
Preventative Healthcare

Another week, another blog from your Corrective Chiropractic family! Who else looks forward to our small talks? As always, we are so excited to educate and empower you to live a life based on vitalism AKA preventative healthcare.

Preventative Healthcare

Today we are talking all about preventative healthcare. Why? Well, we often overlook the importance of preventative healthcare. If you have not already read our most recent blog, “Why Quick Fixes Aren’t The Answer,” we encourage you to go read that one first. We talk about how our “quick-fix” society tends to spill over into the way we approach our health.

For us, prevention means reducing the chances of problems arising in the first place. The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” You see, it is not always about the absence of disease, but rather learning how to take preventative actions. Rather than waiting until we are unwell and require expensive treatment, Corrective Chiropractic focuses on preventative healthcare and keeping our patients well from the very start.

Prevention Over Pain

When it comes to our physical bodies, our aim revolves around prevention instead of pain. A lot of people tend to measure their health by their level of pain. While pain is a warning that something in your body is not functioning correctly or healing properly… it is not a good indicator of whether or not you are healthy. Because of the close relationship to your nervous system, your spine plays a huge role in your health. Pain is usually a late finding of long-term spinal dysfunction. Luckily, it is also usually the first thing to go away again. However, that doesn’t mean that when it does your spine is functioning perfectly again.

Nervous System Function on Preventative Healthcare

As Chiropractors, our aim is to ensure that your spine and nervous system are functioning at optimal levels. As a result of better nervous system functioning, pain and other symptoms often go away. With that being said, it’s still good to have your spine checked regularly even if you do not have pain. Think about it! Your body is constantly changing. It is constantly adapting to what you do in your day to day. Sitting down, bending, lifting, falling, and accidents are all examples of daily stressors that can cause spinal problems over time.

Diagnostic Testing

Here in our office, we do a lot of diagnostic testing… which includes digital x-rays, muscle scans, thermal nerve scans, digital posture analysis, and range of motion assessments. The reason why we do all of this diagnostic testing is because we want to see what’s going on with you and your spine. Your findings will act as a window into your health. We love the saying, “To see is to know.” If you, yourself, don’t even know what your spine looks like or what kind of shape it is in… you might not ever do anything to correct it. Are you tracking with us? Preventative healthcare encourages us to do things for our health before we are in pain or before it’s too late. Corrective Chiropractic care is just the place to start for true health and healing! So, what are you waiting for?


Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

During this unknown and unpredictable season of life, we want to help you keep on track and create healthy lifestyle habits! Here at Corrective Chiropractic, we do not expect our patients to be perfect. Instead, we expect you to be great! How does one achieve greatness? By taking hold of their health and the health of their family.

What are Healthy Lifestyle Habits?

It all starts with creating healthy lifestyle habits. We encourage you to create healthy habits that aren’t just here for a short time, but here for a long time! Living a healthy lifestyle is so much more than just eating a nutritious breakfast. It’s about setting yourself up for success. It’s about making a plan and sticking to it! It’s about taking time for your healthy practices. It’s about moving your body daily! It’s about giving yourself grace when you’re not perfect. It’s about choosing better options! It’s about taking small steps every single day towards a more mindful life.

How Do I Start to Make Healthy Lifestyle Habits?

You might be asking yourself, “Well, that seems like a lot. Where do I start?” Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! Take a moment to think about the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning. Once your alarm goes off… do you immediately roll over, grab your phone, and check all of your notifications? Do you find yourself responding to emails first-thing, scrolling through Facebook to play “catch up,” or ending up on someone’s Instagram page – just wishing you had more vacation time? If the answer is yes, it’s okay.

We’ve all been there. But be encouraged – there is a healthier way! For starters, consider your night routine. Do you sleep with your phone in the room? If so, try leaving your phone in the room outside your bedroom (or even the bathroom).  We want to allow ourselves to be able to go to bed without our phones. Not only will this optimize your sleep environment, but it will allow you to relax and prepare your body for sleep!

Put the Phone Away!

Another tip is to protect the last hour or two before your bedtime as a phone-free zone! LED screens (such as our cell phones & tablets) give off blue light, which is suggested to hinder the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and disrupt our circadian rhythms. While the reason is still not completely sure, it could be because blue light emits wavelengths that are similar to daylight. Moreover, our bodies can be deceived to think that it’s actually day time, even at night. Instead, enjoy some time reading a book, taking a bath to wind down, or even doing your recommended at-home exercises we’ve given you!

When you wake up, don’t let your phone rule your day! Instead, have a plan that will leave you feeling more filled! Maybe you will try waking up a little earlier to read, pray, or meditate? Maybe you will take 15 minutes to write down your goals / positive affirmations for the day? Maybe you will get in a 30-minute workout because you have a busy work schedule? Or maybe you will spend some time on your porch… sipping tea as you watch the sun start to rise? Think about something that brings your heart joy… something that grounds you… something that takes you puts you in a good head space. Now, that is how we want you to start your day!

Make It Happen!

Whatever you choose, we encourage you to make it happen! If you make a plan and tell yourself that you are going to wake up at 6:00 AM for a workout, but then snooze your alarm clock five times and procrastinate until it’s too late… the first thing that you are doing in your day is lying to yourself. Subconsciously, you start cutting corners and cheating yourself in other parts of your day. Make sense?

Creating a healthy morning routine is essential for your health! But please, don’t get stuck in feeling like you have to change everything all at once. We want you to slowly incorporate healthy habits into your routine. Remember – small steps will lead to a more sustainable lifestyle! For you, it might be turning your phone into “airplane mode” an hour or so before you go to bed. It might be sleeping without your phone right by your pillow at night. It might be adding in 30 minutes of exercise in the morning! It might be eating a healthy breakfast instead of scrolling through social media. It might be committing to the one thing you’ve been half-in on for awhile now.

There are a lot of people who say that the very first hour and the very last hour of our day are the most important hours of our whole day! Think about it… it really is so true! This week, try beginning and ending your day with small “wins” that are bound to help you be more productive and leave you more refreshed than ever. Ready, set, go!


Are You Deficient in Omega-3s?

Are You Deficient in Omega-3s?

To get us going, let’s start with a little refresher on omega 3-s. Omega-3s are a type of essential fatty acid your body needs for a great number of natural system functions. Studies have shown that most Americans do not consume enough omega-3 fats and/or have an improper ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s.

Why Are Omega-3s Important?

In 2009, the Harvard School of Public Health published a review of individual risk factors that are attributable to specific deaths. According to its estimates, low omega-3 intake is EIGHTH on the list of the most serious risk factors that contribute to death. Shocking, right? That means that low omega-3 intake is responsible for up to 96,000 deaths in the U.S. each year.

What Are The Health Risks of Low Omega-3s?

While there are no official guidelines for the right amount of omega-3’s one should consume each day… the ideal ratio of omega-6 foods to omega-3 foods is about equal to (or at least at) a 2:1 ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s. The risks of consuming too little omega-3s or too many omega-6s can lead to several health risks:

  • Inflammation (sometimes severe)
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Higher risk for heart disease and high cholesterol
  • Digestive disorders
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Mental disorders (like depression)
  • Poor brain development
  • Cognitive decline

Now, we do not tell you these risks to scare you. In fact, that is far from the truth. Instead, our goal is to EDUCATE you so that you are able to do better for your health and your family as a whole.


One specific reason why omega-3 fatty acids are so beneficial to many aspects of our health is that they help decrease system-wide inflammation. Did you know? Inflammation is at the root cause of most diseases and is related to the development of nearly every major illness. Of course, some inflammation is essential for survival. It helps protect our bodies from infection & injury. However, when inflammation is chronic or excessive, it can cause more harm than good.

By eating a nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory diet… we allow our bodies to do what it does best – HEAL! Your body was literally designed to fight disease. All you have to do is give it the right environment!

The benefits of Omega 3’s may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Improved Heart Health
  • Battle Mental Disorders and Decline
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Fight Autoimmune Diseases
  • Associated with Lower Cancer Risks
  • May Support Healthy Bones + Joints
  • Might Improve Sleep Quality
  • May Fight Menstrual Pain
  • Linked to Lower Degeneration Risk
  • Support Healthy Skin

Best Ways to Get Omega-3s

The best way to get enough omega-3s is by eating foods rich in the nutrient! Some of our favorite straight-from-the-source recommendations include salmon, walnuts, chia & flax seeds, albacore tuna, and egg yolks. If you decide to start supplementing to boost your omega-3 intake, make sure to ask us about which brand we trust + recommend to avoid any adverse reactions. By the way, did you know that we sell omega-3’s in house? Ask us about them!

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The Mental Health Benefits You Can Get From Exercise

When you look in the mirror after an intense workout session, you’ll see how your sweat gave you a rockin’ bod. You should know that you’re not seeing everything in the mirror. Up in your head, your mental space is so much better through exercise – that’s scientifically proven too.

Get a boost of endorphins

A punishing 5 mile run on the treadmill can squeeze the life out of you, and while you’ve lost a few hundred calories you’re gaining something too. During the course of exercise, you’re releasing endorphins that create the feeling of happiness and euphoria. Doctors suggest that their patients suffering from depression or anxiety take up a sport hit the gym or spare a few minutes of their day for physical activity, which studies suggest are just as effective as antidepressant pills to treat depression. It doesn’t mean completely ditching your meds, it complements to your existing treatment. 

Maintain mental stimulation

A fact that comes with aging is that as we grow older, our mental capacity is decreased. It doesn’t help that we’re susceptible degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s kills off memory and eventually, one’s ability to live and function independently. Exercising may not cure Alzheimer’s, it can put off the mental decline that begins once you hit 45. Working out when you’re 25-45 boosts the chemicals that support and prevent the degeneration of the hippocampus, the center of the brain’s memory and learning.

Improve your memory

It sounds weird, but getting sweaty helps improve your memory. Perspiration actually increases the production of cells responsible for memory and learning found in the hippocampus. Let your kid play during recess time – research actually found a link between the level of physical fitness with brain development. And it’s not just for the kids. You’re more likely to improve and retain vocabulary if you’re running sprints.

Curb your addiction

The feeling of pleasure washes over you during the release of dopamine, the hormone responsible for making you feel good- whether from sex, drugs, alcohol, food or exercise. Some people enjoy it too much they get addicted and end up getting dependent on a pleasure boost. While dopamine is released during exercise, it can help curb it too. There’s been a study conducted on alcoholics which found out that intense, short sessions of exercise are a good distraction from cravings. 

Unleash your creativity

Exercising comes in various forms, and much of these like sports get you to interact with people. Even if you’re at a gym you’re rarely exercising alone. Which is good for your mental health. Being better than your workout buddy – running more laps, having faster times  – the competition keeps you motivated. 

Enjoy the fun of the outdoors

When the stress of work and home life gets too much, sometimes all you need is a breath of fresh air and a change in scenery. Let the scenery distract your thoughts and soak up the sun –  the Vitamin D actually lessens your likelihood of developing depressive symptoms.