Understanding growing pains and how you and your child could help manage them with routine chiropractic care.
Chiropractic for Growing Pains
Growing pains typically impact children during the adolescent and teenage years of life. When a child experiences this condition, it causes their legs to feel minor to severe cramps. Kids often start dealing with this condition when they are about 3 years old.
Young people between the ages of 12-14 are often the most affected. This ailment is not the result of some type of disease, but it can result from a problem within the nervous system.
What remedies for this condition?
- Simply resting, staying off of their legs for a while and by outgrowing this problem.
- Massages also help children to alleviate pain.
- Chiropractors also provide assistance by examining a child’s body to determine if there is a deeper cause.
We closely examine the spine and/or the brain to see if anything is out of order. If we find something, we will consult with parents and provide the best treatment options possible.
If your child is experiencing growing pains, consider scheduling an appointment with Corrective Chiropractic.