How to Make Someone Elses Day

How to Make Someone Elses Day

On February 6th, my team and I were sent an email from a patients father that stated his daughter will be passing away very soon. We were all upset, as this patient was such an inspiring young woman. She had been through a lot from her time in the service and recently residing in a wheelchair after losing a leg to gangrene. Even though the situation has been upsetting, this whole process has taught us a few lessons about life and our practice….and how to make someone else’s day when they come to visit.

Myself and everyone one of my employees has a goal to make every single persons day at least 1% better by walking through our double glass doors. We want everyone to know and recognize how valuable they are as a human and that they have a whole lot of worth in this world. There is nobody that God created that was by accident or mistake. Everyone was created for a reason and with a purpose to fulfill…which is usually through helping others.

In her last few months, she shared how she looked forward to every visit and enjoyed seeing our smiling faces as well as our other patients. Believe it or not, many of you current patients shared words with her that were uplifting that helped get her through the day.

Interpret this article how you will but the vision is for you read this and recognize that every single person you encounter in your life is there for a purpose. There are no accidents why you walk by someone, sit next to someone, get adjusted at the time-slot as someone, or even bump into someone. Be observant and always be alert on how you can increase the value and experiences of someone else’s life.

Get Involved

I would love to hear experiences you have had that were powerful or examples of uplifting someone’s day, please leave comments below.

Here are some examples of how we are always looking to make other peoples day:

  • On Valentines Day, we bring roses to the homeless shelter to surprise the women and children
  • Sending birthday and anniversary cards to everyone
  • Surprising my staff with gifts and lunches
  • Adjusting the men in the homeless shelter monthly
Can Chiropractic Help Heart Disease?

Can Chiropractic Help Heart Disease?

When people think of heart disease, many usually think of clogged arteries or a sedentary life with little exercise to strengthen the heart muscle. What many people don’t know, though, is that Chiropractic has been showing to help your heart. So, todays article is for those wonder, “can chiropractic help heart disease?”

We live in a World where at least 50% of the population will suffer from heart disease and not because of genes or age but because of our lifestyles. Many people around the World live longer and rarely get heart disease, but it is because of their more proactive lifestyles, which have been instilled in their cultures.

Beyond eating healthfully and exercising regularly, chiropractic can drastically impact our heart health in a positive way.

What Research Has Found

Recent research by medical provider Dr. George Bakris out of the University of Chicago Hypertension Center found that a misaligned spine can lead to high blood pressure. He took 50 patients with high blood pressure and gave half of them a real chiropractic adjustment and the other half a series of fake adjustments.

Those with the real chiropractic adjustments experienced improved blood pressures as systolic (top) numbers lowered by 14 mm. In conclusion, receiving a chiropractic adjustment lowered blood pressure better than 2 medications and has zero side effects.

Heart Disease & Posture

As many of you are aware our office focuses on structural correction to combat the postural patterns to which we subject our bodies everyday. The most common pattern is Anterior Head Syndrome where the head is shifted forward over the ears.

According to Rene Cailliet, the University of California’s Director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, “This posture can add up to 30 pounds of abnormal leverage pulling the entire spine out of alignment and may result in the loss of 30% of vital lung capacity.” As forward head posture decreases lung capacity, it prevents the body from effectively oxygenating cells. This can lead to asthmatic conditions, blood vessel problems, and heart disease.

Therefore it is so essential to see a corrective chiropractor to make sure your head tilts back and the curve in the neck is structurally sound.

More To Come

For those who think chiropractic is solely for improving neck pain, back pain, and headaches, this month is dedicated to teaching chiropractic care’s positive effect on the heart. Stay tuned for great opportunities to learn why getting your spine corrected and maintained exponentially increases your quantity and quality of life, especially for your heart.

Get Involved

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave comments and questions below for our next articles relating to chiropractic and your health.

immune system

Best Time to Start Chiropractic Care

When many people first visit our office they’re in shock at the average age of our patients. Most people are expecting to walk into an office full of older people with back and neck pain, but not expecting to walk into an office of young, healthy people. We do take care of many people that are in the baby boomer generation but most of our patients choose to be “proactive” and are in their 20’s to 40’s. So, perhaps you wondering about the best time to start chiropractic care? We will discuss the topic in this article!

Starting BEFORE the Pain

Speaking of our patient base, this younger generation chooses to get adjusted and see a chiropractor BEFORE pain happens and a problem becomes worse. Many of our patients have seen the suffering their parents and grandparents have gone through with drugs and surgery and want to prevent that route at all costs.

When it comes to any disease, including osteoarthritis of the spine, the process can be stalled with proper care. Similar to taking care of your teeth before they rot or eating clean before you become overweight, many people younger people in Atlanta tend to take care of their spine early before it becomes too spine.

What’s A Good Time to Start Seeing A Chiropractor?

The human spine was designed to last. When kept in proper biomechanics, the spine can go strong for 120 years. Unfortunately, the spine often shifts out of alignment and stays this way for years since people do not seek chiropractic care. Only a trained corrective chiropractor can retrain the spine to go back to normal once it reaches this level.

To give you a comparison, I like to use the example of a care and it’s alignment. The longer you go without taking it to a mechanic for an alignment, the faster your tires wear out and the sooner you find yourself breaking out the wallet to replace them.

Unfortunately, with the human spine, once it wears out then there is little that can be done to reverse course. It’s essential to make sure you’re in alignment before it becomes too late. This not only prevents wear and tear to the vertebrae but also keeps the body functioning optimally. When the spine is in its proper alignment the brain and spine communicate more effectively with little pressure.

Get Involved

Did you start chiropractic care young? Leave a comment below with age you, or your children, started chiropractic care!

Is Chiropractic Safe

Is Chiropractic Safe

One of the most common questions people around Atlanta ask when visiting my office is “Is Chiropractic Safe?”. Maybe they have seen too many horror movies depicting chiropractic negatively, perhaps even heard a story from someone who has never been to a chiropractor. I’m not only able tell you chiropractic is extremely safe but also can show the proof in the numbers.

Chiropractic Versus…

We all know that doctors need to carry malpractice insurance to cover being sued for improper care. I posted my annual premium for my malpractice insurance on this page. Malpractice insurance is based on how many claims get submitted every year from that profession, as you can see mine is a measly $1,200.

To give you an idea of how low that is compared to other professions in other big cities. Ob-Gyn’s in New York pay over $200,000 PER YEAR, surgeons from Miami pay $190,000, and internists from Miami pay $47,000.

These numbers go to show how safe chiropractic as it is a drugless and non-invasive profession designed to get the body working at 100%. The only side effect from chiropractic is better health as it is a completely non-invasive and drugless profession.

In fact, in 2007 Spine magazine performed a study on 19,700 people to track the safety of chiropractic. Following 50,000 adjustments on the subjects there were no serious adverse effects which translated to the risk at being 1 per 10,000 per this study.

Get Involved

I hope that this article gives you better insight on the safety of chiropractic. I would love to hear some concerns from the general public, as sometimes the fear of seeing a chiropractor can stall someone from getting healthy and living their life to the fullest potential. Leave comments below!

Are High Deductible Healthcare Plans Good

Are High Deductible Healthcare Policies Good

The other day I had a discussion with a patient and the topic turned to healthcare policies. That conversation inspired this weeks blog topic, “Are High Deductible Policies Good?”.

My patient was explaining how she felt, sick with a higher fever. After talking for a little while she stated that she didn’t want to go to a the medical doctor. She chose not to seek professional care because US healthcare costs were inflated and her high deducible policy wouldn’t foot the bill.

Instead of going to the doctor and becoming dependent on medicine and other allopathic tools, she chose to care for her body naturally. She took vitamins, rested, increased fluid intake, drank green juices, got a chiropractic adjustment, and did other holistic procedures to help her body heal from the inside-out instead of the outside-in.

The Importance

This story is important because premiums, deductibles, and co-pays are rising significantly. If you want to save money in your life then taking care of your health was important yesterday. Since her deductible is so high she is now choosing to care for her body better so she can avoid the medical world and live a healthier life.

When people tell me that eating healthy, working out, chiropractic, massage, and other proactive tools of living are expensive, I usually let them know that these are investments. Living proactively is the best “health” insurance for yourself and is the only tool that can keep you healthy.

Unfortunately, we live in a society where people wait until they get diagnosed with a disease before they become serious about being proactive with their health. Many people wait until they have heart disease before they eat an anti-inflammatory diet and workout. People wait until they have cancer before eating an alkaline diet. Most people will even wait until they have diabetes before cutting their sugar intake.

Let’s get real, NOBODY but you can provide the best care for yourself. We are the keepers of our body and the only person that can make sure it stays healthy and lives on.

Is it bad to see the medical doctor? Absolutely not! However, they are designed for crisis care situations and to put fires out. Chiropractors, eating healthy, and working out are tools that rebuild the body to prevent fires from re-occurring.

Get Involved

Let’s hear your story. What actions are taking to better care for yourself?