Farmers Market

Summer is upon us, and that means fresh farm food is at its prime! Atlanta has so much to offer its residents, especially its focus on and access to myriad local famers. One need not look terribly far in this city to find a farmer’s market booming with fresh produce, homemade delicacies, and eager food-lovers seeking out the best products for their weekly meals. Here is a list of Atlanta farmers markets happenings. Wherever you look, local food is not too far away!

Atlanta Farmer’s Markets 2014

Atlanta Farmers Markets

How to Choose a Chiropractor

How to Choose a Chiropractor

Having the largest chiropractic college in the world right in its backyard, Atlanta can be a confusing place to find a chiropractor. Similar to finding a dentist, medical doctor, mechanic, or hair dresser it is important to do research if you’re looking to find out who is the best chiropractor in Atlanta. In today’s article we’ll discuss how to choose a chiropractor and provide questions you should ask yourself and the chiropractor you’re visiting.

Choosing the Best Chiropractor

There are certain strategies I feel are very important when seeking to find a chiropractor that give you and your family the best care.

1. How thorough is the consultation?

The first day in a chiropractic office is what sets the tone for the relationship and is the determining factor for what the patient will need. In our office we use the first visit to analyze the entire spine to figure out:

  • Can we help this person?
  • If so, how long will it take?
  • How often will we need to see them?

These questions are important in the first day and should be asked by the chiropractor your visit. This will help you achieve your goal and not waste your time.

To give you an idea of which tests we utilize here is a list of what 99% of each client receive on their first visit:

  • Blood pressure: Research shows chiropractic can lower blood pressure better than two medications
  • Spirometer: This detects lung capacity and how much air a person can blow out. We track this number since our office specializes in corrective care and as the patients posture improves they are able to increase their lung capacity
  • Grip strength: Each patient should be stronger by roughly 10-20% on their dominant hand. By assessing this we can determine if there is soft tissue or nerve blockage not allowing for increasing grip strength.
  • Nerve scans: We use digital thermography to assess the nerves in the spine to detect stress on the nervous system. This can help us locate pinched nerves and see where the problem is coming from.
  • Postural assessment: Each person receives a front and side view picture so we can track to measure if the spine is moving back into it’s normal position.
  • Digital x-rays: It is important to have a set of x-rays done on the spine to measure the curves and make sure it is straight on the front view but has 3 smooth flowing curves on the side view. Since we are one of the only offices in Atlanta to specialize in corrective care we use these first x-rays as a base in order to help our patient get as close to normal.

2) Do they adjust on the first visit?

When I look for chiropractors in other states for people that need them the first question I ask is “Do you adjust on the first visit?”. If the chiropractor adjusts on the first visit this means I immediately hang up the phone and call the next chiropractor.

Personally, if I was visiting any healthcare provider or personal trainer I would prefer they perform all the testing and gather as much data as possible then follow-up with me the next day or two days later to review their findings.

3) Are there classes to learn more about the body and how it works?

An area I feel we specialize in which I would hope more healthcare providers followed suit is education. The term doctor literally means teacher and unfortunately this is not the case in our healthcare world.

Our office holds 4 classes a month to help our patients know what they can do at home to achieve the best results and keep their bodies healthy. Two of these classes are our Natural Healthcare Orientation which is the first class each patient will attend to explain to them how they got their spine in this situation and steps to take to get the best results in the quickest amount of time.

4) What is the follow-up protocol to track progress?

Most doctors track progress based on symptoms and how their patient feels. Unfortunately, this does not work as they are a lot of people walking around who feel great but they have heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases that do not show symptoms until the latter stages. This is why our office focuses heavily on objective results versus subjective results.

We re-evaluate the spine using all of our technology to strategically show someone is getting better not because their symptoms are going away. This is very important in healthcare as most people only care for their health when they are symptomatic but neglect their health when they are asymptomatic.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to visit one of the top organically   photo 3  grown supplement companies in the World: Standard Process. If you are interested in learning more about their products, which I recommend, then check out Jessica’s article “Which supplements are best for you?”

We arrived at the Standard Process (SP) farm on Friday at 10:00 AM and took a thorough tour through the farm and facility to better understand the efficiency and quality of their products. Everything about the company is contagious from the way the employees clean the machinery to the types of produce they put in their supplements to the passion of each SP worker.

Following the 2-hour tour, our weekend speaker asked the group of 60 chiropractors if we are “playing a bigger game” in our lives. This question intrigued me and sparked many ideas, as I truly believe my life’s purpose is to reeducate people about TRUE healthcare. In today’s U.S. society, we are marketed a different kind of healthcare system, one that has the potential to have the best of intentions but does not always come with desired results. Obviously, if what everyone is doing worked so well, then we would be the healthiest country on the planet, but unfortunately, we are one of the sickest. photo 4

When you look at your life ask yourself, “Am I playing a bigger game?”

The speaker’s message drove the point that most people focus on the outcomes and goals, but they rarely focus on the game itself. However, if people spend more time on the game, then everything else will be a byproduct of playing that game, and success will be a result of each action. photo 2

For example, we set specific goals for our practice, such as the number of new patients we want to accept each month, the number of people who will attend workshops, and the list continues. If we only concentrate on raising these numbers, then our main focus is more so on the outcomes rather than the game, yet we work diligently to ensure that the details of your care are covered every quarter of the game.

This game our amazing staff and myself are playing is “creating energy in people’s lives”. We do this through chiropractic adjustments, compliments, quality customer service, new facilities, best technology, advanced workshops, weekly newsletters, functional nutrition consultations, and even high fives. Our game is to create a healthier energy for you, so you can live the best version of yourself.

One of the other reasons I loved visiting the farm is because of the game they are playing and how well they care for their employees. Here are some of the employee benefits (even with a staff of over 300 people):

1) Free chiropractic care on-site
2) Massages for only $6/20 minutes on-site
3) Discounted acupuncture on-site
4) $450 worth of supplements each month
5) Free gym membership with classes and challenges
6) Subsidized daycare by the company

Standard Process highly values its employees and their personal fulfillment and health. After all, the better the workers play the game and become part of the company’s vision, the better the outcome for everyone involved.  photo 5

My hope for you is that you look at your life (not judging it good or bad) and determine whether you are hanging out in the comfort zone or playing a bigger game for humanity. At times, we have a tendency to stay in this comfort zone, and I am guilty of doing so, as well. However, if you let yourself venture into the experience of playing a bigger game, you might just find that you get uncomfortable in the comfort zone very quickly because your life is set on a different (and oftentimes more exciting) path.

When John F Kennedy told our country, he is going to put a man on the moon in 10 years, he did not know the “HOW”. He was a visionary willing to play a big game and lo and behold, a man gets to the moon. If you know the “HOW” behind your game in life then your game may not big enough.

I would love to hear any feedback and help you find out if you are playing a bigger game in life.

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How to Choose A Sports Chiropractor


If you play sports and are looking for how to choose a sports chiropractor, this article is for you! If you’re looking for a chiropractor who specializes in sports then it is important to think about your goals. Most of the athletes we care for have 2 goals:

  1. Not get hurt and be able to play sports forever
  2. Perform at their optimum potential and be their best athlete

We take these goals into consideration and use our resources to help each patient achieve those goals.

The first thing to look for in a chiropractor who specializes in sports is one who plays sports and is fit themselves. Personally, I have been an athlete my whole life competing in marathons, Ironman’s, crossfit competitions, and other local weightlifting events. The worst advice someone can take is from someone who is not athletic and has no idea on how athletes function.

One of our best athletes Emily Bridgers, top female crossfitter in the Southeast, says “I don’t know how someone who works out regularly does not get adjusted”.

Emily came in feeling great but, upon further review of her hips, she had imbalances and one hip was higher than the other. Through our specialized corrective techniques she was able to balance her hips naturally and is now competing at her highest level while feeling her best.

On July 25th – July 27th she will compute on ESPN in the Crossfit Games in California.

We tell all of our athletes: “If you want to train at an elite level then you must take care of yourself at an elite level.”

This is why chiropractic is a staple for a healthy body as well as adding in other tool such as massage, foam rolling, yoga, and acupuncture. The key to sustained health and longevity is being proactive and taking steps to betterment BEFORE pain shows up.

Your Turn

What are some of your favorite sports to play? Leave comments below!

Protect Your Spine While Travelling

Protect Your Spine While Travelling

As the summer months approach many people will be leaving Atlanta and heading to the beach. As much as an advocate I am of traveling and refreshing, it’s important to make sure you are actively caring for your body. So, for this article we’ll discuss how to take care of your spine while traveling.

Easy Steps to Follow

Many of you who have been through our corrective care program would like to not destroy your spine so here are some simple steps to use while being on that plane and sleeping in hotel beds.

1) Before you get to your hotel request a cervical or memory foam pillow. If your hotel does not have this than it is important to bring your own. These pillows help support the neck while sleeping and maintain its proper curvature, especially for those of you who have corrected their spine at our office in Atlanta.

2) Before leaving your house for the airport make sure to drink a bunch of water and bring healthy snacks. When traveling at high altitude our body becomes dehydrated. It’s important to keep our internal system hydrated and well nourished. Airplane food or convenience store food, for those driving, is not “real” food and has usually been created by man. If it has been artificially created then there is a strong likelihood your body does not know how to process this.

3) Bring lacrosse balls or grab Yoga Tune Up balls from our office and sit on them regularly. Place them on your gluteus muscle and make sure it does not get too tight. It will be uncomfortable for a bit but this means that it is working. Also, place those balls on your back while flying on the plane or driving.

4) Personally, when i travel I like to do at least 1 yoga class while on vacation to help stretch my body and improve energy. There is a great free app for your phone called Omfinder, which tells you where and when all the classes are in the location you will be staying and about the class.

Also, check out for videos you can do at your hotel while traveling so you don;t have to leave your resort. However, even though it is convenient to not leave your hotel, it is nice to try new yoga classes such as Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga or Yoga On The Beach or in the mountains.

5) Whether traveling by car or plane, please make sure to create movement in your body and either stop to stand up and stretch or walk around the plane to increase circulation.

Your Turn

Where do you plan on traveling this summer?

Best Pediatric Chiropractor in Atlanta

Best Pediatric Chiropractor in Atlanta

Who is the best pediatric chiropractor in Atlanta? Well, this depends on how you define someone as being the “best”. In my opinion, the “best” person to take care of you and your family is a chiropractor who you trust, will educate you through the process, and who has received advanced training in pediatrics.

What Should You Look For

1) Find someone who you trust and feel comfortable with. Whenever choosing any health care provider, find someone you can connect with. Follow your intuition and choose a provider who makes you feel comfortable when you walk into the office.

2) Find someone who explains what they are doing and why they are doing it. The Chiropractor should explain what is going on with your child, what impact it might have on him/her, and what to expect during care. This allows you to be educated throughout the process and make informed decisions regarding your child’s health.

3) Look for a Chiropractor who has received advanced training in pediatrics. Parents can look on the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) website,, to find Doctors who specialize in pediatrics and pregnancy. This website shows any chiropractors who have obtained post-graduate training in pediatric care.

At Corrective Chiropractic, we care about the health of you and your family! Our mission is to serve and educate the Atlanta community about true health. Dr. Savy has received advanced training in the management of infants, children, and pre-and postpartum women and is also certified in the Webster Intrauterine Contraint Technique. If you have have any questions or would like to make an appointment to get your child checked, please call our office at 404-355-5499.

Your Turn

Do you have a chiropractor you trust to care for your child? What criteria did you use to select your family’s chiropractor?

What does the chiropractic roller table do

May people ask us about the roller tables we have in our office, more specifically they ask “What does the Chiropractic Roller table do?” and “What benefits do they provide?”.

A differentiating factor between us and most chiropractors is, following the adjustment, we have everyone lay for between 5-7 minutes in our tranquility room on the “roller tables”. Most people call these “roller tables” but for us they are known as Spinal Stabilizer Tables. These tables actually stabilize the spine post-corrective adjustment.

Since we specialize in corrective care, it’s important that people do not go back in their car and head straight in front of a computer. It is important to relax for at least 5 minutes to allow the adjustment to hold itself in place. The “roller tables” help this relaxation process.

These Spinal Stabilizer Tables roll up and down the spine massaging the disc spaces. These disc spaces are the cushioning between the spine and help them stay hydrated. The more stimulation these discs receive the healthier and taller you will feel and look.

Your Turn

Have you ever laid on a roller table when visiting a chiropractor?

Which Natural Health Supplements Are Best

Supplements and diets and vitamins. Which natural supplements are the best options? There are so many choices out there, so where does one begin to even look for answers? When choosing high-quality supplements, there are key characteristics to consider: manufacturing practices, care of product from start to finish, environmental awareness.

I recently returned from the Standard Process Farm in Palmyra, WI, and it was an incredible experience. Standard Process (SP) is a company that provides dietary supplements that are whole-food based and organic. We carry SP products in our Corrective Chiropractic office, so I traveled north to check out the farm and manufacturing building. Everything about the facility was impressive (cleanliness, benefits for employees and their families, sheer size of the land, and the genuine kindness of those on site), but what amazed me the most was the congruency between what the company preaches (whole-food and organic) and what it preaches; from the soil to the final product, each creation is handled with delicate and intentional care.

Now, a majority of our daily nutrients should come from a diverse, colorful, and living diet, and supplements are intended to sprinkle on those nutrients a person might be missing. That being said, choosing whole-food supplements is imperative because the body recognizes exactly what is in them: whole foods. The challenge with synthetic vitamins is that they are not surrounded by the other components of the vitamin, so the body leaches those parts from wherever else they are stored in the body.

Dr. Mercola, health care professional and best-selling author, uses the following illustration in his article “Real or Synthetic: The Truth Behind Whole Food Supplements” (2005) to explain the importance of whole-food based products:

“An automobile is a wonderfully designed complex machine that needs all of its parts to be present and in place to function properly. Wheels are certainly an important part of the whole, but you could never isolate them from the rest of the car, call them a car or expect them to function like a car. They need the engine, body and everything else.”

The human body is a complex machine that has an innate intelligence to know exactly what to do to survive, and by golly it does whatever it can to keep everything aligned internally, regardless of how we treat it. Because the part of our bodies -organs, cells, DNA- are all living and active, we need to feed them with foods that were also living and active. Dead (processed) foods just simply do not provide necessary nutrients. Therefore, when you are looking for your next round of supplements to ensure a healthy body, make sure to seek out whole-food based, organic products from a manufacturer that takes precious care of each stage in the process from the farming to the manufacturing to the final production. Your living body will appreciate the nutrients and thrive!

To read Dr. Mercola’s article in its entirety, click here

Your Turn

Which natural supplements have you used? Leave comments below!

Is Chiropractic a Cult

Is Chiropractic a Cult

Over the past 5 years a few people have often asked me “Is Chiropractic a cult?”. This question presents an unfortunate outlook that I will be discussing in this article.

Cult vs. Lifestyle

People sometimes associate chiropractic and cult because, unfortunately, chiropractic to them is different and not common amongst our society. Also, people who tend to adopt utilizing chiropractic as a lifestyle also tend to adopt working out and eating well as lifestyle. Some people also deem these to be cult lifestyle because of the person’s passion towards being better.

What frustrates me about this is how people who adopt this lifestyle tend live a better quality of life and are generally happier.

An accurate statement would be, if cult comes from the word “culture”, and used when people are doing something similar, then people who eat garbage food, live a sedentary lifestyle, and not use chiropractic, are part of a cult? Some would argue they are part of a cult that is bound to live a lifestyle of chronic problems and decreased quality of life.

Bottomline, we are all part of a group that leads a certain lifestyle and lives a certain way. For me and my family we choose to live one of abundance, health, and prosperity. Which do you choose?

Get Involved

We’d love to hear your take on the topic, please leave comments below!

Should my baby be checked by a Chiropractor

One of the most common questions I’m asked is “Should my baby be checked by a Chiropractor?” The real question: “Why is your baby NOT under chiropractic care?!?”

Before we can answer why infants should be checked by a chiropractor, we have to understand what chiropractic is. Chiropractors work with the nervous system- the information highway that coordinates all of our bodily functions including breathing, digestion, and immune responses. When the spine is misaligned, the nerve messages are interrupted and result in impaired nerve function. If left uncorrected, this can dramatically affect the health of a child. Chiropractic adjustments correct the misaligned vertebrae and restore proper nerve function, allowing the child to live each day at their maximum potential.

Why would my baby have nerve interference?

A recent study showed that 80% of infants have some sort of nerve interference from the birth process. Unfortunately, this problem is under-publicized and under-treated. During the average birth, a doctor will use 60-90 lbs of pressure to pull the baby out of the birth canal. The likelihood of nerve interference only increases with additional birth trauma: prolonged labor, drugs used to increase contractions, vacuum/forcep extraction, or cesarean section delivery. Imagine the effects this can have on the infant’s spine and nervous system!

What happens when there is nerve interference?

In most cases, infants may not present with any symptoms initially. Other times, newborns may experience colic, irritability, difficulty feeding or latching, eczema/skin irritations, digestive issues, sleeping problems, or neurological defects due to impaired nerve function. If this is left undetected and uncorrected, these problems may develop into learning difficulties, sensory impairments, asthma, allergies, ear infections, hyperactivity, or other health problems as the child matures.

So why is chiropractic important this early in life?

Given that 65% of a child’s brain and nervous system development occurs during the first year of life, it is imperative to ensure that your baby has every opportunity to maximize nerve function during this crucial period! Each child deserves to live life at his or her optimal level.

Is chiropractic safe for kids?

Chiropractic is extremely safe for children and adults! Infants are adjusted much differently than an adult counterpart because of their small size and age. The infant adjustment consists of a gentle fingertip contact applied to specific areas of the spine.

Get Involved

Do you take your children to a chiropractor? We’d love to hear your reason for starting, or not starting, care for your entire family. Please leave comments below!