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Why do you need PROBIOTICS when using Antibiotics?

THE INSIDE INFO ON YOUR INSIDES When we feel those sinus-like symptoms start to kick in, our society tends to turn to antibiotics like amoxicillin. The antibiotics then eliminate both the thriving and harmful bacteria that is intruding…
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Can Chiropractic Help Digestive Problems?

Every month our office sees numerous people who suffer from some form of digestive problem. So, for today's article, we'll answer the patient question "Can chiropractic help digestive problems?". Whether it is acid reflux, bloating, constipation,…
32 Years Old
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32: Life Lessons & Best Secret

  As many of you remember, my birthday is my time to reflect on life and the previous year. Most people review their year from January - December, but personally I like to review each age. Last year, I wrote the article "31 Lessons…
How to Make Someone Elses Day

How To Make Someone Else’s Day?

On February 6th, my team and I were sent an email from a patients father that stated his daughter will be passing away very soon. We were all upset, as this patient was such an inspiring young woman. She had been through a lot from her time…
Can Chiropractic Help Heart Disease?
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Can Chiropractic Help Heart Disease?

When people think of heart disease, many usually think of clogged arteries or a sedentary life with little exercise to strengthen the heart muscle. What many people don't know, though, is that Chiropractic has been showing to help your heart.…
immune system
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Best Time To Start Chiropractic Care

When many people first visit our office they're in shock at the average age of our patients. Most people are expecting to walk into an office full of older people with back and neck pain, but not expecting to walk into an office of young,…
Is Chiropractic Safe
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Is Chiropractic Safe?

One of the most common questions people around Atlanta ask when visiting my office is "Is Chiropractic Safe?". Maybe they have seen too many horror movies depicting chiropractic negatively, perhaps even heard a story from someone who has…
Are High Deductible Healthcare Plans Good
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Are High Deductible Policies Good?

The other day I had a discussion with a patient and the topic turned to healthcare policies. That conversation inspired this weeks blog topic, "Are High Deductible Policies Good?". My patient was explaining how she felt, sick with a higher…
Sticking To Your New Years Resolutions
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How To Stick To My New Years Resolutions

Twelve months ago on January 1, 2013, many of you created goals for yourself for that year. Some of you achieved these goals, while others will carry them into the 2014 year because you never made them happen. There is a high likelihood…
Difference Between Physical Therapists and Chiropractors
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What’s the Difference Between Physical Therapists & Chiropractors?

Many people come to our office with either back, neck, shoulder, or hip pain thinking they either need to see a chiropractor or physical therapist, but they use the terms interchangeably. The fact is that Chiropractors and Physical Therapists…
Osteoarthritis Obesity - Good and Bad
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The Good & The Bad; Osteoarthritis & Obesity

Many people who come to our office who have lived a typical American lifestyle usually have osteoarthritis in their spine and are overweight by the time they are 50 years old. The question I want to bring to the table is whether osteoarthritis…
Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
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How to Avoid Gaining Holiday Weight

The holiday season is here, and it seems there is a party every night that condones drinking and eating hors dorves that are typically fried or breaded. The trend I commonly see in my practice is that during this time of year people begin…