Last week we received news that a very important tool to help correct scoliosis has finally arrived to the states. This device is known as a Scoliroll and is designed to correct scoliosis in conjunction with chiropractic care. We recently took a stress x-ray of one of our clients and the top view is what her x-ray looked like before she started chiropractic and the one below is what it looked like with the Scoliroll under her spine. Pretty cool, eh? She will lie on this roll 2x/day for 20-25 minutes and after 60 days we will take another x-ray to confirm the structural changes.
Many of you are on the Denneroll and if not then please see let me know if this is something you would be interested in. We have them for the low back and neck to create structural correction in the spine which is huge for long term care.
Why is this such a big deal?
Everyday people are in pain from the amount of pressure on the nerves due to scoliosis and more commonly suffering with forward head posture. Beyond the pain which is 10% of the problem (even they think it’s more) their nervous system is shutting down and their organs are not recieving proper nerve supply from the brain.
It is very common that someone with a scoliosis will suffer with digestive problems and some form of reproductive issues.
It is very common that someone who has bad forward head posture suffers with migraines, allergies, asthma, sinuses, and sometimes high blood pressure. What is sad about this case is unfortunately the problem started when they were a kid and were a colicky baby then suffered with ear infections then had asthma and finally developed headaches/migraines.
This is not coincidental but it is how the nervous system works as when there is stress on it peoples lives are at stake and their quality and quantity of life is being jeopardized . Everyone thinks they are invisible until one day something happens and their life is turned upside down. There is hoards of research to prove how chiropractic enhances quality of life and any stress on the nervous system creates health problems long term. Think we feel the problem in the beginning or end stages?
Unfortunately I had to watch my closest uncle who I regularly hung out with and fished with take his own life because of a failed medical system and how much pain he continued to have. I see patients who have gone down this path and have been victims of this failed model and now have multiple pieces of metal in their back keeping them.
I am so passionate for many reasons but more so now because of 2 reasons:
1) A client of ours who came to my office mid-last year announced to me last week she will be getting neck surgery. She waited until last year before finally seeing a chiropractor and now she is already in Phase 3 degeneration with multiple levels of arthritis. It is very upsetting to me because out of all the people she associates with on a daily basis not too many of them suggested chiropractic before this even happened. Had a friend told her to at least get checked by a chiropractor to see if there is a problem before pain then this situation could not be happening. I am committed now more than ever to making sure people get their spines checked similar to how they get their teeth, prostate, liver, and heart checked. (What always confuses me is people get those checked before their spine yet the spine controls every single one of those parts.)
2) I am so sick and tired of watching people come into the office that were lied to about needing surgery for scoliosis and are still I pain. There is SO much that can be done to correct a scoliosis and putting kids under the knife to fuse it together only creates long term problems. Even if it is not a scoliosis kids need chiropractic more than anyone as they are constantly playing sports, sleeping in crazy positions, and carrying heavy bookbags. Personally my child will be checked for subluxation every 14 days and it is essential we start our youth off right with a healthy functioning nervous system. Why is your spine and nervous system more important than your child’s?
I know today I sound very passionate but I speak from the heart and come from a loving place. I want my children to grow up in a World of unsubluxated people who have healthy spines and a clear connection from the brain down the spine and out to the nerves. I have noticed that once people begin and commit to chiropractic then they start taking on other healthy habits for their life. For example, you’re more likely to care for a Ferrari than you are a Ford Pinto.
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