recover from a marathon

Is Walking A Better Workout Than Running?

Running and walking, the two purest forms of exercise there is. 

You see yourself sweating much more during running, so that’s got to be the one that’s most beneficial to you, but what do scientists say? 

Here’s how running versus walking stack up against each other, and find out if running is better than walking. 

Greater weight loss: Running

When just thinking about it, it’s obvious that running expends more energy and thus greater weight loss, right? 

Yes, researchers say, because according to a study conducted by sports scientists which studied the energy expenditure between walking and running which found out that yes, running consumes more energy. To further illustrate the difference, a 160-pound person burns 800 calories per hour running at 8 mph, but a walker  burns only 300 calories walking at 3.5 mph. 

A different study focused on the difference in BMI between walkers and runners supports this claim. They concluded that runners significantly lost more weight than walkers. While the runners started at lower weights than walkers, they had a better chance of keeping their BMI and waist circumference stable. 

Maybe it’s time to upgrade your evening stroll to a fulltime jog?

Regulating appetite: Running

After a pounding pavement, you would think that runners would stuff themselves as a reward after a run. 

Scientists say it’s actually otherwise. 

In a study conducted post running and walking, the participants dined in a buffet to check the difference in appetite between runners and walkers. 

As it turns out, the runners ate 200 calories less than what they burned running. Walkers on the other hand, consumed 50 calories more than they burned. 

They believe it’s because of the YY peptide, but concede that the difference between the two was down to how walking and running changed the appetite-regulating hormones. 

They’re quite the same

While running may be better for weight loss, it turns out that doing either of the two is just as good for your health. 

When studying the difference in health benefits of walking versus running, results show that they produced similar risk reductions for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes mellitus when expending the same amount of energy. 

Walk or run?

So do you choose to walk or run? You have to consider that while everyone can power walk, not everyone can run.

If you’re older than 50 or have a history of knee injuries running might not be the best choice for you. Regardless of age or medical history, running can pose several risks. 

A hamstring injury where the muscles on the back on the back of your leg is stretched too far and is torn. Shin splints is also pretty common, with 20% of runners afflicted by it, and the most common being runner’s knee, which are both overuse disorders meaning they are caused by repetitive stress. 

The way to avoid these injuries is proper warm-up and gradually increasing intensity. 


Walking and running are the cardio exercises that anyone can do, unhampered by equipment or training. Looking at the facts, running has additional value over walking, but at the heart of it all they’re both good for you. 

But why ponder so much over to run or walk, when you can run, then walk then run again? 

You just have to get out there and do it.

Why Working Out At Night Is 100 Times Better

In the pursuit of healthy living we’ve fallen into thinking that working out is the best way to start the day.

Newsflash: Morning workouts are not for everyone. 

Do you know anyone who’s never hit snooze on their morning exercise alarm? If you’re the type who takes their time waking up, and thereby missing the precious time for gym before work, why not consider going in the evenings?

Here are the reasons why an evening gym session can be the workout that sticks for you:

You have the place to yourself

Some do manage to fight the morning blues to stick to a morning exercise routine. They’re the early worms who gets dibs on the choice of treadmill, weights and equipment that it almost feels like you’re encroaching on their territory. 

At night though, they’re not peering over your shoulder or judging you for using the bench press for so long. 

And as you’ve got free rein on the place, you have more leeway with the rules. Your fellow night owls are a small bunch that you can get away with using the cardio machines for more than half an hour. 

Now you can actually use the 15 separate equipment that’s needed in the circuit workout you’ve been wanting to try!

It’s the perfect way to destress

What’s a better motivation to jump on a treadmill to let out the frustrations of a long day at work?

Turn negative emotions from an overbearing boss, a slacking co-worker or the ungodly traffic into a beneficial destress session by sweating it out in the evenings. Unlike going out for a drink, it’s free from hangovers or bad decisions. 

The Mayo Clinic says that working out when you’re stressed pumps up your endorphins – the “feel good neurotransmitters” – that a few rounds of racquetball or laps in the pool will immediately make you feel better, the day’s irritations forgotten because you’re focused on getting your body to move. 

After an evening exercise session, you’re feeling calmer, think clearer and mentally setup for a good night’s night sleep.

Wake up to calmer mornings

Succumbing to your morning alarm’s incessant wake up call at the last minute so you can squeeze in some gym time before work will leave you starting the day frazzled. 

Starting your day in such a hectic manner will truly take out the motivation you have to stick to your morning exercise. When you’re leading a stressful lifestyle, don’t you think you deserve at least a proper breakfast? 

With your mornings fully devoted to get you ready for work, you don’t look like you’ve been struck by a hurricane when you arrive at the office – a thing you won’t miss from the gym’s low power hair dryer. 

Maybe this time you can finally use the sauna without having to share an awkward conversation with strangers.

Get 100% attention from your trainer

The gym at night is much more relaxed that it is in the mornings, with less people around your trainer can spend more time coaching your form or answer your questions. Your fellow night owls will be friendlier in the evenings because they’re aren’t too trying to be late for the office. 

And besides, with less people around it’s easier to strike up a conversation.