Many of us body weight people got very excited when we heard this workout, as we know this is our time to shine. I did this workout 30 minutes after it came out and went 90% to get a feel for time, pacing, and other tips. I want to share those strategies as I plan to re-do this on Monday night.


Fortunately I did this workout at 8:30 PM and have not eaten since 12:30 PM so my body was not full and feeling light. Since this is not a heavy weighlifting workout I plan to use the same strategies except I will be eating a Greens + bar 3 hours before the workout. This will give me plenty of sugar and satisfy my appetitie while keeping me lean and light. Also, be sure to stay hydrated throughout the day and focus on drinks with electrolytes that keep the body healthy on a cellular level (coconut water, aloe water, etc).


Airdyne for 10 minutes to get blood flow to the legs and arms.
* Lunge and twist
* Leg swings
* Shoulder mobility using blue band and PVC
* Bent over dumbell rows
* 3 x 5 OH squat with bar only
* Row slow 150 meters
* 5-10 toes to bar
* 5-10 wall balls
* Power Clean: 5 x 75, 4 x 95, 3 x 115, 2 x 135
* 2 Muscle Ups



* Wear lifting shoes as they will help with rowing, wallballs, and cleans.

* Do not go all out!

* Pace yourself nicely here so when you get to the toes 2 bar you are not out of breath.

* Set the setting to between 8-10 so you are getting 1 calorie for every 1-2 pulls * Sit up straight and do not lose your posture

Toes To Bar* Chalk up your hands* Have the bar right above your fingers if you were standing. (A mistake I made on the chest 2 bar pull-ups was the bar was 6 inches over my fingers so I had to jump each time to get on the bar, which wasted massive energy. * Break these up and DO NOT reach failure. I broke mine up = 10-10-5-5-5-3-3-3-3-3 (Have your counter know your breakdown so they can support you)


*This should be your time to get your breath back
* Knees out and spread legs
* Break these up if you need to. I did 20-10-10

* Rechalk
* Do not go too fast if you plan on getting to muscle ups.
* Stay close to bar and short breaks
* I did singles but took 5 seconds between each single.

*It is easy to take long breaks after each one or two so make your counter tell you to get up on rings. My coach had me get up every 12 seconds within the last minute as my breaks were too long. Good luck and post any other recommendations you may have!

Can Chiropractic Help a Herniated Disc

Can Chiropractic Help a Herniated Disc

We find that people often freak out when they find out they herniated a disc. A lot of these people then run straight to the MD for medical procedures. But did you know that chiropractic can help a herniated disc?

While there are the instance of herniations caused by car accident, slip and fall, or other trauma, disc herniations commonly happens over time. Similar to how the heart takes time before it develops into heart disease, discs can take only so much stress before they eventually herniate.

They’re Like Jelly Doughnuts…

I like to compare discs to jelly doughnuts. Jelly doughnuts have a fluid center, and if you step on the doughnut fluid comes out. Discs are much like this jelly doughnut in that when you put too much stress on a disc, fluid will eventually come out.

The key to treating herniated discs is being proactive and taking care of your body before it happens. A tool that you could use along with your chiropractor, before the herniation or while the disc is herniated, is a wobble chair.

Dr. Bernini did research and found that full range of motion exercises for between 5 – 8 minutes were essential for daily metabolic interchange. He also found this important to the disc in that it helped uptake nutrition as well as eliminate waste products to maintain hydrated discs, ligaments, and tendons.

Our office prides ourselves on being the best structural chiropractors, below is a picture of wobble chairs in our facility for patients to use to improve their disc health.

Wobble Chair

Get Involved

Have you ever asked yourself, can chiropractic help a herniated disc? Perhaps you’ve received care from a chiropractor or MD for a herniated disc? We’d love to hear your story either way, please leave comments below!

32 Years Old


As many of you remember, my birthday is my time to reflect on life and the previous year. Most people review their year from January – December, but personally I like to review each age.

Last year, I wrote the article “31 Lessons in 31 Years“, and it discussed thirty lessons I have learned in my life. Since I have not learned thirty-two new life lessons since my birthday last year, I want to share the “gem” or “golden nugget” I learned at 31 that transformed my life.

Like every human being in the World, I have challenges in my life. These are not challenges that prevent me from living an amazing life but they are just “stuff” that occur personally, professionally, financially, socially, and emotionally. The challenges I experience can only prevent me from living an amazing life IF I allow it to do so. The only thing blocking or stopping me from an amazing life is the person I see when I look in the mirror.

Focusing on the “Stuff”

This year I focused on looking at this “stuff” as tests from the Universe to see how strong of a person I am; if I can overcome a trying situation then the Universe will provide me with more abundance and happiness. Many do not realize, but we are constantly tested to see how much we can handle. Once we get to a point when we say “Life is amazing and perfect”, then usually a test is around the corner. This test shows up in my different forms but the only grades are pass and fail.

Failing means reacting negatively, allowing circumstances to consume your life, or not choosing to be proactive when situations arise. Following a failing score, the Universe will keep you at that level in your life or bring you back down to where it thinks you need to be.

Being Tested

An example of a test personally was when I went to dinner at Seasons 52 four years ago. On the way out to valet I looked in my wallet and only saw two $5 bills. I thought to myself, “I can’t give the valet a $5, so I should ask for change.” Unfortunately at this younger age I was not aware of “tests” and how the Universe worked, so I gave the gentlemen $5 and asked for $3 back instead of giving this young, hard working kid the full $5. The Universe was testing me to see if I was ready for the next level of success and if so, how much. Unfortunately at that time, I failed by not giving the valet the full $5 so the Universe humbled me.

Passing means you moved past negative situations, stopped letting others affect you, or you did the right thing. You will always know your score because if your life stays status quo, then you have been failing however, if you are living a life of true happiness, then you are passing.

For example, last year my wife came home from dinner and told me she lost her phone. I had to be up early the next morning, so I was asleep when she told me that she thought she left it in her taxi. She called the company from my cell phone but unfortunately could not track down her phone nor knew what action steps to take. I woke up patiently and found her iPhone using the “Find My Phone” app and hunted it down through the streets of Buckhead.

Eventually the taxi stopped, and she got the phone from the driver. The driver and her passengers were completely shocked that we tracked the phone down successfully but this challenge was a test, a test of my patience and selfless commitment to my wife. Since that experience, our relationship has moved to another level of growth.

None of us on this Earth are ever put here to be unhappy, and everything that God created was designed for success and growth. Everything!

My Challenge to You

Take note, and be observant in your life because everyday there are tests to determine which level of life you are ready to experience.

Focus on this year to see how you’re being tested and watch your life grow drastically even times when these tests can be scary. Trust the process, and trust the outcome!

Get Involved

We all have a story to tell about life lessons, I’d love to hear yours! Please leave comments below.

Can Chiropractic Help Heart Disease?

Can Chiropractic Help Heart Disease?

When people think of heart disease, many usually think of clogged arteries or a sedentary life with little exercise to strengthen the heart muscle. What many people don’t know, though, is that Chiropractic has been showing to help your heart. So, todays article is for those wonder, “can chiropractic help heart disease?”

We live in a World where at least 50% of the population will suffer from heart disease and not because of genes or age but because of our lifestyles. Many people around the World live longer and rarely get heart disease, but it is because of their more proactive lifestyles, which have been instilled in their cultures.

Beyond eating healthfully and exercising regularly, chiropractic can drastically impact our heart health in a positive way.

What Research Has Found

Recent research by medical provider Dr. George Bakris out of the University of Chicago Hypertension Center found that a misaligned spine can lead to high blood pressure. He took 50 patients with high blood pressure and gave half of them a real chiropractic adjustment and the other half a series of fake adjustments.

Those with the real chiropractic adjustments experienced improved blood pressures as systolic (top) numbers lowered by 14 mm. In conclusion, receiving a chiropractic adjustment lowered blood pressure better than 2 medications and has zero side effects.

Heart Disease & Posture

As many of you are aware our office focuses on structural correction to combat the postural patterns to which we subject our bodies everyday. The most common pattern is Anterior Head Syndrome where the head is shifted forward over the ears.

According to Rene Cailliet, the University of California’s Director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, “This posture can add up to 30 pounds of abnormal leverage pulling the entire spine out of alignment and may result in the loss of 30% of vital lung capacity.” As forward head posture decreases lung capacity, it prevents the body from effectively oxygenating cells. This can lead to asthmatic conditions, blood vessel problems, and heart disease.

Therefore it is so essential to see a corrective chiropractor to make sure your head tilts back and the curve in the neck is structurally sound.

More To Come

For those who think chiropractic is solely for improving neck pain, back pain, and headaches, this month is dedicated to teaching chiropractic care’s positive effect on the heart. Stay tuned for great opportunities to learn why getting your spine corrected and maintained exponentially increases your quantity and quality of life, especially for your heart.

Get Involved

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave comments and questions below for our next articles relating to chiropractic and your health.

immune system

Best Time to Start Chiropractic Care

When many people first visit our office they’re in shock at the average age of our patients. Most people are expecting to walk into an office full of older people with back and neck pain, but not expecting to walk into an office of young, healthy people. We do take care of many people that are in the baby boomer generation but most of our patients choose to be “proactive” and are in their 20’s to 40’s. So, perhaps you wondering about the best time to start chiropractic care? We will discuss the topic in this article!

Starting BEFORE the Pain

Speaking of our patient base, this younger generation chooses to get adjusted and see a chiropractor BEFORE pain happens and a problem becomes worse. Many of our patients have seen the suffering their parents and grandparents have gone through with drugs and surgery and want to prevent that route at all costs.

When it comes to any disease, including osteoarthritis of the spine, the process can be stalled with proper care. Similar to taking care of your teeth before they rot or eating clean before you become overweight, many people younger people in Atlanta tend to take care of their spine early before it becomes too spine.

What’s A Good Time to Start Seeing A Chiropractor?

The human spine was designed to last. When kept in proper biomechanics, the spine can go strong for 120 years. Unfortunately, the spine often shifts out of alignment and stays this way for years since people do not seek chiropractic care. Only a trained corrective chiropractor can retrain the spine to go back to normal once it reaches this level.

To give you a comparison, I like to use the example of a care and it’s alignment. The longer you go without taking it to a mechanic for an alignment, the faster your tires wear out and the sooner you find yourself breaking out the wallet to replace them.

Unfortunately, with the human spine, once it wears out then there is little that can be done to reverse course. It’s essential to make sure you’re in alignment before it becomes too late. This not only prevents wear and tear to the vertebrae but also keeps the body functioning optimally. When the spine is in its proper alignment the brain and spine communicate more effectively with little pressure.

Get Involved

Did you start chiropractic care young? Leave a comment below with age you, or your children, started chiropractic care!

Are High Deductible Healthcare Plans Good

Are High Deductible Healthcare Policies Good

The other day I had a discussion with a patient and the topic turned to healthcare policies. That conversation inspired this weeks blog topic, “Are High Deductible Policies Good?”.

My patient was explaining how she felt, sick with a higher fever. After talking for a little while she stated that she didn’t want to go to a the medical doctor. She chose not to seek professional care because US healthcare costs were inflated and her high deducible policy wouldn’t foot the bill.

Instead of going to the doctor and becoming dependent on medicine and other allopathic tools, she chose to care for her body naturally. She took vitamins, rested, increased fluid intake, drank green juices, got a chiropractic adjustment, and did other holistic procedures to help her body heal from the inside-out instead of the outside-in.

The Importance

This story is important because premiums, deductibles, and co-pays are rising significantly. If you want to save money in your life then taking care of your health was important yesterday. Since her deductible is so high she is now choosing to care for her body better so she can avoid the medical world and live a healthier life.

When people tell me that eating healthy, working out, chiropractic, massage, and other proactive tools of living are expensive, I usually let them know that these are investments. Living proactively is the best “health” insurance for yourself and is the only tool that can keep you healthy.

Unfortunately, we live in a society where people wait until they get diagnosed with a disease before they become serious about being proactive with their health. Many people wait until they have heart disease before they eat an anti-inflammatory diet and workout. People wait until they have cancer before eating an alkaline diet. Most people will even wait until they have diabetes before cutting their sugar intake.

Let’s get real, NOBODY but you can provide the best care for yourself. We are the keepers of our body and the only person that can make sure it stays healthy and lives on.

Is it bad to see the medical doctor? Absolutely not! However, they are designed for crisis care situations and to put fires out. Chiropractors, eating healthy, and working out are tools that rebuild the body to prevent fires from re-occurring.

Get Involved

Let’s hear your story. What actions are taking to better care for yourself?

Sticking To Your New Years Resolutions

Sticking To Your New Years Resolutions

Twelve months ago on January 1, 2013, many of you created goals for yourself for that year. Some of you achieved these goals, while others will carry them into the 2014 year because you never made them happen. There is a high likelihood that many of these goals were health related, and yet the theme stays similar each year: unaccomplished. We have this dream and hope for something bigger and better each year, but we do not always achieve those results. This year, I wanted to write and article to help my patients asking themselves how to stick to my New Years resolutions.

Sometimes I feel personally responsible when you do not achieve your health goals because maybe I did not challenge you enough.

As I was debriefing at the end of the year I thought, how can I make the quality of my clients’ lives better while helping them achieve their health goals for the year? Many of you have shared your goals with me, which include running marathons and 5ks, eating paleo for breakfast and dinner, lose or gaining 15 pounds, doing a triathlon, completing a cleanse, and the list continues.

In 2014, we are going to make it easier for you to achieve your goals by holding you accountable. Of course, our new space opening in March 2014 will be the epicenter of health in Atlanta, as the amenities will encourage a healthy lifestyle. Jessica is also training to become a clinical nutritionist, so all of you will have a resource to learn how to eat cleaner and learn the nutrients your bodies are craving. Even so, we want to continue to go far beyond these programs.

Challenging You

By January 15th, we are asking every client to e-mail us your top 2 health goals for the 2014 year. We are going to keep track of them and do quarterly check-ins to see how you are doing. You will also have the opportunity to be part of a forum where many of us can work together to help each other with our goals. People can share recipes, training ideas, best exercise classes, and steps they are taking to become healthier. This group will be a place where you will be inspired to step out from the World that is constantly marketing misinformation to you about how to lead a healthy life. We will provide feedback and ways to help you reach your goals and not let them become more resolutions that never get accomplished.

As a chiropractor, my mission has always been to have the World look at my community and ask, “How is this community so healthy without utilizing as many drugs and surgeries as the rest of the country?” I want the public to see that the body heals itself from the inside-out, and with proper preventative care and proactive living, we can live our greatest lives.

Please send your goals to us by January 15th, and be as specific as possible. For example, rather than saying you want to lose weight, write down how much weight you want to lose. Instead of deciding you want to eat paleo, include which days you will commit to eating a paleo diet every week.

For 2014 my goals:

  1. Do a cleanse in March (minimum of 3 days)
  2. Complete an Ironman by December 31, 2014

Closing Thoughts

Start your 2014 health planning early and share your goals by commenting below! If you still are unsure about the health side, still feel free to speak opening about your other New Years resolutions.

Osteoarthritis Obesity - Good and Bad

Osteoarthritis Obesity - Good and Bad

Many people who come to our office who have lived a typical American lifestyle usually have osteoarthritis in their spine and are overweight by the time they are 50 years old. The question I want to bring to the table is whether osteoarthritis and obesity is a good thing or a bad thing?

The common excuses why people think they have arthritis or obesity are age and genetics. Are there people in their 50’s with no osteoarthritis in their spine who are fit? Yes! Is it due to age? No. Is this related to genetics? No. When it comes to arthritis the only way it can be considered related to genetics is if is a rheumatoid arthritis. So when it comes to osteoarthritis the only way it can happen is due to poor biomechanics and according to the Mayo Clinic is the wear and tear arthritis.

The Question Remains, Is This Bad?

Osteoarthritis is not a bad thing, but it is not good to have arthritis in the spine. In fact, the reason osteoarthritis happens is because the body thinks it is under a physical stress, and it is so smart that it starts to adapt by building more bone. This reaction is the body’s protective mechanism against improper posture, so while arthritis shows the body is working properly, it is not healthy to have.

For example, if the Hoover Dam was built with the wrong curve, then it would not be able to support the water and would break. If the Gateway Arch in St. Louis was built with the wrong degree angles, then it would fall. The difference between humans and those architectural structures is the body has a power inside of it called innate intelligence, so instead of the neck or low back collapsing when it loses its normal angles, it builds bone, which is called osteoarthritis.

This is similar to the person who eats an inflammatory diet filled with grains, processed foods, and sugars and then becomes obese. Is the process of building fat cells a bad thing? No. However, is it good to be obese? No. The body detects a stress, which is a harmful diet filled with toxins, so it creates fat cells to put around the gut and organs as a protective mechanism.

What Next and How to Think of Your Health?

Looking at innate intelligence and the protective mechanisms of the body, we notice that symptoms are signs of stress. Unfortunately our healthcare system looks at the body wrongly and has a goal to treat symptoms rather than correct the cause.

If your front left tire is worn out, yet you put all the tires on the car at the same time, then would just replacing the front left tire be the solution to prevent it from wearing out faster the second time? Of course not. You would think “Why did this tire wear out faster then the other tires?” most likely the answer is in the alignment of the car, so the problem is not the front left tire but the alignment of the car.

Similarly with osteoarthritis, the problem is not the bone spurs and degeneration but the improper biomechanics in your spine. My article “What is Corrective Chiropractic?“” shows what an abnormal spinal structure looks like and what can be done to correct its alignment. Walking against gravity all day and having poor posture will wear out the spine much faster.

In the obesity example, the problem is not the fat cells but what causes the fat cells is usually a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, many people want to treat the symptom and remove the fat either through drugs, liposuction, tummy tucks, and gastric bypass; instead of going to the cause of weight gain. Unfortunately now people will take drugs to reduce fat cells instead of going to the cause which will usually be their diet and sedentary lifestyle.

Look at the following list of the most common symptoms people experience, and think about what causes them. Our country is addicted to taking pills, and most of those pills are designed to remove the symptom but NOT address the cause. Drugs are not necessarily bad, but we need to really think about our health and what is the underlying CAUSE of these symptoms.

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood sugar (diabetes)
  • Low serotonin (depression)
  • Low melatonin (sleep trouble)
  • Acid reflux
  • Digestive disorders

Are You Treating Symptoms or Chasing the Cause?

To close, if your car’s engine light appears would you put black tape over the light and keep driving, or would you get the car checked? Most people would get their cars checked, as the engine light is a symptom to an underlying problem. Sometimes when any of the above symptoms occur most people put black tape over it and ignore the problem. We need to look at the causes to eliminate our symptoms.

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

The holiday season is here, and it seems there is a party every night that condones drinking and eating hors dorves that are typically fried or breaded. The trend I commonly see in my practice is that during this time of year people begin neglecting their workouts, stressing more about deadlines, missing their adjustments, and doing other activities that lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. However, now is the time to be committed to working out, eating healthfully, getting adjusted, and working on being your best self so you do not get sick or pack on the winter weight. Here are some key steps on how to avoid gaining holiday weight:

1. Warm lemon water in the morning

Drink a warm glass of alkaline water with a freshly squeezed organic lemon. There are many reasons for this; including balancing your pH levels, aiding digestion, and boosting your immunity due to the high levels of potassium and Vitamin C in the lemons.

[title size=”2″]2. Get your tabata on![/title]

Back in January I wrote an article on this, and I would like to stress the importance of it right now (read the article Let The Games Begin to learn more about tabata). Those of you who are going for walks at night or in the morning are creating great movement patterns for your body and increasing circulation. However, walking alone will not get you fit or in shape; because it is considered a movement, not exercise. While walking is important to maintaining health, we do not burn enough calories to lose weight doing these movements. My favorite workout for people to do at this time of season is a double tabata. Tabata was created by medical professional, Dr. Tabata; he found that short bursts of training with short rest times increases oxygen output in the body and burns fat. To perform this workout, go at 100% of a movement for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat this cycle 8 times for a 4 minute workout. Some great movements that can be done are:

  • stationary bike
  • sprints on treadmill
  • jumping jacks
  • air squats
  • sit-ups
  • push-ups
  • pull-ups

There are even smartphone apps that have Tabata timers to download for free.

[title size=”2″]3. Stick to the tequila.[/title]

This is a topic you may have never guessed I would discuss because it condones alcohol. I will preface that, I am not encouraging you to drink tequila, but I do not want to be the Debbie Downer who tells you to only drink bottled water at your company holiday parties. If however, I could choose a drink for all of you, it would be a paleo margarita which consists of: tequila, lime juice, and club soda. By staying away from wine and beer, you will be saving yourself massive amounts of unnecessary sugars, as well as other toxins, that can store fat.

[title size=”2″]4. Load Up on Fats![/title]

You read that correctly! In order to lose fat you will want to pump up your body with good fats to help speed metabolism. The main fats I would like many of you to consume are MCT’s, or medium chain triglycerides, which are found in coconuts (coconut oil, coconut flakes, coconut water, coconut flour, and coconut sugar), avocodos, and raw almonds, which should be soaked in alkaline water before consuming. This soaking process helps the nut bring out all of its enzymes, so it become more easily digestible and healthier for your body.

[title size=”2″]Conclusion[/title]

Following these suggestions will help avoid the holiday weight gain. As always, I love to hear from my patients and blog reader. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question, it may just be featured as the topic of one of my future blog posts!

How to beat the winter flu

How to beat the winter flu

Today’s article is centered around a hot question in the office over the past few weeks,”How Can I Beat The Winter Flu?” Before I provide insight on the topic I’d like to first start by sharing a quote.

“The pathogen is nothing; the terrain is everything.” — Louis Pasteur’s deathbed words. These were Louis Pasteur’s, father of the germ theory, final words before his death in 1895.

I love his concepts and philosophy because in today’s germophobic world, people are scared of everything related to germs. Everywhere I turn I see people bathing themselves in Purell or some other toxic cleaner to remove bacteria. If germs were so evil, then nobody would be alive, and we would all be constantly sick.

Instead of always focusing on ways to improve the external environments such as our hands, skin, face, etc, it is more important to concentrate on our internal environments. I have not had the flu in 13 years, and it is not because I live in a bubble but because I focus on building a titanium internal environment. The stronger I build my internal environment, the less likely the external environment will affect me.

Because of the nature of our practice, I am surrounded by “germs” and “bacteria” all day. Nevertheless, how can someone like myself stay healthy and never get sick, while people who lather in hand sanitizers and shower five times a day get sick often?

I want to share 3 extra secrets beyond chiropractic that can help you beat the flu and create a titanium internal environment this holiday season.

1. Increase Happiness

Instead of using the term “manage stress” we want to be proactive and excel in life so I used the term “increase happiness”. The goal of each day should not be to keep stress at bay. Rather, we should focus on increasing our happiness, so stress begins to go away.

This is similar to never wanting to manage a disease but increase health within the body to eliminate it. Language is everything, and thoughts become things, so this first step is critical.

As the holiday season begins to unfold many people with fall under increased stress with deadlines, travel plans, financial burdens, family coming in town, holiday parties, and other life events.

Anytime the body is under a state of stress the immune system shuts down, and disease prevails.

My favorite way to increase happiness in my life is by looking at my value system and implementing it into my life. One of my highest values is health, so when I workout, get adjusted or get acupuncture, for instance, I am happier. Family is another top value for me, so when I am going on date nights with my wife, spending time with family, or playing with my nieces, my happiness increases.

Figure out the top 3 values in your life, and let us look at steps you can take to increase your levels of happiness. Most of the time happiness costs nothing!

2. Maximize Vitamin D

Have you noticed that most people do not get sick in the summer? During these months people are outside much more and absorbing massive amounts of vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a key role in our heath when it comes to maintaining a healthy immune system and decreasing risk of disease. Affecting 2,000 of the 30,000 genes in our bodies, increased vitamin D levels can truly build up our internal environment. Spend 10 – 20 minutes in the sun on a daily basis to get optimal vitamin D levels, as your body stops producing after 20 minutes.

3. Go Paleo!

When it comes to de-inflaming the body and increasing your internal health the best way to eat is like our hunter-gather ancestors or paleo (lithic). Paleo eating stays away from grains, dairy, legumes, and white sugar to decrease internal inflammation. I have been eating paleo for the past 4 years and am in the best shape of my life with great numbers from my most recent bloodwork. Great resources are the NomNom app for your iPad or smartphone, or as well as the website PaleoPlan.Com, which has great recipes. The key is making sure you are eating a lot of good fats and good sugars, which will ultimately keep your hormones and cells functioning optimally.


I hope you find my 3 tricks to beat the winter flu helpful this season. Please leave a message below if you have any questions or comments!