4 Red Flags of a Chiropractic Practice

1. They don’t do an a assessment or initial visit

Chiropractors are legally responsible for gathering your health information and assessing you before starting care. This means you should fill out paperwork, sit down and have some form of a discussion pertaining to why you are there before the adjustment occurs.

2. The chiropractor does everything but adjust you

The main job of a chiropractor is to find interference in the nervous system and adjust it based on your diagnostic findings. If you go to the chiropractor and they are stretching, massaging, taping, etc, but no actually adjusting occurs you should be concerned. All of these modalities are great in conjunct with chiropractic, but adjusting is what Chiropractors are trained to do.

3. Your chiropractor is ONLY concerned with getting you out of pain

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, because it is one of the main reasons people go see a chiropractor. It does however show the chiropractor is either not aware of or choses not to focus on the importance of solving the problem for what got you in this situation to begin with. Usually, it can be structural but it’s also important to look at work and life habits to begin to solve the problem and ask the question “Why did this happen now”. During your care, your chiropractor should discuss health/life goals you are looking to achieve. This is important because your chiropractor should have the tools or resources available to help you achieve health goals, other than just getting out of pain.

4. Your chiropractor doesn’t track your progress

If you have been getting consistent care your chiropractor should have performed a Progress Examination. This is where they can see how you are progressing and share the results with you. This is important because if the care is not working, another technique, chiropractor, or professional should be implemented.

10 Signs You Need to See a Chiropractor

10 Signs You Need to See a Chiropractor

1. You notice postural imbalances in your body

These asymmetries can show up as one shoulder being higher than the other, rotated hips or even a crooked nose. Chiropractors are trained in seeing misalignments in the body and work to restore balance in the structure.

2. Your body feels like it is not running at it’s best

A less than optimally functioning nervous system can be one cause of fatigue, aches and pain, headaches, etc. A goal of most chiropractors is to help remove nerve interference to the
nervous system, and in turn increase the function of the body.

3. You sit often

Sitting can put a lot of abnormal stress on our bodies. A chiropractor can help unwind this tension and some can provide exercises/stretches to do throughout the day.

4. The soles of your shoes wear out differently

One heel might be more worn than the other, or at an angle. This is a tell tell sign that some-thing in the structure of your body is off.

5. You have limited range of motion

If you have trouble bending or experience tightness during stretching a chiropractor may be able to help. Sometimes this is due to a structural misalignment leading to tight muscles.

6. You are active

If you run a lot, or want to maintain an active lifestyle, getting adjusted is an important way to make sure your body is moving properly.

7. You have had physical trauma

Whether you got in a car crash, or have played sport, both micro and macro trauma adds up in the body. This trauma can lead to structural imbalances and degenerative conditions.

8. You want to live a more health conscious life

Chiropractors are full of knowledge of how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Most of them are vitalistically minded, meaning they recognize the bodies ability to heal and work to help the body express the innate potential within.

9. You experience tingling in an arm or leg

A lot of times this can be contributed to a pinched nerve. A chiropractor is trained in finding the root cause and addressing it.

10. You have a lot of stress

Chiropractors can help stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation and reducing stress.

Best Ways to Minimize Back Pain at Work

Best Ways to Minimize Back Pain at Work

Have you ever heard the phrase “sitting is the new smoking”? Well it is true, humans sit more than ever. Our bodies were made to move, not to live in stagnation. Most of us work a desk job sitting for 7+ hours. This posture can lead to a variety of abnormalities which eventually can be a cause of pain in the back.

When seated our hip flexors are in a contracted state, there is usually forward head posture, rounded shoulders, and tense low back muscles. There are several different exercises, postural awareness, and ergonomics changes that can be implemented to prevent, manage, and improve pain from chronic sitting.

First, it is important to become aware of how one is seated. Making sure to keep your shoulders back and head in line with your shoulders. Often times, people are slouched over which can be a possible cause of headaches. It is also important to not sit on a wallet or have crossed legs. Over time, this can lead to one hip being higher than the other which can put pressure on the nerves of the low back and lead to pain. Muscles that most likely need stretched are hip flexors, pec major, and SCM all of which stretches can be googled for. Muscles that possibly need strengthened are are glutes, and rhomboids. Be sure to check in with your chiropractor/healthcare provider before implementing any new exercises or stretches. If the office space allows, it is also helpful to get a standing desk or to sit on an exercise ball. Take walks during breaks, get outside, stretch every 30 minutes and take deep breathes. All of these things can help rewire and reignite the brain/ body.

Remember our bodies are designed to move. A healthy spine leads to a healthy life. Get up, move your body, go see a chiropractor, get some sunshine, and the conquer the day!

Can You Only See a Chiropractor for Back Pain?

Can you only see a chiropractor for back pain?

Back pain is one of the main reasons someone may think to go to the chiropractor, but is not the only thing chiropractic can improve. Chiropractic helps remove interference from the nervous system, allowing it to function better. The nervous system innervates, skin, muscle, joints, organs, everything in the body to be exact. Without this communication from the brain through the nerves, to the rest of the body we would not function. Removing the interference from the nervous system and improving its function can in turn help a wide array of issues. These issues can include but are not limited to, migraines, thoracic outlet syndrome, carpal tunnel, and sciatica. Chiropractors can also adjust more than just the spine. Anywhere on the body that has a moveable joint can be adjusted. This means chiropractors can adjust feet, ankles. knees, elbows, etc. There are even chiropractors who adjust the sutures of the skull.

There can be a lot of secondary benefits of chiropractic due to the stimulation of the nervous system. For example, patients sometimes see a decrease in anxiety. This is due to the fact that certain adjustments can stimulate what is known as the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for putting the body in a relaxed state. Each segment of the spine has nerves that come out and control certain areas of the body. For example, one of the vertebrae in the top of the spine can help the sinuses drain if you have allergies or a cold. Removal of nerve interference is essential to make sure the body is functioning at it’s best.

chiropractic benefits

How often should you go to a chiropractor?

How often should you go to a chiropractor?

The frequency of visits is going to depend from person to person. This will depend on a couple factors such as: severity of condition, amount of time the condition has been present, and how well the body responds to adjustments. Each person requires a specific care plan and therefore the amount of visit and frequency will vary anywhere from twice a week, every other week, once a month, etc.

The severity of a condition refers to what state the body is in? Has the patient had many injuries? Do they have neurological findings? Is there degeneration or change in the tissue? All of these different factors, and more must be considered to determine how severe a condition is. Usually the more severe, the greater amount of visits are required.

Another consideration is how long has the condition been present. It is important to realize as we age we experience various traumas through our life. No matter how big or small our nervous system keeps records of them. These traumas can add up and outwardly express as postural imbalances, neurological deficiencies, muscular tightness, etc.

Finally, how well a patient responds to adjustments is another determining factor in frequency of visits. This can be effected by stress, hydration, medications, and joint mobility.

As a patient progresses through stages of care and achieves specific outcomes the frequency of visits will change. How long this takes again varies from patient to patient. The number of visits can also increase if someone has a major change in their life such as an accident or large stressor. The good thing is after receiving consistent chiropractic care people usually tend to bounce back to their precious state faster after an injury or trauma.


Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Kids?

Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Kids?

Most people have seen a chiropractic adjustment performed on an adult, consisting of pops and cracks. An adjustment on a child often looks much different. Most pediatric adjustments have no more force than what it takes to bruise a peach. The adjustment also will not usually cause a popping sound. Infants and most children under the age of 3 do not need a physical force to be adjusted.

Why might a child need to get adjusted? The first and the most important reason is to make sure their nervous system is free and clear from any interference. A lot of times childbirth can be traumatic and cause various misalignments in the child’s body. For example, if the child was forcefully removed from the vaginal canal with forceps it can be very traumatic to the neck. It has been found that ear infections could possibly be correlated to this type of birth. This is why it is important to have a baby checked by a chiropractor as soon after birth as possible. There are various research articles and case studies mentioning how chiropractic can help with a variety of childhood issues such as colic, constipation, breast feeding, ADHD, sleeping through the night, developmental delays and much more.

There are many different chiropractic techniques with various research and case studies correlating to them. Some of the techniques include: ICPA, network spinal, craniosacral, Webster, and activator. All of these techniques are low force and some even use a handheld instrument. It can be helpful to check into what technique a chiropractor uses or find a pediatric specific chiropractor. Making sure a child’s nervous system is clear of interference gives them the best chance at growing up disease free!

Is Chiropractic Care Unsafe?

Is Chiropractic Care Unsafe?

The fear of chiropractic being potentially dangerous is common among people. Most people fear being paralyzed, or having a stroke. Chiropractic has been around for more than a hundred years and the documented cases of a chiropractic injury have been extremely low, especially when compared to the number medical injuries. One study showed for patients aged 66-99 with “risk for a neuromusculoskeletal problem, risk of injury to the head, neck or trunk within 7 days was 76% lower among subjects with a chiropractic office visit as com-pared to those who saw a primary care physician” (Whedon).

Chiropractic is a gentle, natural way to improve nervous system function. When done properly, an adjustment should not take much force. In fact, one study showed the force it takes to sever the spinal cord is equivalent to the impact created by a 500-pound car crash-ing into a wall at 30 miles per hour (Pbs). Therefore the likeliness of a chiropractor hurting your spine and causing paralysis is very unlikely.

There are only a couple different scenarios when someone should not be adjusted. These include certain spinal injuries, severe degeneration, certain grade herniations. It is important that the chiropractor takes certain precautions with these patients such as X-rays and low force adjusting techniques. Another population that some may think can not go to the chiropractor are pediatrics and pregnant women. Kids can be adjusted as early as birth and it is extremely important to their wellbeing to do so. Pregnant women are also encouraged to get care throughout the entire pregnancy. In most cases, this helps the birth process and overall pregnancy go much smoother. Both of these populations are safe to receive low force adjustments.

Stay informed, do your research, and realize there are many false claims about every profession. When preparing to go to your chiropractor, make sure to tell them about any previous injuries, car accidents, surgeries, or conditions. You could even ask to observe an adjustment before receiving yours to help calm any nerves.

Whedon JM, Mackenzie TA, Phillips RB, Lurie JD. Risk of traumatic injury associated with chiropractic spinal manipulation in Medicare Part B beneficiaries aged 66 to 99 years. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015 Feb 15;40(4):264-70. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000000725. PMID: 25494315; PMCID: PMC4326543.



Beyond The Adjustment Table

Beyond The Adjustment Table

Welcome back to the Corrective Chiropractic blog! We love having you here. A part of being your own health advocate is taking time to research, learn, and apply healthy habits to your life. By now, I’m sure you have noticed that chiropractic goes far beyond the adjustment table. It’s a lifestyle! With that being said, we are always going to encourage you to continue learning about your health. It relates to your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


Influence Beyond the Adjustment

Have you ever heard the motivational quote, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Or what about… “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” Whichever one sounds more familiar to you, the heart behind them both is the same. It’s true! While we are uniquely impacted by the people closest to us, the influence doesn’t just stop there.


Friends Of Friends

Did you know? The first major study regarding social influence was conducted by Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler. They started by analyzing data to see what the effects of obesity on family members and friends. According to their results, if your friend becomes obese, you yourself are 45 percent more likely to gain weight over the next two to four years. More unpredictably, Christakis and Fowler found that if a friend of your friend becomes obese, your chances of weight gain increases by about 20 percent (even if you don’t know that friend of a friend). The effect still shows up one more person out. You see, if a friend of the friend of your friend develops obesity, you still sit 10 percent more likely than random chance to gain weight as well.


Identify and Increase

We share this data not to scare you. Instead, we care to challenge you! First things first. Take a bigger look around you. Where do you sit inside the larger network of your social community? Are you in the right surroundings to propel you towards reaching your specific health and wellness goals? If not, identify and increase contact with the people who will enable you to become the healthiest person you can be. As always, we are rooting for you!


Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits

Happy 2021, our patients! There is no one else we would rather start this year off with than you. Yes, you! We raised our hands and crossed the finish line of 2020 – together. Our hope is that this new year is filled with newness, joy, adaptability, and all-out resilience. For the month of January, we are going to be talking about all things (you guessed it!)… healthy habits. More specifically, habits relating to our favorite topics: health, wellness, and chiropractic.

Screen Time

First up – let’s talk screen time. Did you know? The average amount of time spent on screens is seven to ten hours. With that being said, the recommended screen time usage is two hours per day. Our guess is that the average adult exceeds that recommendation… including you! That’s why we are here to help and encourage you to start small. For you, limiting screen time to two hours a day might not be super realistic.

Setting Small Goals for Healthy Habits

If you are spending a lot of time on screens, start by setting smaller goals. Instead of diving headfirst to the recommended two hours a day… start by simply cutting your screen time in half. Sometimes, we think we need to approach our health with an all-or-nothing mindset. However, that is not always shown to be sustainable. By setting more realistic and attainable goals… we are not as likely to get overwhelmed or quit too soon. Ya tracking with us?

Modeling Appropriate Behavior

Parents – the best way that we can show our children appropriate screen time behavior is to model healthy habits ourselves. If our children are constantly seeing us on our phones, computers, or tablets… you betcha they will want to copy that same exact behavior. We get it! The online world and new technology of today is pulling us in every single direction. But remember… it has its own time and place. Besides, there is so much freedom in disconnecting for a while!  It’s only when we make the conscious decision to disconnect… that we are able to authentically connect with those right in front of us. Trust us, it’s far more than worth it!


The Gift of Rest

The Gift of Rest

With the holidays in full swing right about now, we want to dedicate this blog post to rest. Yes, you heard us right – REST! Sometimes… we just need simple reminders to slow down and remember why we started. So, here’s yours!

In the middle of our busy (whatever that looks like for you), let us not forget to rest. But not just any “get-it-where-we-can” kind of rest. We are talking quality rest! If quality rest is not already a priority of yours, we encourage you to start making it one. We have talked about it here before, but we cannot speak it over you enough. Your sleep is so important, your sleep is important, your sleep is important! We know that we know that we know that getting good sleep will help us feel better overall as humans. However, we want you to remember this one thing! As your local Chiropractor, we are way more concerned with how you are functioning rather than how you are feeling. Getting quality rest plays a huge role in helping our minds and bodies FUNCTION better! Make sense?

Rest to Recover

Our bodies were literally created to rest! We don’t rest at night because there are just too many hours in the day. Instead, your body takes that time to HEAL itself while you sleep. Why? So that way… it is able to rest, recharge, and recover for the next day. Think about it! From sunrise to sunset, we are putting a crazy amount of stress on ourselves. With that being said, we have to make sure we are slowing down and actually listening to our body. (Check out our recent blog, “Listen to Your Body” for more advice on how to do just that.) You see, when our body is not able to properly rest and recover, we see things like low energy, sickness, and dis-ease start to show up. So before you are forced to slow down… learn how to rest so you can recover.

Creating a Routine

If you want to become a healthier person, creating a bedtime routine is the perfect place to start. So here are just a few ways that you can create better bedtime habits! First things first, put your phone away. At least an hour or two before bed, we recommend that you put your phone on do not disturb. More than getting rid of the temptation to check your social media or inbox right before bed… you will also avoid the negative effects of blue light. In case you didn’t know… phones and tables give off blue light, which is suggested to hinder the production of the sleep-inducing hormone (melatonin) and disrupt our circadian rhythms. Next, do something that helps you wind down! Whether that be reading a book, taking a bath, writing in your gratitude journal. or even doing some of those at-home exercises we give you… the choice is yours! Last but not least, shoot for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If you don’t plan it, it most likely won’t happen! So be intentional about what time you need to start winding down for bed. We believe in you!