Taking Care of Yourself

Taking Care of Yourself

First thing’s first! You, our friend, are important! If no one has told you lately, we want to remind you of your worth. You are seen, loved, and designed in perfection. We care so deeply about your spine and nervous system because we care so deeply about YOU! We always want you to feel loved and welcomed to come into our practice as you are. Wherever you are in your individual health and wellness journey… we promise to meet you exactly where you are at.

Showing up Different

Here at Corrective Chiropractic, we are committed to showing up for our patients. Every single day, we will give you our full attention and mindfulness. As Chiropractors, this profession is more than removing interferences to your nervous system. It is about connecting with our patients on every level.  We educate and empower you in your health choices. It is about helping you heal. It is about showing up – differently. When you lay down on our adjustment table, we see you as lacking in NOTHING. We simply exist to facilitate in your healing process. We will never, ever take credit for the healing ourselves. When your body is in the right environment, it will heal on its own. That’s the beauty of the way our bodies were created in the first place!

Doing Your Part to Take Care of Yourself

We have all heard the saying, “You get out what you put in.” While this isn’t always true in every situation or given circumstances, we do agree to some extent. Don’t get it wrong… chiropractic adjustments are essential to restore normal body function. However, taking care of yourself goes far beyond the adjustment table. We are constantly educating our patients on the importance of creating healthy lifestyle habits.

Did you know? When you do this, you are actually saying YES to yourself. Before you can take care of anyone else… you have to, have to, have to, take care of you! We highly encourage you to write down (Yes! Pen and paper, people!) 3 healthy habits that you are committed to doing on a daily basis. Starting small is the best way to stay consistent. If you are currently a patient of ours… then you know there are specific things we will recommend for you to do outside of our four walls. These things are recommended to help you in your healing process. Doing your part will stretch you (especially if you have a busy schedule or work life)… but we can confidently stand witness that it will not be done in vain. We are better, together! Don’t forget it.

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