
Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits

Happy 2021, our patients! There is no one else we would rather start this year off with than you. Yes, you! We raised our hands and crossed the finish line of 2020 – together. Our hope is that this new year is filled with newness, joy, adaptability, and all-out resilience. For the month of January, we are going to be talking about all things (you guessed it!)… healthy habits. More specifically, habits relating to our favorite topics: health, wellness, and chiropractic.

Screen Time

First up – let’s talk screen time. Did you know? The average amount of time spent on screens is seven to ten hours. With that being said, the recommended screen time usage is two hours per day. Our guess is that the average adult exceeds that recommendation… including you! That’s why we are here to help and encourage you to start small. For you, limiting screen time to two hours a day might not be super realistic.

Setting Small Goals for Healthy Habits

If you are spending a lot of time on screens, start by setting smaller goals. Instead of diving headfirst to the recommended two hours a day… start by simply cutting your screen time in half. Sometimes, we think we need to approach our health with an all-or-nothing mindset. However, that is not always shown to be sustainable. By setting more realistic and attainable goals… we are not as likely to get overwhelmed or quit too soon. Ya tracking with us?

Modeling Appropriate Behavior

Parents – the best way that we can show our children appropriate screen time behavior is to model healthy habits ourselves. If our children are constantly seeing us on our phones, computers, or tablets… you betcha they will want to copy that same exact behavior. We get it! The online world and new technology of today is pulling us in every single direction. But remember… it has its own time and place. Besides, there is so much freedom in disconnecting for a while!  It’s only when we make the conscious decision to disconnect… that we are able to authentically connect with those right in front of us. Trust us, it’s far more than worth it!

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