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I am sick…Now what???

If you have not turned on the TV or listened to the radio recently then you may not be aware but the media is non-stop talking about the flu. They are talking about how important it is to get vaccinated and it seems they are almost using…

Begin With the End in Mind

If on December 31, 2013 you were to tell me that this was the best year of your life, what would have had to happen? Instead of starting the year with a laundry list of resolutions, begin looking at what needs to happen in order for this…

A Successful Idea for 2013 – Jar of Life’s Goal

As 2012 comes to a close my mentor recently asked me what am I grateful for this year and what are some of my victories. When he asked this question I had to go back all the way to January but most of the successes I could come up with were…