you are not getting enough of certain nutrients from your diet, supplements can help you meet your recommended daily intake.
  2. Disease Prevention: Some supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, have been shown to support heart health, lower inflammation, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  3. Improved Athletic Performance: Certain supplements, such as creatine and beta-alanine, have been shown to improve athletic performance by increasing strength, endurance, and muscle mass.
  4. Reduced Inflammation: Many supplements contain antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can help prevent chronic diseases and support overall health.

Supplements can offer many benefits when used appropriately, but they should never be used as a replacement for a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you are considering taking supplements, it is important to do your research and speak with your healthcare provider to ensure that they are safe and appropriate for you. With the right approach, supplements can be a valuable tool in supporting your overall health and well-being.


5 Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Runners


What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal system disorders, especially of the spine. For runners, chiropractic care can be an effective way to prevent injuries, speed up recovery, and improve overall performance.

Runners often put a lot of stress on their bodies, especially on their joints and muscles. The repetitive motions involved in running can cause muscle imbalances, joint misalignments, and other musculoskeletal issues. These problems can lead to pain, discomfort, reduced range of motion, and ultimately, injury.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Runners

Chiropractic care can help runners overcome these issues by providing targeted adjustments, manipulations, and other therapies. Here are some of the ways that chiropractic care can benefit runners:

  1. Improved joint function: Chiropractic adjustments can help realign joints that may have shifted out of place due to repetitive motions. This can help reduce pain, improve range of motion, and prevent further damage.
  2. Enhanced muscle flexibility: Chiropractic care can help improve muscle flexibility by loosening tight muscles and reducing muscle tension. This can help reduce the risk of injury and improve overall performance.
  3. Faster recovery: Chiropractic care can help speed up recovery time by improving circulation, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing.
  4. Better posture: Chiropractic care can help correct postural imbalances that can contribute to pain and discomfort while running.
  5. Customized treatment plans: Chiropractors can develop individualized treatment plans for runners based on their unique needs and goals. This can help ensure that runners receive the care they need to stay healthy and perform at their best.

Find the Right Chiropractor for You

If you are a runner and are considering chiropractic care, it is important to find a qualified chiropractor who has experience working with runners. Your chiropractor should also work closely with your primary care physician and any other healthcare providers you see.

In addition to chiropractic care, runners can also benefit from other forms of alternative medicine, such as massage therapy, acupuncture, and yoga. By combining these therapies with regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest, runners can achieve optimal health and performance.


Healthy Children Grow Up to be Healthy Adults

We love the saying, “Healthy children grow up to be healthy adults.” It is so true! If you are a parent, you understand the importance of teaching your children healthy habits. From encouraging them to eat nutrient-dense foods, to moving their bodies, to staying hydrated, to not staring at a screen for hours at a time – they are learning what helps them thrive. However, they might not fully understand the importance of health as it relates to having a healthy spine and nervous system. Here at Corrective Chiropractic, we want to change the narrative when it comes to approaching health. We believe that regular chiropractic care is essential for your child’s overall function as they grow up to become healthy adults.

Are Chiropractic Adjustments Safe?

Parents, if you have never been to a Chiropractor yourself before… let us assure you that chiropractic adjustments are very safe. Adjustments for our little ones look very different from those for adults. Our Doctors here at Corrective Chiropractic use an extremely gentle technique, specific to babies and children. With today’s generation of advanced (and even online) learning, children are using technology and devices almost as much or more than adults. This creates a posture that we like to call “text neck.” Over time… this abnormal posture can not only lead to stiff muscles and neck pain, but it can also cause neurological dysfunction and early spinal degeneration. With that being said, we recommend adding in chiropractic care alongside all of your other healthy habits.

The Gift of Going Second

As big influences in our children’s lives, they will often mirror the habits that we create in our own lives. So let us not neglect the power of our position and influence! Once we start prioritizing our health as adults, we then give our children the “gift of going second.” The gift of going second is a result of leaders giving others a clear path to follow, first. Whether it’s in health, relationships, work, or just life… we encourage you to watch for opportunities where going first actually blesses, encourages, and serves others behind you.

Want to go first? Call us for a New Patient Appointment today!


Are You Deficient in Omega-3s?

To get us going, let’s start with a little refresher on omega 3-s. Omega-3s are a type of essential fatty acid your body needs for a great number of natural system functions. Studies have shown that most Americans do not consume enough omega-3 fats and/or have an improper ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s.

Why Are Omega-3s Important?

In 2009, the Harvard School of Public Health published a review of individual risk factors that are attributable to specific deaths. According to its estimates, low omega-3 intake is EIGHTH on the list of the most serious risk factors that contribute to death. Shocking, right? That means that low omega-3 intake is responsible for up to 96,000 deaths in the U.S. each year.

What Are The Health Risks of Low Omega-3s?

While there are no official guidelines for the right amount of omega-3’s one should consume each day… the ideal ratio of omega-6 foods to omega-3 foods is about equal to (or at least at) a 2:1 ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s. The risks of consuming too little omega-3s or too many omega-6s can lead to several health risks:

  • Inflammation (sometimes severe)
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Higher risk for heart disease and high cholesterol
  • Digestive disorders
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Mental disorders (like depression)
  • Poor brain development
  • Cognitive decline

Now, we do not tell you these risks to scare you. In fact, that is far from the truth. Instead, our goal is to EDUCATE you so that you are able to do better for your health and your family as a whole.


One specific reason why omega-3 fatty acids are so beneficial to many aspects of our health is that they help decrease system-wide inflammation. Did you know? Inflammation is at the root cause of most diseases and is related to the development of nearly every major illness. Of course, some inflammation is essential for survival. It helps protect our bodies from infection & injury. However, when inflammation is chronic or excessive, it can cause more harm than good.

By eating a nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory diet… we allow our bodies to do what it does best – HEAL! Your body was literally designed to fight disease. All you have to do is give it the right environment!

The benefits of Omega 3’s may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Improved Heart Health
  • Battle Mental Disorders and Decline
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Fight Autoimmune Diseases
  • Associated with Lower Cancer Risks
  • May Support Healthy Bones + Joints
  • Might Improve Sleep Quality
  • May Fight Menstrual Pain
  • Linked to Lower Degeneration Risk
  • Support Healthy Skin

Best Ways to Get Omega-3s

The best way to get enough omega-3s is by eating foods rich in the nutrient! Some of our favorite straight-from-the-source recommendations include salmon, walnuts, chia & flax seeds, albacore tuna, and egg yolks. If you decide to start supplementing to boost your omega-3 intake, make sure to ask us about which brand we trust + recommend to avoid any adverse reactions. By the way, did you know that we sell omega-3’s in house? Ask us about them!

chiropractor lifestyle adjustment

What’s The Chiropractic Lifestyle

A Chiropractic lifestyle is sometimes unheard of in our society, right? However, it is truly a healthy lifestyle! Sure, it is an alternative approach to the traditional drugs and surgeries. But really, it is about making conscious decisions towards healthy living and all-around wellness + wholeness!

What is a Chiropractic Lifestyle?

Most of the time, when people think of Chiropractic, they think of neck or back pain. But a Chiropractic lifestyle is so much more than that! Yes, it includes regular adjustments. However, it also includes a healthy diet, exercise, and other positive lifestyle choices.

Why Should I Choose This Lifestyle?

Although a lot of patients will come into our office with specific issues, Chiropractic care is also used as the preservation of health. Because your nervous system controls every cell, organ, and tissue in your body, Chiropractors focus their attention on the health of the spine being properly aligned.

When subluxations occur, these misalignments put pressure and tension on the nerves exiting from the spine, causing either pain or decrease of function somewhere in your body. This means that the brain and body cannot communicate effectively, which leads to symptoms and dysfunction.

How Does This Fit In With My Lifestyle?

In this day and age, we are always on the go! We are always in the left-lane, going somewhere fast and want things to happen NOW! We choose to pick immediate pleasure over delayed gratification. Unfortunately, we tend to do that in most areas of our life, including our health. Chiropractic care, however, is not a “quick fix.” Although sometimes it is sold that way, it is not meant to serve as an emergency room. If you only come to see the Chiropractor when you’re in pain, then it is similar to only eating healthy food when you’re sick. Make sense?

Good Things Take Time

It takes your body time to heal and adapt to the changes that are being made. It takes patience and positivity and persistence. The truth is, Chiropractic care is not designed to make you instantly feel better, but FUNCTION better! We will give you some “homework” such as special exercises and routines to continue working on correcting between sessions.

Think about it! If you wake up, make it to a workout, work a 9-5 job Monday through Friday that has you sedentary for the majority of the day, drive home, cook dinner, take care of your family’s needs before your own, then do that process all over again… a substantial amount of physical and emotional stress is being placed on your body all week.

How To Get The Best Results Out Of Your Daily Routine

When Chiropractic care is a normal part of your routine, your body is able to adapt to those constant stressors in your life! Not to mention, when you are properly aligned, your body is put in the most optimal position to heal from the inside-out. If you don’t have patience, you will conform to what society says is “normal” and go straight to the medicine cabinet to cover up your symptoms.

Your body is always going to go through stresses that will come with different seasons of your life. But it’s all about how you adapt to stress when it comes! When you come to understand that patience is required for healing and restoration of life, you will notice that your body’s innate ability to adapt and heal is pretty incredible! Keep your chiropractic appointments! This is essential in maintaining a healthy spine.

Health Is A  Continued Journey

We write all this to remind you to not give up on your health journey too soon! Sometimes, setbacks happen because of something external that is out of our control. We like to encourage our patients, “That’s why we have you on a care plan.” It is only a matter of time before your body begins healing the way it was designed to, naturally!

We will leave you with this awesome quote by D.D Palmer, “Chiropractic is a restorative healthcare profession that focuses on the inherent healing capacity of the body and the fact that the nervous system is the primary system involved in that healing and repair.”