Essential Oils – Allergy Blend
Having allergies, either in the Spring or all year round can be a very uncomfortable way to live. Essential oils are a natural way to help alleviate allergies. Leveraging natural and easy at-home ways to manage or reduce your symptoms can be effective in making the Spring enjoyable, even if you have allergies. In this blog, we’ll explore the uses for various essential oils and how you can use them to finally ditch your seasonal allergy suffering to the curb.
What Are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are made from natural ingredients, often plants that have medicinal or calming effects. You can use essential oils in a host of different ways, including, but not limited to:
- Put them in a diffuser to release into the air
- Placing a few drops in the bathtub or shower while bathing
- Rub them on the skin or on the soles of your feet
- Smelling them directly from their container
How to Use Essential Oils
Using essential oils, specifically with a diffuser is often referred to as aromatherapy. In this way, your body is stimulated through your sense of smell and this can then in turn influence other areas in your body.
If you do choose to use oils on your skin, it is recommended to dilute them before applying them, as the concentrated oil may cause skin irritation. When used in this fashion, the oils are absorbed by the skin and immediately enter your bloodstream.
Essential Oil Allergy Blend
Lavender is known to create a soothing sensation and is great to use during bedtime. Due to its calming qualities, it can also be great for soothing allergy symptoms and reducing inflammation during high pollen times. Recent scientific findings have shown that lavender can help to prevent the enlargement of mucous cells, which lead to running noses and watery eyes. The best way to use lavender is to put a few drops into a diffuser or to use it in a soaking bath.
Peppermint is also known to help eliminate inflammation and can be even more potent when mixed with lavender or lemon oils. This is great to open up your pores, especially if you suffer from nasal or chest congestion during the Spring. It is best used through a diffuser or applied (in a diluted form) directly on the skin.
Most citrus-based oils are known to help boost energy and alertness. Lemon oil is also helpful in clearing the sinuses and dramatically reducing the common symptoms associated with seasonal allergies. Due to its potency, lemon oil is best used through a diffuser and released into the air.
The Spring does not have to be riddled with allergies. You can enjoy the great outdoors without sneezing – all by using all-natural allergy remedies and essential oils. For other at-home health tricks, be sure to check our blog often for our latest, informative articles.