
Science-Backed Ways to Reduce Stress

How do you cope with stress from your life, family, and job? Before you think of looking for a therapist, there are ways to help reduce stress that don’t involve lying down on a couch. These simple ways of reducing stress just require a bit of your time and an open mind.

Exercise to Reduce Stress

Hitting the gym after going through a stressful situation helps you manage stress the next time around. A study showed that students who exercised moderately after sitting through a test felt calmer and relaxed compared to students who didn’t. Scientists explain this to be due to the decrease in cortisol, the stress inducing hormone and the release of endorphins, body chemicals that improve your mood.

Reducing Caffeine Intake to Reduce Stress

Studies show that caffeine is healthy in moderation but taking too much of it makes you jittery and anxious. Caffeine addicts experience crankiness and headaches when they miss their daily cup and experience the same after the caffeine high. Slowly weaning yourself off caffeine should decrease these symptoms.

Have a Good Laugh

A good belly laugh feels so good because your stress hormone is fired up, your heart rate and blood pressure both increase then comes back down. The rapid breathing during laughter enhances your intake of oxygen that stimulates the heart, lungs and muscles. Endorphins surge in our body and makes you feel good. Laughter is the best medicine indeed.

Play with Your Pet

Pets aren’t just your 4-legged companion, they also alleviate the effects of stress. According to a study, workplaces that allow their employees to bring their dogs to work experience lowered stress levels and higher employee satisfaction. This is because of the increase in oxytocin, the hormone that promotes positive mood.

Listen to Relaxing Music to Reduce Stress

Slow, subtle instrumental tracks have stress-reducing effects. Called the ‘Mozart effect’, it reduces your anxiety, depression and cortisol levels. Nature sounds, classical music, Celtic and Native Amer.

Chew Gum

The simple act of chewing on gum promotes blood flow to your brain which greatly improves emotions, chewing harder offers the most stress relief. A study also found out that chewing gum while multitasking under taxing situations reduced anxiety, stress, brought down cortisol levels and increased alertness and performance.

Spend Time with People You Love

Filling up your emotional tank by being with family and friends will help you manage your stress better. Having emotional connections to people who surround you gives you a sense of belonging and self-worth. A study found out that women who spend time with friends and children had higher levels of oxytocin. Both genders could benefit from these relationships and you’re better off having friends – one study showed that people with few social connections were more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.

Learn to Say No

Don’t be a pushover and learn to say no. Situations where you find yourself unable to say no are extremely stressful whereas you could’ve totally avoided the situation by being firm and saying no. Forcing yourself to do what discomforts you can increase your stress levels. Saying ‘no’ to things that add to your load is taking control of your life.

Do Yoga to Reduce Stress

While the actual mechanics of how yoga reduces stress is still unknown, it doesn’t take away from how effective it is in enhancing your mood. The goal of yoga to unite your mind and body has been found to be as effective as antidepressant medication which has made it a popular method of stress relief among all age groups.

Keep a Journal

Writing things down helps you maintain a healthy perspective in life. Record both what’s stressing you out and the things you’re grateful for. Having a tangible list of the good things relieves stress and anxiety by focusing on the positive things in your life.

Contact us today to schedule a message or maybe a chiropractor to help reduce the stress!


Recovery from a Marathon

Cheers to training for a marathon! Your season of grueling training will commence in getting past the finish line, the result of your hard work and discipline. While you revel in the idea of basking in the post-marathon afterglow – sweat, cramps, exhaustion and all – also take recovery into consideration

Everyone’s road to recovery is unique to the circumstances of their race, race condition, training regimen, health, and pace.

Despite these variables, there are tested methods that runners avow to. Follow these proven post-race recovery tips and you’ll be zooming off in a week


Walk it Off for Recovery Mode

Tempting as it may be, don’t just drop down on the grass.

A 26.2-mile run is punishing your body, exerting undue stress to your muscles, heart, and lungs that just disappear once you’ve crossed the finish line, and in fact, it’s in post-race that you’ll feel the brunt of it.

Let your body ease out of marathon mode by walking around to gradually decrease heart rate so your blood flow returns to the resting state.

Walking around helps rid of the lactic acid that’s built up in your muscles through the course of the marathon, so walk around for 15 to 20 minutes before taking a rest.


Post-Race Ice Baths

Completing a marathon is like putting your body through a meat grinder.

At the final leg of a marathon, the effects of muscle and joint damage starts to be felt – the buildup of lactic acid in the legs results in cramps and every step sends a painful jolt through your body. A post-race ice bath reduces muscle pain because the low temperature forces the blood vessels to narrow which gets rid of the acid build up and reduce swelling.

Don’t just jump into a tub of ice cubes though.

Ice bath:

  • Fill a tub with enough water to envelop your lower body and submerge yourself.
  • Add ice cubes gradually to the water so it’s less shocking to your system and more bearable.
  • Soak in the tub for 5-10 minutes but the rule to abide by is the colder the water, the less time you spend in it.
  • Finish the ice bath with a warm shower. The hot temperature dilates the blood vessels to increase blood flow and oxygen supply, causing a pumping action.

Ice massage: A pack of ice cubes over the strained muscles should do the trick.


Eat! for a Healthy Recovery

Your post-race chow should be a small snack to take in 300 calories from carbohydrates to maintain blood sugar levels, replenish muscle glycogen and protein to keep blood sugar levels.

Your diet after the marathon should comprise of protein-rich food like nuts, meat, and cheese to hasten the repair of muscle tissues, and while that list sounds drab, indulge yourself with chocolate milk which surprisingly has an optimal ratio of carbs and protein. Also, in the lieu of sports drinks and other fancy drinks, nothing hydrates better than water!

Water will help aid your body’s fast to recover, so drink up!



In the heat of things, many people swear that their first marathon will be their last, maybe you’ve been there too. The rush of finishing a marathon and seeing the fruit of a season of training can be addicting though, and the itch to start getting into a form may come soon, even sooner than your body can handle. The meat grinder metaphor exists for a reason and state of your body after a race should tell you why.

Give your body time to recover, and it’s not just the muscles that need R&R. Your kidneys, heart, circulatory system, your entire body is put through so much stress over the course of a marathon it’s not wise to get back out there when it’s just been wrung to a pulp.

Experts advise taking one day of rest for each mile raced or taking three to seven days of no running after a marathon.

After this period, you should take the time to test the waters by going into cross training or any activity that boost circulation and warms your muscles. An easy 30-minute run should clue you in on how far into recovery you are. When nothing hurts and it’s all good, slowly increment your running distance but stick to easy runs.

At the end of this period, try slipping into your regular running routine if you can do it. If all is well. You can go back running at your usual pace if you feel good. The key is listening to your body and giving it the time to repair itself.

Contact us today for sports chiropractor to help you recover from that marathon!


Is It Too Late to See a Chiropractor?

When you struggle with a daily ache or pain it can become part of your life. You expect to wake up every morning with that same nagging, sometimes debilitating feeling. However, you don’t have to feel this way for the rest of your life. You may ask yourself “Is it too late to see a chiropractor”? Never. With a little bit of help from a registered chiropractor, you could soon discover a new lease of life you never imagined you could have. Imagine having the best makeover you could ever imagine, but for your body. This is how a chiropractor could make you feel. So, if you have been putting off a visit, it is never too late. Seeking treatment is always a better solution and it will bring you positive results in the end. Chiropractors can open a whole new world for you as you engage with your health needs and accept the upgrade to your life.

Why Visit A Chiropractor?

A chiropractor can help you to deal with many underlying health issues you might not knew you had. Make sure you take any pressing questions to your chiropractor right away, as they might be able to help you to overcome your aches, pains and daily struggles. In the world of chiropracting, we believe that ultimate health stems from the spine. This is because the spine acts as the home to the central nervous system, which controls the body. When your spine is functioning adequately, the rest of your body will soon fall in line. Therefore, it is never too late to seek out help from a chiropractor.

How Does It Work?

Your generic aches and pains might be fixed with a simple chiropractic treatment. This mostly involves a gentle targeted spinal adjustment, which can give you a huge sense of relief almost instantly. As well as pain relief, you might also notice that your energy levels increase, your anxiety symptoms lower and you become a much better sleeper. If you can arrange a weekly or monthly chiropractic treatment you will soon notice your quality of life improve significantly. Chiropractors are trained to provide you with a tailored treatment to suit your individual needs. If you have been putting off your visit, it is never too late to seek help.

It is Never Too Late to See A Chiropractor

So, don’t delay your next chiropractic visit; it is truly never too late to seek the help you deserve. When you are willing to open your mind to a new treatment, you are much more likely to reap the benefits. Your health is incredibly important, so don’t delay in making an appointment sooner rather than later. You don’t deserve to suffer for any longer, so seek out advice from one of our chiropractors who can help. Schedule with one of our local chiropractors and they will be able to assess your individual requirements and get you back to full health as soon as possible.


What Is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?

Thoracic outlet syndrome is a disorder in which the nerves and blood vessels in the space between the first rib and the collarbone become compressed. People with the condition can experience pain in the neck and shoulders, numbness in the fingers, neck and shoulders.

There are three main types of thoracic outlet syndrome.

The first of these neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome, is a version of the condition that primarily involves the compression of the brachial plexus. This is a group of nerves that travel from the spinal cord through the shoulder joint and allow a person to rotate their shoulder and move their arms and hands. Physicians label this particular type of syndrome “neurogenic” because the nerves create it.

The second is vascular thoracic syndrome. Blood vessels travel between the collar bone and the first rib. When they become compressed, it can create the symptoms described above, including numbness in the shoulder area.

The final type of thoracic outlet syndrome is “non-specific.”  The non-specific version of the condition occurs when the patient reports symptoms, but the doctor can’t find any direct cause. Neither the blood vessels nor nerves appear impeded.

How To Fix Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Medical practitioners and researchers believe that a range of factors contributes to the onset of this syndrome. Anatomical defects can put certain people at risk from birth. There’s also evidence that lifestyle factors may play a role.

One way people can “fix” thoracic outlet syndrome is by improving their posture. Those with forward-rolling or drooped shoulders. Then they should put additional pressure on the space between the clavicle and the first rib. This will increase the likelihood if developing this syndrome.

Improving posture is possible, but it usually requires the assistance of a chiropractor. By straightening up the shoulders, people with the condition can increase the space for nerves and blood vessels to travel. Our chiropractors can examine the mobility and function to see if you suffer from thoracic outlet syndrome. Our chiropractors can help restore the proper alignment and improve your motion.

Another way to fix thoracic outlet syndrome is to reduce the overall pressure on the joints. People who suffer from obesity experience extra load on the space between the collar bone and the ribs, forcing them together. Being obese has a similar effect on the region is wearing a heavy backpack.

Sometimes repetitive motion leads to the onset of this syndrome. Having to perform the same movements over and over again can lead to pressure on the nerves and blood vessels in the area, leading to numbness and tingling.

Some occupations put people at a higher risk of developing the condition than others. Those who spend all day typing at a keyboard or performing the same action over and over in a factory are at greater risk. Overcoming thoracic outlet syndrome often requires changing roles or finding new ways to perform one’s work that does not involve doing the same motions.



Why Kids Should Get an Adjustment?

If you haven’t thought about taking your little one to see a chiropractor, then now might be your ideal opportunity. Kids should get an adjustment from a chiropractor for several reasons. These can act as a huge helping hand for their physical health. This alternative remedy to medicine is often favored by parents for many reasons. As a non-traditional method, chiropractic adjustments have proved to be very successful to little ones in many ways. Here are some of the most common ways that your child could be helped.

It May Help Their Sleep

Sleep is incredibly important to a child; without the recommended eight to ten hours a night they won’t be operating at their full capacity. They might also be more likely to experience insomnia, nightmares and sleepwalking. Chiropractors can help to improve a child’s sleep problems with a stimulating massage and gentle spinal adjustment, so that they can feel more relaxed.

Soothe Ear Infections

Earache is probably one of the most painful and common problems a child can face. Ear infections are experienced by five out of six children by the time they reach the age of three. Instead of strong antibiotics, there are less invasive ways of treating an ear infection. Adjustments to the spine and nervous system can help to boost your child’s immune system so that they are less likely to acquire them in the first place.

Ongoing Injuries

If your child is an avid footballer or gymnast, you are probably used to them coming home with various injuries. A chiropractor can help your child with regular treatments, low back pain and stretching techniques. This will not only improve their strength, but it will also help them to recover from injury much more quickly.

Headache Help

Medication might not always be the best way to cure your youngster’s headache. Most of the time this symptom is due to muscular tension in the neck or back, so a bit of gentle spinal work can do the trick at relieving the pain.

It May Assist with Autism

With children on the autism spectrum there are many different factors that could trigger an episode for them. Anxiety, phobias and sensitivity are all very common in children with autism, so a chiropractic adjustment may help them to relieve some of their tensions. By relaxing the joints and muscles the spine will also be positively impacted, which may reduce a lot of their regular symptoms.

Digestive Issues

Stomach aches and constipation are very common with children, but chiropractic treatment can bring many benefits. There are certain areas of the spine that are linked with digestion, so with just a little bit of alignment and adjustment it may help the symptoms.

Trying out this approach of chiropractic adjustments rather than traditional medicines and remedies will benefit your child. These safe and gentle ways of treating the spine and nervous system might just help your child to overcome their health issues. If you think they could benefit from this type of all-natural treatment, seek advice from a local chiropractor today and gain specialist advice on how they can help your child with a chiropractic adjustment.

healthy nervous system

A Healthy Nervous System with Chiropractic Care

A healthy body cannot be complete without a healthy nervous system. No matter how well you eat, how much you work out, how much water you drink or how active your lifestyle, it’s much harder to remain in good physical health if you neglect your spine. We all know that a course of chiropractic care is the best way to remain free of back and neck pain, stiffness, immobility and the risk of more serious conditions like sciatica or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. However, preventing pain is only one of the many benefits of chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care is essential in maintaining a healthy nervous system. And if the nervous system can’t function correctly, the whole body can’t function correctly.

Getting to know the nervous system

Most of us have very little to no idea of how our nervous systems work. And who could blame us? It’s an extremely complex part of the human body incorporating literally hundreds of billions of tiny nerves all transmitting data to and from the brain via the spine. The nervous system governs things like pain and sensation but it is also in charge of communicating impulses from the brain which control our basic organ functions. Without a properly functioning nervous system your body can begin to miscommunicate a number of vital messages throughout the body which can be severely disruptive to your overall health.

How does chiropractic care help?

So, we know that a healthy immune system is integral in ensuring that all of the organs of the body function as they should. But what does this have to do with chiropractic care? While many see their chiropractor to mitigate or prevent stiffness, immobility and pain, let’s not forget that the spinal column is the highway down which all nerve impulses must travel to and from the brain. When the spine is misaligned or otherwise traumatized, this can be like a roadblock on this all-important highway, slowing or impeding the transmission of vital nerve impulses. Over time this can have a range of negative consequences on the body. Fear not, however, with the aid of your chiropractor you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy nervous system throughout your whole life. What are those benefits?

Glad you asked…

Benefits of a Healthy Nervous System

The nervous system is intrinsically tied to the endocrine and immune systems. When your immune system is functioning well you benefit from better hormone regulation as well as being better able to fight off illnesses and infections.

There are hundreds upon hundreds of functions which our bodies carry out every day without us even realizing. These functions are improved when you have a better functioning nervous system. With regular chiropractic care you may enjoy benefits like;

  • More efficient metabolism
  • Better growth and development in children and young adults
  • Improved sexual function and libido
  • Better sleep

All because the nervous system is doing a better job of governing the endocrine and immune systems.

There are even a range of conditions which have been proven to improved with maintaining a healthy nervous system through chiropractic care such as:

  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease

Corrective Chiropractic can help you to be your best self through improved nervous function. So, what are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment today!

immune system

Boosting Your Immune System with Chiropractic Care

Though Spring often brings milder temperatures, it also brings with it a host of allergies, colds, and other illnesses. These can make us question whether our immune system is working the way it should. Our lifestyles can play a large role in how healthy we feel through the the year. Staying on top of annual physicals and incorporating regular chiropractic visits can be the key to feeling your best.

And, to do this will require you to pay particular attention to your immune system.

What is the role of the immune system?

To stay in great health, your immune system must work quickly to eliminate any foreign particles or viruses that may get into your body. Its main role is to fight off infections and keep them from wreaking havoc on our other body systems. To do this, you want to be sure your immune cells are as strong as they can be. Because when they are not, your risk of getting (and staying) sick increases exponentially.

How can I naturally boost my immune system?

Your diet plays a large role in the health of your immune system. Getting ample rest and staying active through regular exercise are also ways that you can give your immune system a boost. recent Research points to chiropractic adjustments as being an additional way to ensure your immune cells are ready to protect you.

Although many people associate chiropractic treatments as only needed to alleviate back or neck pain, these treatments can actually help improve a host of conditions, including seasonal allergies, ear infections, even bedwetting. That is because chiropractic treatments adjust the spine to ensure that it is not misaligned. When the spine is misaligned, it disrupts the connections traveling between the nervous system to all of the other body systems. When this is corrected using soothing chiropractic sessions, the nervous system is able to restore these critical connections. And, when your nervous system is functioning properly, you are able to increase the number of immune cells and their response rate to ensure you are able to fight off any infection, bacteria, or virus you may encounter.

It is recommended to visit your chiropractor, once every three months. During these sessions, they will be able to assess your spinal alignment and recommend a course of treatment to keep your spine and posture in perfect alignment.

If you have not seen a chiropractor this year, then now is the time to make an appointment. With 7 convenient Atlanta-area locations, Corrective Chiropractic is able to offer its patients the highest level of quality care to keep them healthy all year round. Click here to schedule a free back evaluation session.

Essential Oils – Allergy Blend 

Having allergies, either in the Spring or all year round can be a very uncomfortable way to live. Essential oils are a natural way to help alleviate allergies. Leveraging natural and easy at-home ways to manage or reduce your symptoms can be effective in making the Spring enjoyable, even if you have allergies. In this blog, we’ll explore the uses for various essential oils and how you can use them to finally ditch your seasonal allergy suffering to the curb.

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are made from natural ingredients, often plants that have medicinal or calming effects. You can use essential oils in a host of different ways, including, but not limited to:

  • Put them in a diffuser to release into the air
  • Placing a few drops in the bathtub or shower while bathing
  • Rub them on the skin or on the soles of your feet
  • Smelling them directly from their container

How to Use Essential Oils

Using essential oils, specifically with a diffuser is often referred to as aromatherapy. In this way, your body is stimulated through your sense of smell and this can then in turn influence other areas in your body.

If you do choose to use oils on your skin, it is recommended to dilute them before applying them, as the concentrated oil may cause skin irritation. When used in this fashion, the oils are absorbed by the skin and immediately enter your bloodstream.

Essential Oil Allergy Blend


Lavender is known to create a soothing sensation and is great to use during bedtime. Due to its calming qualities, it can also be great for soothing allergy symptoms and reducing inflammation during high pollen times. Recent scientific findings have shown that lavender can help to prevent the enlargement of mucous cells, which lead to running noses and watery eyes. The best way to use lavender is to put a few drops into a diffuser or to use it in a soaking bath.


Peppermint is also known to help eliminate inflammation and can be even more potent when mixed with lavender or lemon oils. This is great to open up your pores, especially if you suffer from nasal or chest congestion during the Spring. It is best used through a diffuser or applied (in a diluted form) directly on the skin.


Most citrus-based oils are known to help boost energy and alertness. Lemon oil is also helpful in clearing the sinuses and dramatically reducing the common symptoms associated with seasonal allergies. Due to its potency, lemon oil is best used through a diffuser and released into the air.

The Spring does not have to be riddled with allergies. You can enjoy the great outdoors without sneezing – all by using all-natural allergy remedies and essential oils. For other at-home health tricks, be sure to check our blog often for our latest, informative articles.

Strategies to Be Proactive for Seasonal Allergies

With beautiful Spring flowers comes the dread of seasonal allergies. With the pollen count always going up, getting your spring allergies under control will be important. Here are some tips to help you  enjoy your outdoor adventures.

What causes seasonal allergies?

Allergies and the symptoms that come with it of sneezing, runny nose, coughing, watery/itchy eyes, etc. are a part of your immune system response. When you’re exposed to an allergen your body is triggered to release a chemical called histamine. When histamine enters your bloodstream, it makes your blood vessels leaky, especially those that run through your nose and eyes. This is why the most common seasonal allergies reaction is a runny nose or watery eyes.

How can you treat Seasonal allergies?

Depending on the area you live in, your allergies may fluctuate from season to season. The key is to take proactive measures to prepare your body or the pollen onslaught common during the Spring months. To do this, it often helps to start an anti-allergy regime in the Winter or very early in the Spring, like in April, so you are able to enjoy the great outdoors without feeling miserable.

The doctors at Corrective Chiropractic recommend using Allerplex. As an all-natural blend of Vitamins A and C, you’re able to get the healthy dose of nutrients your body needs to overcome and reduce the symptoms related to seasonal allergies. Also, including a unique combination of organic minerals, peptides, and enzymes, Allerpex is able to:

  • Reduce the production of mucus often associated with allergies
  • Boost your liver function
  • Enhance the synergistic relationship between your lung and heart

To ensure your allergies stay in check, taking Allerpex in conjunction with regular chiropractic visits can be the one-two punch you need to knock allergies out for good.

Can chiropractic care help with allergies?

The short answer is yes! The exact mechanism of how allergies wreak havoc on the body is not completely understood, however, research has proved that when your body is under stress, being able to manage your allergies becomes a challenge. Your nervous system is intimately linked with your immune system. Which means, when your nervous system is misaligned (particularly with spinal misalignments in your neck), your immune system will inevitably compromised. And, when your immune system is weakened, allergens can have an even greater effect on your body, leaving you with allergy symptoms that will quickly make your life miserable.

When you receive chiropractic treatments, doctors are able to gently manipulate the joints and soft tissue of your spine back into alignment, restoring the healthy connection and communication between your nervous system and immune systems.

Are you ready to kick your seasonal allergies to the curb? Consider making a comprehensive back evaluation appointment with Corrective Chiropractic. We will assess your current medical profile, perform a spinal assessment and answer any questions you may have. It’s time to start living your best life, regardless of the season. Give us a call today at 404-355-5499.

Fertility: 3 Natural Strategies to Increase Your Odds

Having a baby is one of the most natural things a man or woman can do. However, for millions of couples, getting pregnant can come with a host of challenges. Finding ways to naturally boost your fertility are not as easy to come by. That’s why at Corrective Chiropractic, we pride ourselves on keeping you educated about ways you can improve your health outcomes and conditions with all-natural interventions. Here are three natural strategies you can use to enhance your fertility and increase the odds of getting pregnant.

Acupuncture to Help Fertility

This traditional Chinese medical practice can help to alleviate a wide variety of health ailments, including fertility issues. By inserting thin, hair-like needles into specific acupuncture points, acupuncturists are able to get your body to relax and balance your body’s energies and hormones. Acupuncture is thought to help kickstart your endocrine system. This may be linked to helping your body produce more reproductive hormones needed to produce reproductive cells.

Meditation for Stress 

Your body is a machine, that functions when it has ample rest, a healthy diet, and low levels of stress. Many fertility challenges are often traced back to an imbalance in hormones, that can result due to genetics or stress. By implementing a regular mediation schedule that allows you to activate your body’s parasympathetic nervous system to calm your body, you may be able to restore your hormonal balance. With your hormones on track, your body can produce an optimal environment for a baby, thereby increasing your chances of getting pregnant.

Chiropractic Adjustments to Help with Fertility

Your nervous system is your body’s control center. When it is functioning well, your body’s systems, including your reproductive and endocrine (hormone) systems are working in synchrony. However, when your spine is misaligned, throwing your nervous system into a tailspin, your reproductive and endocrine systems are also thrown off balance. Without your hormones and reproductive system working in tandem, getting pregnant and maintaining a healthy pregnancy can be difficult. However, getting regular chiropractic adjustments to address any spinal misalignments you may have can be an all-natural and non-invasive way to give your body the added fertility boost it may need.

Are you or your partner struggling to get pregnant?

We invite you to visit one of our highly-experienced chiropractors at one of our seven offices. We specialize in helping you reach your optimal health by using the latest chiropractic techniques. Visit us online here to learn more about our award-winning practice.