
Pace Yourself

Pace Yourself

In today’s blog, we are going to keep it short and simple. You ready? You (yes, you!) are allowed to pace yourself. In fact, we encourage you too. Here at Corrective Chiropractic, we will always remind you that good things take time. We are not after quick fixes or fast races to the finish. We are in this thing for the long haul, friends! No shortcuts or sitting sidelines or sugar coating around here.

100-Mile Race – Pace Yourself

For those of you may not know… our Founder (Dr. Austin Cohen – Buckhead Doctor) just completed a 100-mile race on Saturday. You heard us right… 100 miles! You might be thinking, “Only crazy people would run 100 miles.” And you are probably right! There are only a handful of people who would CHOOSE to run 100 miles for the fun of it. With that being said, only a handful of people will get to experience the crazy character-building, mental-strengthening, and endurance-sharpening that comes from completing a 100-mile race.

Everyone thinks they can run 100 miles until they are tested by freezing cold temperatures, crazy elevation, lactic acid build-up, and the extreme fatigue of running for 30 hours – without stopping. Yet, it is only those who are willing to train relentlessly, fuel their bodies with nutritious foods consistently, and commit to proper recovery regularly… that will be fully prepared to run 100 miles.

It’s often said that when you toe the start line of running a marathon, every mile you have ever run EVER has led up to that exact moment. When you are running a race of such complexity, your training goes back way further than just your typical 16-week training plan. Most of you probably saw Dr. Austin’s weekly Strava training highlights or sweet Instagram finish line pictures. However, most of us did not see the dedication to early morning training for 26 weeks, behind-the-scenes work to rest and recover, or sacrifice with friends and family.

Glory in the Grind

We tell you that story in hopes that it would encourage you to do hard things! Whether that’s in your life, faith, or health journey – we challenge you to do the ONE thing that scares you the most. For you, that might look like creating an exercise routine for the first time in your whole life. It might look like going 30 days without purchasing / shopping. It might even look like going to your local Chiropractor to find the root cause of your health issues. Whatever it is and wherever you are in your hard thing… remember to pace yourself.

This life is a marathon, not a sprint. You are allowed to pace your over-comings, your work, and YOUR HEALING! If there’s one thing we know to be true, it’s that there is glory in the grind. One day, you will look back and see that it was the hardest things in your life that actually shaped you the most. We believe in you!

chiropractor lifestyle adjustment

Chiropractic Lifestyle

Chiropractic Lifestyle

A Chiropractic lifestyle is sometimes unheard of in our society, right? However, it is truly a healthy lifestyle! Sure, it is an alternative approach to the traditional drugs and surgeries. But really, it is about making conscious decisions towards healthy living and all-around wellness + wholeness!

What is a Chiropractic Lifestyle?

Most of the time, when people think of Chiropractic, they think of neck or back pain. But a Chiropractic lifestyle is so much more than that! Yes, it includes regular adjustments. However, it also includes a healthy diet, exercise, and other positive lifestyle choices.

Why Should I Choose This Lifestyle?

Although a lot of patients will come into our office with specific issues, Chiropractic care is also used as the preservation of health. Because your nervous system controls every cell, organ, and tissue in your body, Chiropractors focus their attention on the health of the spine being properly aligned.

When subluxations occur, these misalignments put pressure and tension on the nerves exiting from the spine, causing either pain or decrease of function somewhere in your body. This means that the brain and body cannot communicate effectively, which leads to symptoms and dysfunction.

How Does This Fit In With My Lifestyle?

In this day and age, we are always on the go! We are always in the left-lane, going somewhere fast and want things to happen NOW! We choose to pick immediate pleasure over delayed gratification. Unfortunately, we tend to do that in most areas of our life, including our health. Chiropractic care, however, is not a “quick fix.” Although sometimes it is sold that way, it is not meant to serve as an emergency room. If you only come to see the Chiropractor when you’re in pain, then it is similar to only eating healthy food when you’re sick. Make sense?

Good Things Take Time

It takes your body time to heal and adapt to the changes that are being made. It takes patience and positivity and persistence. The truth is, Chiropractic care is not designed to make you instantly feel better, but FUNCTION better! We will give you some “homework” such as special exercises and routines to continue working on correcting between sessions.

Think about it! If you wake up, make it to a workout, work a 9-5 job Monday through Friday that has you sedentary for the majority of the day, drive home, cook dinner, take care of your family’s needs before your own, then do that process all over again… a substantial amount of physical and emotional stress is being placed on your body all week.

How To Get The Best Results Out Of Your Daily Routine

When Chiropractic care is a normal part of your routine, your body is not able to adapt to those constant stressors in your life! Not to mention, when you are properly aligned, your body is put in the most optimal position to heal from the inside-out. If you don’t have patience, you will conform to what society says is “normal” and go straight to the medicine cabinet to cover up your symptoms.

Your body is always going to go through stresses that will come with different seasons of your life. But it’s all about how you adapt to stress when it comes! When you come to understand that patience is required for healing and restoration of life, you will notice that your body’s innate ability to adapt and heal is pretty incredible! Keep your chiropractic appointments! This is essential in maintaining a healthy spine.

Health Is A  Continued Journey

We write all this to remind you to not give up on your health journey too soon! Sometimes, setbacks happen because of something external that is out of our control. We like to encourage our patients, “That’s why we have you on a care plan.” It is only a matter of time before your body begins healing the way it was designed to, naturally!

We will leave you with this awesome quote by D.D Palmer, “Chiropractic is a restorative healthcare profession that focuses on the inherent healing capacity of the body and the fact that the nervous system is the primary system involved in that healing and repair.”

The Many Ways Water Keeps Your Body Healthy, Part 2

Read Part 1 here (Link to Part 1)

If you can’t commit to drinking 8 glasses of water a day, that’s alright. Hydration by way of water-rich fruits contributes to attaining fluid balance in your body. Ingesting water aside, interacting with water, being near it and the warmth it provides can uplift your spirit. We hope that these encourage you to make water a big part of your daily life.

A warm bath makes you feel less lonely

Have you ever wondered why you feel so much better after soaking in a warm bath? Research has found out that the reason why we find comfort in a warm bath when you’re lonely is because it substitutes for the physical interaction and emotional connection. The warmth triggers the release of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for putting you at ease and connected. It’s similar to the rise of temperature when you’re physically close with someone, an event that also triggers oxytocin.

Less intense hangovers

Remember dehydration-triggered headaches? That’s similar to what happens during a hangover. On a night out, drink a glass of water for every glass of alcohol. It’ll lessen the pain of a hangover when you wake up the next day. You’ll be visiting the bathroom more often, but it’ll pay off in the end.

Think more clearly

Proper hydration can go as far as affecting your brain – not just dehydration-triggered headaches, but the shrinking of brain tissue too. When you’re dehydrated you brain has to work twice as hard to perform at its best. That was observed in a study involving students who were to take exams – those who bought water with them got better results than those who didn’t.

It’s a natural cleanser

Water constitutes the biggest part by volume in any natural cleaning material – whether for your home, clothes, dishes, body or your face. They pack cleansing power without the toxicity. Better for your health, your pets and the environment!

Gargle – it keeps you healthy

In a study conducted during the cold and flu season involving  400 participants, it was found that those who gargled with water have fewer chances to get their upper respiratory tract infected and their symptoms were mild during instances that they did.

Water-rich fruits can hydrate you too

Fruits like cucumber, watermelon, strawberries and vegetables like cucumbers, lettuce and celery have the most water content. These are a great way of replenishing bodily fluids in an appetizing way. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendation is for adults to eat 2 cups of fruits and 2.5 cups of vegetables per day.

Living near bodies of water is good for your wellbeing

Some people find their health improving during a stay near the coast. It might be the relaxing sound of the water. Ambient sounds are the trend these days with gently pouring rain, beach waves and the bubble of fountains among the most popular options. For some people it’s easier to focus on work with these sounds in the background. Whether that or the view, the smell of the sea or the sun, spending time near water will do you some good.

Swimming is good for your mind and body

In a study conducted over 8 months, swimming was found to improve a person’s physical and mental health. It’s a very physical activity impacts free cardio that burns a lot of calories. Plus, there’s the feeling of solace in the pool when the rest of the world recedes in the silence.

Best Time to Start Chiropractic Care

The Many Ways Water Keeps Your Body Healthy, Part 1

Water is around us, within us, and in a way, we too are water. The human body is ⅔ water. Its presence and absence influences 100% of the processes in our body. Here 7 ways why you should bring a bottle (a reusable one!) of water with you wherever you go.

Help you lose weight

It’s not that it does something covert like inducing hormones in your body that water is so good at helping you lose weight. It simply makes you feel fuller thus curbing your appetite, even more so if you drink water before meals, which in a study was found out that those who drank water before eating lost weight faster than those who didn’t. And sometimes, you’re probably dehydrated and mistook that feeling for hunger. The next time you need a bit of boos, drink some water.

Helps you exercise during warm weather

Working out in the heat is usually fine, but a very important precaution should be taken: before getting out there, make sure to hydrate yourself. You’re losing that water to sweat so always make sure to replace those lost fluids. 

Keeps your digestive tract moving

Eating foods with lots of fat and fiber requires a lot of water to break down. Your trips to the bathroom will get easier and faster if you’re not constipated, and instead of looking for a quick and dirty solution, treat the cause: just drink more water. If you’re dehydrated, you’re pushing more stress on your kidneys and liver when it these waste products could easily pass through the urinary system with enough water.

You might avoid bladder cancer

Bladder cancer might be uncommon, but it exists. It is preventable, through – increased fluid intake – that fluid being water – reduces the risk of contracting it. Again, it’s not doing anything extraordinary – drinking water frequently, and resulting in frequent urination prevents the buildup of carcinogens. Hydration may also reduce the risk of colon and breast cancer. 

Hydration prevents headaches

Newsflash: constant headaches are a sign that you’re probably dehydrated. It’s also a migraine trigger. Headaches caused by dehydration can quickly be cured by drinking 2 cups of water and you’ll feel relief within 30 minutes. You’ll have to do more if it occurs frequently: drink 2 to 4 cups within 1 to 2 hours for relief.

It keeps your kidneys healthy

These bean-shaped organs do a lot to regulate your body’s waste, blood pressure and keep your bodily fluids, so give them a lot of love! Again, it doesn’t take much. Just remember to drink water as much as you can, avoid hard drinks and don’t hold your pee!

It gets you energized

Another sign of dehydration is fatigue and lethargy. Just like dehydration-triggered headaches, the only cure is to drink water. If you’re wondering why caffeine, tea or energy drinks don’t work for you, it’s probably because you just need water. 

Your joints and cartilages are lubricated

Water helps keep bodily connections like joints and cartilages are lubricated, hydrated and supple. Cartilage, the material that coats the edges of the bones and prevents them from banging against each other, is 85% water.

The Unexpected, Non-fitness related benefits of working out

You’ve probably worn your ears off listening to the predictable drone of the benefits of exercise. Yes you’ll get healthier, but is that enough to motivate you to run more miles on the treadmill? If the thought of sweating it out for a slimmer waist or leaner muscles doesn’t cut it anymore, maybe you haven’t heard of the non-fitness related benefits of working out?

Gain actual work-life balance

Your job and personal life gets a boost from the aptly-named industry journal Human Resource Management found out workers who found time to exercise during the work week found more work-life balance more than others. It’s all thanks to the boost of endorphins during exercise – they’re less stressed about facing their work life.

It makes you better at sex

If you’re still procrastinating on hitting the gym using your busy schedule as an excuse, then maybe knowing how it’ll spice up your sex life will make you think twice. Pumping iron, doing squats and planks improves your performance in bed and it’s not all about your physical form. Experts and studies say that regular physical exercise heightens your arousal, even if you haven’t had any in a while. 

You can get better pay

Remember how you’re required to undergo a full physical exam before you’re hired? The HR managers want to know if you’re healthy enough to hire, and once you’re in there’s a chance that you’ll be paid much more than those you aren’t. In a study conducted by the Journal of Labor Research they discovered that employees who regularly  exercise made 9% more than those who didn’t. 

Reduce your risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases

Warding off diseases is a no-brainer benefit that you get from exercise. The most common illnesses you’ve heard of – breast cancer, heart attacks, high blood pressure, stroke, hypertension, diabetes – those are preventable by hitting the gym.  Physical activity seems to be the best and most natural way to stay away from getting those illnesses, plus they cost less.

Boost your brain power

Do you know why people who sit in front of computers for long hours are advised to move around every once in a while? An article in Neurology suggests that high levels of cardio activity when you’re 18 to 30 years old improves your brain power. Blood is pumped faster in your body during exercise, carrying with it oxygen, feeding your brain so it’s able to think better.

Ward off wrinkles

If you’ve spent a fortune on face creams that don’t work, maybe it’s time to try another approach to look younger. The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine suggested that frequent exercise for people in their 40s had skin similar to people in their 20s and 30s.

You’re happier

Elle Woods said it best: “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t”.

10 More Simple, Science-backed ways to reduce Stress (PART 2)

10 More Simple, Science-backed ways to Reduce Stress


Stress comes in many different forms and burdens your life in different ways, the methods to combat it are just as abundant. After 10 Simple, Science-backed Ways to Reduce Stress, we’ve listed out more ways for you to reduce stress. If your stressors are your environment, your work ethic or you’re simply burnt out, there’s a way for you to feel better and get out of the ditch stress has pushed you into.

  1. Consider supplements. Certain supplements can reduce stress and anxiety. There are more exotic options that promise to reduce your anxiety, but you can never go wrong with green tea. It has been scientifically proven that green tea promotes calmness because of L-theanine, an amino acid that stimulates relaxation in you.
  2. Light a scented candle. The atmosphere of a room with a lighted candle is warm and soothing, the added scents can also decrease anxiety and improve the quality of your sleep. Some of the calming scents in aromatherapy include geranium, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, neroli, bergamot, rose, lavender, vetiver, roman chamomile, frankincense & orange or orange blossom.
  3. Stop procrastinating. Slacking off work is a bad habit that leads to a negative reaction e.g., scrambling to stay on top of your piling workload. The thought of putting in more hours than you should just add more to your plate considering playing catch up is stressful enough. Get in the habit of maximizing your productivity so you get more done on time and work doesn’t eat out of your relaxation time. Achieving work-life balance is the key to managing work-related stress.
  4. Enjoy the outdoors. Studies show that being a shut-in increases the chances for depression and that the occasional stroll in the outdoors reduces the risk for it. A 90-minute walk through a natural environment was found to lower the repetitive negative thinking compared to those in a city setting. Aside from the mental benefits, a healthy dose of fresh air and sunlight will do wonders for your body. Even if you’re not an outdoor person but a homebody, the change of environment will do you some good.
  5. Take a vacation. How many unused vacation days did you have last year? Make the most out of your allotted vacations to get away from the stress of work and home and be energized, increase productivity (for when you get back of course), increased happiness and heightened sex drive. Don’t think of vacations as a luxury because they’re crucial to your happiness and health, both physical and mental. If you’re in a relationship, it’ll benefit from a getaway too: 80% of people who vacation at least once a year say that romance is still alive in their relationship.
  6. Sleep right. Don’t overlook sleep in your quest to conquer stress. A night out or an all-night scramble to meet a deadline will leave you groggy and lethargic the next morning. Keep this up and you’ll develop a full-blown anxiety disorder. How to have the right amount of sleep? Time management: get done what you need to do at work, so you don’t bring them home and keep the nights out at a minimum.
  7. Deep breaths. Breathing exercises where you take slow, deep inhales and exhales will calm down your body. It combats the physiological symptoms that stress brings on. There’s also the mental aspect of it: getting control of your breathing makes you feel that you have a grip on things and that makes you feel immediately better.
  8. Set realistic goals. A part of what drives us into stress is the immense pressure we put on ourselves to achieve our goals by the deadlines you set. The failure to accomplish them brings on negative thoughts that cause a domino effect on your mental and physical health. The key is to set achievable goals and striving for excellence, not perfection.
  9. Check your email less frequently. Constantly checking our inboxes is born out of the anxiety crucial e-mails and that being always at the back of your mind is not a good thing. A study found out that people feel less stressed when they check their email less often. Try setting up alerts so you know exactly when your bosses’ email, so you don’t keep checking.
  10. Time management. The habit of planning things through and seeing it get done is that stress management technique that works best according to a study. People who plan things ahead were fighting stress before it even happened, and thus reduced the onset of stress and frustrated. Get the more difficult things out of the way earlier on and save the easy ones for last so, at the end of the day or week, you don’t feel as rushed or stressed. Don’t be a deadliner.


Contact us today to get the best chiropractor to help reduce your stress!

The Mental Health Benefits You Can Get From Exercise

When you look in the mirror after an intense workout session, you’ll see how your sweat gave you a rockin’ bod. You should know that you’re not seeing everything in the mirror. Up in your head, your mental space is so much better through exercise – that’s scientifically proven too.

Get a boost of endorphins

A punishing 5 mile run on the treadmill can squeeze the life out of you, and while you’ve lost a few hundred calories you’re gaining something too. During the course of exercise, you’re releasing endorphins that create the feeling of happiness and euphoria. Doctors suggest that their patients suffering from depression or anxiety take up a sport hit the gym or spare a few minutes of their day for physical activity, which studies suggest are just as effective as antidepressant pills to treat depression. It doesn’t mean completely ditching your meds, it complements to your existing treatment. 

Maintain mental stimulation

A fact that comes with aging is that as we grow older, our mental capacity is decreased. It doesn’t help that we’re susceptible degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s kills off memory and eventually, one’s ability to live and function independently. Exercising may not cure Alzheimer’s, it can put off the mental decline that begins once you hit 45. Working out when you’re 25-45 boosts the chemicals that support and prevent the degeneration of the hippocampus, the center of the brain’s memory and learning.

Improve your memory

It sounds weird, but getting sweaty helps improve your memory. Perspiration actually increases the production of cells responsible for memory and learning found in the hippocampus. Let your kid play during recess time – research actually found a link between the level of physical fitness with brain development. And it’s not just for the kids. You’re more likely to improve and retain vocabulary if you’re running sprints.

Curb your addiction

The feeling of pleasure washes over you during the release of dopamine, the hormone responsible for making you feel good- whether from sex, drugs, alcohol, food or exercise. Some people enjoy it too much they get addicted and end up getting dependent on a pleasure boost. While dopamine is released during exercise, it can help curb it too. There’s been a study conducted on alcoholics which found out that intense, short sessions of exercise are a good distraction from cravings. 

Unleash your creativity

Exercising comes in various forms, and much of these like sports get you to interact with people. Even if you’re at a gym you’re rarely exercising alone. Which is good for your mental health. Being better than your workout buddy – running more laps, having faster times  – the competition keeps you motivated. 

Enjoy the fun of the outdoors

When the stress of work and home life gets too much, sometimes all you need is a breath of fresh air and a change in scenery. Let the scenery distract your thoughts and soak up the sun –  the Vitamin D actually lessens your likelihood of developing depressive symptoms.

relieve stress

10 Simple, Science-backed ways to reduce Stress

How do you cope with stress from your life, family, and job?

Before you think of looking for a therapist, there are ways to deal with stress that don’t involve lying down on a couch. These simple ways of reducing stress just require a bit of your time and an open mind.

  1. Exercise
    Hitting the gym after going through a stressful situation helps you manage stress the next time around. A study showed that students who exercised moderately after sitting through a test felt calmer and relaxed compared to students who didn’t. Scientists explain this to be due to the decrease in cortisol, the stress inducing hormone and the release of endorphins, body chemicals that improve your mood.
  2. Reducing Caffeine Intake
    Studies show that caffeine is healthy in moderation but taking too much of it makes you jittery and anxious. Caffeine addicts experience crankiness and headaches when they miss their daily cup and experience the same after the caffeine high. Slowly weaning yourself off caffeine should decrease these symptoms.
  3. Have a good laugh
    A good belly laugh feels so good because your stress hormone is fired up, your heart rate and blood pressure both increase then comes back down. The rapid breathing during laughter enhances your intake of oxygen that stimulates the heart, lungs and muscles. Endorphins surge in our body and makes you feel good. Laughter is the best medicine indeed.
  4. Play with your pet
    Pets aren’t just your 4-legged companion, they also alleviate the effects of stress. According to a study, workplaces that allow their employees to bring their dogs to work experience lowered stress levels and higher employee satisfaction. This is because of the increase in oxytocin, the hormone that promotes positive mood.
  5. Listen to relaxing music.
    Slow, subtle instrumental tracks have stress-reducing effects. Called the ‘Mozart effect’, it reduces your anxiety, depression and cortisol levels. Nature sounds, classical music, Celtic and Native Amer.
  6. Chew gum.
    The simple act of chewing on gum promotes blood flow to your brain which greatly improves emotions, chewing harder offers the most stress relief. A study also found out that chewing gum while multitasking under taxing situations reduced anxiety, stress, brought down cortisol levels and increased alertness and performance.
  7. Spend time with people you love.
    Filling up your emotional tank by being with family and friends will help you manage your stress better. Having emotional connections to people who surround you gives you a sense of belonging and self-worth. A study found out that women who spend time with friends and children had higher levels of oxytocin. Both genders could benefit from these relationships and you’re better off having friends – one study showed that people with few social connections were more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.
  8. Learn to say no.
    Don’t be a pushover and learn to say no. Situations where you find yourself unable to say no are extremely stressful whereas you could’ve totally avoided the situation by being firm and saying no. Forcing yourself to do what discomforts you can increase your stress levels. Saying ‘no’ to things that add to your load is taking control of your life.
  9. Do yoga.
    While the actual mechanics of how yoga reduces stress is still unknown, it doesn’t take away from how effective it is in enhancing your mood. The goal of yoga to unite your mind and body has been found to be as effective as antidepressant medication which has made it a popular method of stress relief among all age groups.
  10. Keep a journal.
    Writing things down helps you maintain a healthy perspective in life. Record both what’s stressing you out and the things you’re grateful for. Having a tangible list of the good things relieves stress and anxiety by focusing on the positive things in your life.

Contact us today to schedule a message or maybe a chiropractor to help reduce the stress!

immune system

Boosting Your Immune System with Chiropractic Care

Boosting Your Immune System with Chiropractic Care

Though Spring often brings milder temperatures, it also brings with it a host of allergies, colds, and other illnesses. These can make us question whether our immune system is working the way it should. Our lifestyles can play a large role in how healthy we feel through the the year. Staying on top of annual physicals and incorporating regular chiropractic visits can be the key to feeling your best.

And, to do this will require you to pay particular attention to your immune system.

What is the role of the immune system?

To stay in great health, your immune system must work quickly to eliminate any foreign particles or viruses that may get into your body. Its main role is to fight off infections and keep them from wreaking havoc on our other body systems. To do this, you want to be sure your immune cells are as strong as they can be. Because when they are not, your risk of getting (and staying) sick increases exponentially.

How can I naturally boost my immune system?

Your diet plays a large role in the health of your immune system. Getting ample rest and staying active through regular exercise are also ways that you can give your immune system a boost. recent Research points to chiropractic adjustments as being an additional way to ensure your immune cells are ready to protect you.

Although many people associate chiropractic treatments as only needed to alleviate back or neck pain, these treatments can actually help improve a host of conditions, including seasonal allergies, ear infections, even bedwetting. That is because chiropractic treatments adjust the spine to ensure that it is not misaligned. When the spine is misaligned, it disrupts the connections traveling between the nervous system to all of the other body systems. When this is corrected using soothing chiropractic sessions, the nervous system is able to restore these critical connections. And, when your nervous system is functioning properly, you are able to increase the number of immune cells and their response rate to ensure you are able to fight off any infection, bacteria, or virus you may encounter.

It is recommended to visit your chiropractor, once every three months. During these sessions, they will be able to assess your spinal alignment and recommend a course of treatment to keep your spine and posture in perfect alignment.

If you have not seen a chiropractor this year, then now is the time to make an appointment. With 7 convenient Atlanta-area locations, Corrective Chiropractic is able to offer its patients the highest level of quality care to keep them healthy all year round. Click here to schedule a free back evaluation session.

Essential Oils – Allergy Blend

Essential Oils – Allergy Blend 

Having allergies, either in the Spring or all year round can be a very uncomfortable way to live. Essential oils are a natural way to help alleviate allergies. Leveraging natural and easy at-home ways to manage or reduce your symptoms can be effective in making the Spring enjoyable, even if you have allergies. In this blog, we’ll explore the uses for various essential oils and how you can use them to finally ditch your seasonal allergy suffering to the curb.

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are made from natural ingredients, often plants that have medicinal or calming effects. You can use essential oils in a host of different ways, including, but not limited to:

  • Put them in a diffuser to release into the air
  • Placing a few drops in the bathtub or shower while bathing
  • Rub them on the skin or on the soles of your feet
  • Smelling them directly from their container

How to Use Essential Oils

Using essential oils, specifically with a diffuser is often referred to as aromatherapy. In this way, your body is stimulated through your sense of smell and this can then in turn influence other areas in your body.

If you do choose to use oils on your skin, it is recommended to dilute them before applying them, as the concentrated oil may cause skin irritation. When used in this fashion, the oils are absorbed by the skin and immediately enter your bloodstream.

Essential Oil Allergy Blend


Lavender is known to create a soothing sensation and is great to use during bedtime. Due to its calming qualities, it can also be great for soothing allergy symptoms and reducing inflammation during high pollen times. Recent scientific findings have shown that lavender can help to prevent the enlargement of mucous cells, which lead to running noses and watery eyes. The best way to use lavender is to put a few drops into a diffuser or to use it in a soaking bath.


Peppermint is also known to help eliminate inflammation and can be even more potent when mixed with lavender or lemon oils. This is great to open up your pores, especially if you suffer from nasal or chest congestion during the Spring. It is best used through a diffuser or applied (in a diluted form) directly on the skin.


Most citrus-based oils are known to help boost energy and alertness. Lemon oil is also helpful in clearing the sinuses and dramatically reducing the common symptoms associated with seasonal allergies. Due to its potency, lemon oil is best used through a diffuser and released into the air.

The Spring does not have to be riddled with allergies. You can enjoy the great outdoors without sneezing – all by using all-natural allergy remedies and essential oils. For other at-home health tricks, be sure to check our blog often for our latest, informative articles.