
Why Quick-Fixes Aren’t the Answer

The truth is… the society that we live in today is all about “quick-fixes.” You know what we are talking about, right? Microwaves, meal replacement shakes, fast food, Netflix, one-hour photos – you name it, you’ve probably got it (or at least have access to it)! But it doesn’t just stop there. This “quick-fix” society also spills over into the way we approach our health. We want to feel better and NOW! So we take pills for things like headaches, indigestion, trouble sleeping, poor skin, and anxiety.

Quick Fixes – I Want It Now

While medicine most certainly has its place in our world, it shouldn’t always be our first grab-n-go. Sure… this “I want it now!” society might seem like a more easy and efficient way of life. However, our desire for instant gratification or immediate relief can actually put us under more stress in the long run. Furthermore, this compulsion makes us feel an even greater need to condense our schedules by utilizing any shortcuts available to us.

Mindset Shift

But what if we began to shift our mindset? What if we learned to not expect immediate results? Nothing worth having or accomplishing will come easy or overnight. Let’s face it – living healthier and more authentic lives takes long practices. Some days, it will be hard to do the things that take time. But that’s when we speak truth over ourselves: “Our health is an investment and not an expense.” That’s when we remember that success is a consequence, not a goal. If we shoot for purely success, we start wrong. That’s when we look in front of the mirror and say our positive affirmations.

Healing Takes Time

Now, when it comes to healing – things take time! We get it – that’s hard to hear sometimes. When we are in pain – all we want is a miracle or an overnight remedy. But, friends! We are here to encourage you that that type of health is not sustainable. ⁣In fact, we often remind our patients that their symptoms or discomfort didn’t arise in one day and they most likely won’t go away in one day. Here at Corrective Chiropractic, we are focused getting to the ROOT cause of you problems and your health concerns. That takes time, repetition, and consistency.

How Does Chiropractic Help

If you are new to chiropractic, it is designed on the concept of vitalism! It is believed that the body has an Innate Intelligence to healing. We all have this innate ability to heal OURSELVES. It comes from within! We just have to give it the right environment and remove the interference. Disease occurs when the body’s natural ability to adapt to life’s forces (stress, environmental toxins, traumas) is interrupted. Through specific chiropractic adjustments, we remove those subluxations that interfere with the normal function of your nervous system. Now, this is true healing! The cool thing about healing from the inside-out is that you will not only begin to FEEL better, but your whole body starts FUNCTIONING better.

Ready to get started? Call us for a New Patient Appointment today!


Staying Healthy On Vacation

If you’re reading this and planning on going on vacation anytime soon – listen up, friends! As your trusted Corrective Chiropractic Chiropractor, we are here to educate you on how to stay healthy on vacation. Here are three of our favorite tips and tricks!

Key to Staying Healthy Is Morning Movement!

The big question is, “How do we keep our healthy habits, no matter the location?” Our first tip of advice is to START your morning with movement. For some of you, it might look like doing a 30 minutes of HIIT. It could look like a fun bike ride around the beach or even a relaxed walk to brunch with the whole family. For some of you, it might look like booking a class at a cool studio you’ve never been to before. For others of you, it might look like a quick jog around the new city! Whatever you choose… the trick is to put it on your schedule. The truth is, if it’s not in the books, it most-likely won’t happen. Moving your body has so much power to change your mind! Wake up early, get it done, & then enjoy all your fun adventures ahead. Plus, you very rarely feel disappointed after a workout. Remember that.

Stay Hydrated!

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! We cannot chant this enough. Hydrating is so key to staying healthy on vacation. Our bodies need water to be able to function at its most optimal level. Not only that, but water helps deliver nutrients to our cells. That’s huge, people! Our trusted tip of the day? Keep a reusable and insulated water bottle with you wherever you go. We recommend drinking at least half your body-weight in ounces per day. Sweating or working out? Grab some electrolyte tabs to help you replenish what you lose!

Rest and Recover!

Whether we often realize it or not, a big reason why we need a vacation is because we need sleep. Sure, we all want a nice getaway! But what we really NEED is rest. Most likely, you are 1 of 8 in 10 Americans who say that they are stressed (according to the 2017 Gallup poll). While some stress can be good, our bodies aren’t meant to withstand constant and on-going stress. We want to avoid triggering our sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for our “fight-or-flight” mode. When we are chronically in that “fight-or-flight” mode, our body’s stress response system is disrupted. As a result, our body reacts by raising our overall cortisol levels and disturbing our normal cortisol and melatonin rhythms. Instead, our goal is to activate our parasympathetic nervous system, which facilitates our “rest and digest” function. If you find yourself stressed, perhaps you are not spending enough time in the “rest and digest” mode. Here’s a sweet trick! Put your phone / work away and use this vacay time to rest and recharge. Think about this… our ancestors did not have much vacation time. However, they were able to maintain good health because they knew how to rest and recharge – best.

There you go! Three tips & tricks to stay healthy while on vacation! While they might seem obvious… you would be surprised how quick we are to forget the simple things. Now, go have fun and enjoy your well-deserved trip!


Healthy Lifestyle Habits

During this unknown and unpredictable season of life, we want to help you keep on track and create healthy lifestyle habits! Here at Corrective Chiropractic, we do not expect our patients to be perfect. Instead, we expect you to be great! How does one achieve greatness? By taking hold of their health and the health of their family.

What are Healthy Lifestyle Habits?

It all starts with creating healthy lifestyle habits. We encourage you to create healthy habits that aren’t just here for a short time, but here for a long time! Living a healthy lifestyle is so much more than just eating a nutritious breakfast. It’s about setting yourself up for success. It’s about making a plan and sticking to it! It’s about taking time for your healthy practices. It’s about moving your body daily! It’s about giving yourself grace when you’re not perfect. It’s about choosing better options! It’s about taking small steps every single day towards a more mindful life.

How Do I Start to Make Healthy Lifestyle Habits?

You might be asking yourself, “Well, that seems like a lot. Where do I start?” Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! Take a moment to think about the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning. Once your alarm goes off… do you immediately roll over, grab your phone, and check all of your notifications? Do you find yourself responding to emails first-thing, scrolling through Facebook to play “catch up,” or ending up on someone’s Instagram page – just wishing you had more vacation time? If the answer is yes, it’s okay.

We’ve all been there. But be encouraged – there is a healthier way! For starters, consider your night routine. Do you sleep with your phone in the room? If so, try leaving your phone in the room outside your bedroom (or even the bathroom).  We want to allow ourselves to be able to go to bed without our phones. Not only will this optimize your sleep environment, but it will allow you to relax and prepare your body for sleep!

Put the Phone Away!

Another tip is to protect the last hour or two before your bedtime as a phone-free zone! LED screens (such as our cell phones & tablets) give off blue light, which is suggested to hinder the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and disrupt our circadian rhythms. While the reason is still not completely sure, it could be because blue light emits wavelengths that are similar to daylight. Moreover, our bodies can be deceived to think that it’s actually day time, even at night. Instead, enjoy some time reading a book, taking a bath to wind down, or even doing your recommended at-home exercises we’ve given you!

When you wake up, don’t let your phone rule your day! Instead, have a plan that will leave you feeling more filled! Maybe you will try waking up a little earlier to read, pray, or meditate? Maybe you will take 15 minutes to write down your goals / positive affirmations for the day? Maybe you will get in a 30-minute workout because you have a busy work schedule? Or maybe you will spend some time on your porch… sipping tea as you watch the sun start to rise? Think about something that brings your heart joy… something that grounds you… something that takes you puts you in a good head space. Now, that is how we want you to start your day!

Make It Happen!

Whatever you choose, we encourage you to make it happen! If you make a plan and tell yourself that you are going to wake up at 6:00 AM for a workout, but then snooze your alarm clock five times and procrastinate until it’s too late… the first thing that you are doing in your day is lying to yourself. Subconsciously, you start cutting corners and cheating yourself in other parts of your day. Make sense?

Creating a healthy morning routine is essential for your health! But please, don’t get stuck in feeling like you have to change everything all at once. We want you to slowly incorporate healthy habits into your routine. Remember – small steps will lead to a more sustainable lifestyle! For you, it might be turning your phone into “airplane mode” an hour or so before you go to bed. It might be sleeping without your phone right by your pillow at night. It might be adding in 30 minutes of exercise in the morning! It might be eating a healthy breakfast instead of scrolling through social media. It might be committing to the one thing you’ve been half-in on for awhile now.

There are a lot of people who say that the very first hour and the very last hour of our day are the most important hours of our whole day! Think about it… it really is so true! This week, try beginning and ending your day with small “wins” that are bound to help you be more productive and leave you more refreshed than ever. Ready, set, go!


Are You Deficient in Omega-3s?

To get us going, let’s start with a little refresher on omega 3-s. Omega-3s are a type of essential fatty acid your body needs for a great number of natural system functions. Studies have shown that most Americans do not consume enough omega-3 fats and/or have an improper ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s.

Why Are Omega-3s Important?

In 2009, the Harvard School of Public Health published a review of individual risk factors that are attributable to specific deaths. According to its estimates, low omega-3 intake is EIGHTH on the list of the most serious risk factors that contribute to death. Shocking, right? That means that low omega-3 intake is responsible for up to 96,000 deaths in the U.S. each year.

What Are The Health Risks of Low Omega-3s?

While there are no official guidelines for the right amount of omega-3’s one should consume each day… the ideal ratio of omega-6 foods to omega-3 foods is about equal to (or at least at) a 2:1 ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s. The risks of consuming too little omega-3s or too many omega-6s can lead to several health risks:

  • Inflammation (sometimes severe)
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Higher risk for heart disease and high cholesterol
  • Digestive disorders
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Mental disorders (like depression)
  • Poor brain development
  • Cognitive decline

Now, we do not tell you these risks to scare you. In fact, that is far from the truth. Instead, our goal is to EDUCATE you so that you are able to do better for your health and your family as a whole.


One specific reason why omega-3 fatty acids are so beneficial to many aspects of our health is that they help decrease system-wide inflammation. Did you know? Inflammation is at the root cause of most diseases and is related to the development of nearly every major illness. Of course, some inflammation is essential for survival. It helps protect our bodies from infection & injury. However, when inflammation is chronic or excessive, it can cause more harm than good.

By eating a nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory diet… we allow our bodies to do what it does best – HEAL! Your body was literally designed to fight disease. All you have to do is give it the right environment!

The benefits of Omega 3’s may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Improved Heart Health
  • Battle Mental Disorders and Decline
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Fight Autoimmune Diseases
  • Associated with Lower Cancer Risks
  • May Support Healthy Bones + Joints
  • Might Improve Sleep Quality
  • May Fight Menstrual Pain
  • Linked to Lower Degeneration Risk
  • Support Healthy Skin

Best Ways to Get Omega-3s

The best way to get enough omega-3s is by eating foods rich in the nutrient! Some of our favorite straight-from-the-source recommendations include salmon, walnuts, chia & flax seeds, albacore tuna, and egg yolks. If you decide to start supplementing to boost your omega-3 intake, make sure to ask us about which brand we trust + recommend to avoid any adverse reactions. By the way, did you know that we sell omega-3’s in house? Ask us about them!


5 Ways to Have Family Fun During The Pandemic

The pandemic has cancelled a lot of things: weddings, birthday parties, baby showers, school, and so on. However, if there is one thing that this pandemic has taught us… it is that we can still make up our own kind of family fun.

1. Family Fun Dinners

Sitting around the dinner table is one of the most underrated, yet simple building activities that you can do with your family. It does not have to be a three hour ordeal, but seek to have it be intentional. There is something so special about gathering around that table together. Whether you want to share a cooked meal together or get local takeout… set a time and stick to it! As a family, talk about the highlights of your day, what you are looking forward to in the future, and how delicious your food is (of course!). Want to go the extra mile? Pick a few family members to cook a themed meal and have some fun with it!

2. Home Trivia

First, you will need to come up with 20-25 questions about your home and family. The goal of the game is to have your family compete to see who can answer each question correctly + the fastest. For example, the question can be… “What is Mom’s favorite movie?” or “What was Katie Lynn’s marathon time?” Not only is this activity so much fun, but it is also a great way to strengthen your competitive skills… I mean, family bond. Haha!

3. The Ultimate Family Fun Picnic

There is nothing more timeless than a classic picnic in the park. Grab a picnic blanket, yummy food + drinks, and even a deck of playing cards if you’re up for it! It doesn’t have to be a lot, but the simple act of packing up a meal and taking it on the road creates a completely new experience. Each setting is different and every season will be sure to bring something new. Trust us, the memories that you will make will last a lifetime!

4. Grow a Herb Garden

All you need is a pot, some herbs (you can grab them from your local market), some soil, and you are on your way. Let the kids go crazy! One of the best ways children learn is through their everyday experiences. Kids love to feel empowered! Giving them a chance to grow the herbs they can use when they are sick gives them ownership on their health. They will be more willing to use them if they’ve had a hand in growing, harvesting, and making remedies from the herbs.

5. Get Pen-Palling

Gather together cards, construction paper, markers, puffy stickers, photos, magazines, glue sticks – you name it! Turn a simple greeting into something crafty + cute. Mail them off to your far-off family, friends, neighbors down the street, or whoever comes to your mind during this time. The extra encouragement may not take a whole lot of extra effort on your part, but it sure will bring a smile to someone’s face! Who knows… the snail mail that you send out, might just inspire someone else to pay this simple act of kindness forward.

Now that you’ve got some tricks up your sleeve… comment below which fun family activity you & yours give a try!


3 Strategies to Help Reduce Stress During The Pandemic

Before we dive deeper into this blog, we want to acknowledge you in this season. Although we are not able to physically see the work of your labor, we want to remind you that it’s worth it. In whatever way(s) that this pandemic has been hard for you, we are confident that it’s shaping you. We hope this blog helps you find ways to reduce stress during these times.

First thing’s first. The health and safety of our patients will always be our number one priority. Secondly, the well-being of our patients is very important to us. Whether you are under regular chiropractic care with us or not, we encourage you to build healthy habits into your schedule!

We are going to talk through THREE strategies to help reduce stress during the pandemic.

  1. Positive Affirmations

Self-affirmations are often overlooked, yet they have been shown to decrease health-deteriorating stress. Although there are no hard rules when it comes to timing or frequency, both writing your affirmations down in a journal and practicing them in the mirror is an effective and powerful method. More generally, an adaptive, broad sense of self makes us more resilient to difficulties when they come our way. Whether we are presented with social pressures, health information that makes us feel uncomfortable, or even feelings of exclusion… a broader self-concept can influence our health for the better.

Looking for some ideas to create your own affirmations? Here are a few examples to get you inspired:

“Whenever I fall down, I get back up again.”

“I am strong, brave, and intentional.”

“I am healing!”

2. Exercise

We all know that exercise is good for us. But, why? Well, we are glad you asked! There is early evidence to support this theory. Let’s look at a 1998 study conducted by Brown and Siegal. The two examined the ability of exercise to buffer stress-induced deteriorations in physical health. In total, 384 teenage girls were assessed for their levels of self-reported exercise schedules, stress levels, and disease incidence. As expected, girls who were sedentary and under high levels of stress had higher disease incidence. In contrast, girls who were moderately physically active and under high stress were protected against the stress-induced increases in disease incidence. Therefore, the findings revealed that exercise may be a valuable resource for combating life stress.

When it comes to building exercise into your already-jam-packed life and work schedule… you will have to make it a priority. Start by setting a time that you can commit to on a daily basis. It is not about working out for long, extended periods of time. It is about choosing something that is attainable and staying consistent. The saying is true, “Move your body and change your mind.” We believe in you! Now, repeat your positive affirmations and get moving.

3. Chiropractic Adjustments

Last but not least, go see your local chiropractor! If you have never been to a chiropractor before… we are here to fill you in. Chiropractic is not designed to instantly make you feel better. It is designed to make you instantly heal better! Getting to the root cause of your health issues takes time, repetition, and consistency. Chiropractic is not a one-time, quick-fix for your chronic problems. Your pain or discomfort did not arise in one day and will not go away in one day. As Chiropractors, we genuinely care about your symptoms. However, our aim is to prep your body to function at optimal levels and help you respond better to all stressors in your life.

Through specific, chiropractic adjustments, we work to reduce stress-related interference to your nervous system. Chiropractic is yet another commitment we encourage you to build into your schedule, along with all your other healthy habits (like daily self-affirmations and exercise… wink wink). There you have it – 3 strategies to help reduce stress during the pandemic.


Information About Headaches

Although 2020 has forced us to slow down more than usual, we are still no strangers to stress. The majority of people would say that headaches are common. However, we are here to remind you that a headache is a good indicator that your body is missing something. Maybe you need some rest, water, supplements, or change in nutrition!

Headaches can be triggered by many things – stress, fatigue, allergies, eyestrain, poor posture, low blood sugar, hormones, constipation, nutritional deficiencies, etc. But we are here to remind you that our bodies are SO smart! Our body tells us when something needs to change by giving us these signals.

You might be asking yourself, “How do I make my headaches go away?” Well, you’ve come to the right place! We have gathered some top headache relief remedies to help you fight headaches in a natural and healthy way.

What Causes Headaches?

Simply put, headaches occur due to a combination of nerve signals from the blood vessels and muscles in the head. What specifically causes these signals to turn on is still not fully known. Luckily, there are several natural remedies to fight off headaches without the use of medicine.

5 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of a Headache

  1. First things first! Chiropractic care & posture are huge! Similar to an antioxidant, Chiropractors can reduce oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress is the damage that occurs when free radicals out number the body’s antioxidants. To put it simply, chiropractic adjustments help put your body in the best environment. We aim to prep your body to function at optimal levels + respond better to all the stressors in your life!
  2. Peppermint Essential Oil is our go-to oil for headache relief. Peppermint works wonders for providing a cooling effect on the skin. Furthermore, research shows that peppermint stimulates a significant increase in skin blood flow of the forehead, as well as soothes muscle contractions.
  3. Magnesium – talk about a true game-changer! Did you know that people who suffer from serious migraines often have low levels of magnesium? Taking 200-600 mg of magnesium daily can reduce the frequency of headache attacks. An easy way to increase your magnesium intake is to eat more fiber. Want to supplement instead? Good thing we sell Standard Process in house!
  4. Hydration, hydration, hydration! Staying hydrated is the toughest, yet easiest battle for us to win. While we do love a good cup of joe around here, the dehydrating effects of coffee (along with other sugar-y drinks) can certainly leave us with a dreaded headache. Drinking enough water throughout the day is so underrated – which in itself can relieve headache pain and symptoms. We recommend drinking at least half your body weight (in ounces) in water a day + more if you are working out.
  5. Movement is key! Here’s our tip of the day… never staying in one position for an extended period of time. Especially if you’re working at a desk or computer all day – change it up! In this day & age, the majority of people spend hours upon hours a day hunched over. This position (with your head sticking out), puts an extra 20-30 pounds of pressure on your neck. That’s a lot, right? We like call this “text neck.” To get away from this added pressure + tension… go see your local Chiropractor!
chiropractic adjustment

Information About Chiropractic Adjustments

What if we told you that headaches, backaches, or joint pain are common, but nowhere near normal. Would you think twice? Here at Corrective Chiropractic, people’s norms are changing for the better and for the long haul because of chiropractic adjustments! So let’s take a look at how chiropractic care works.

How Does Chiropractic Work?

As Chiropractors, our entire profession is built upon the basic principle that the body has the incredible, natural ability to heal itself (under the right conditions). Our job is to help create an environment that helps this inner-healing process. Through specific chiropractic adjustments, you allow your body to be put in the best position to heal itself! Why would you want to get chiropractic adjustments?

Why Get Chiropractic Adjustments?

The purpose of chiropractic care is not the treatment of conditions or disease.  It is the restoration of normal body function. We reduce stress-related interference to the nervous system enhancing overall body function. All the systems of the body depend on the optimal function of the nervous system. This includes the circulatory, digestive, hormonal, glandular, immunological, muscular, reproductive, respiratory, and skeletal systems. Let’s look at some benefits of chiropractic care.

What are the Benefits of Chiropractic?

It’s hard to find any other profession on the planet that can prevent neuromuscular-based diseases like chiropractic can. That is why I’ve been personally getting adjusted for over 11 years now. I recommend my patients, friends, and family members to do the same. But don’t just take my word for it! Below you’ll find evidence from medical research studies, systematic reviews, and even case studies supporting 5 of the top benefits of chiropractic adjustments!

1. Low Back and Neck Pain:

In a study* conducted to test the effectiveness of different approaches for treating neck pain 272 participants were divided into three groups. Group 1 received spinal manipulative therapy from a doctor of chiropractic (DC).  Pain medications (over-the-counter pain relievers, narcotics and muscle relaxants) were received by group 2. The last group only followed at-home exercise recommendations. After 12 weeks, about 57% of those who met with DCs, and about 48% of those who exercised, reported at least a 75% reduction in pain. Of the group of people who took pain medication only 33% reported decreased pain. After one year, approximately 53%  of the two drug-free groups (chiropractic and exercise) continued to report at least a 75% reduction in pain. Only 38% of those who only took medication experienced a reduction in pain.

*funded by NIH’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

2. Headaches (Tension and Migraine)

A group trial found that 22% of people who had chiropractic treatment saw the number of headache attacks drop by 90%. In that same study, 49% said they had a significant reduction in pain intensity. Few interventions can initiate headache relief naturally, without the risks of taking drugs long-term, like chiropractic adjustments can.

3. Blood Pressure

In 2007, George Bakris* , published a study with a team of researchers in the Human Journal of Hypertension. This study showed that one chiropractic adjustment had the same effect as two blood pressure-lowering drugs. The effects of just one chiropractic adjustment lasted more than six months! Compared to the placebo-treated patients, those who got the real procedure saw an average 14 mm Hg greater drop in systolic blood pressure (the top number in a blood pressure count) and an average 8 mm Hg greater drop in diastolic blood pressure (the bottom blood pressure number).

*the world expert on hypertension

4. Athletic Performance

There is good reason why professional athletes, including Michael Phelps, Jerry Rice and Joe Montana, have made a point to regularly be treated by chiropractors.  Over 50% of NFL teams have a chiropractor on staff. One of the most overlooked aspects of chiropractic care is that it enhances functionality in everyday life,  including athletic performance. Studies have shown that when it comes to supporting recovery and improving physical performance, chiropractic adjustments are helpful because they:

  • Reduce inflammatory cytokines
  • Boost the immune system
  • Enhance pulmonary function
  • Decrease mental and oxidative stress
  • Relieve muscle tension
  • And can naturally increase energy levels

Ultimately, our goal is to help reduce inflammation, enhance joint function and reduce pain. Adjustments will also help improve range of motion, minimize recovery time, and maximize athletic performance.

5. Colic, Acid Reflux, & Ear Infections in Children

Why are chiropractic adjustments helpful in these situations? The reasons for this vary, but there is one common theme. Nerves located in the gut and brain are quite sensitive to neurological insult caused by vertebral subluxations. By realigning the spine and reducing pressure placed on certain nerves, the gut-brain connection is improved. This works the same way in both children and adults. A healthier, “happier” gut at any age can help increase immune function. A healthy gut will also reduce inflammation and reduce pain in various parts of the body.

There you have it! The benefits mentioned above might draw the most patients to visit chiropractors. There are also many more reasons why chiropractic care is such a valuable treatment approach. Additional benefits of chiropractic adjustments include helping to treat:

  • Vertigo & dizziness
  • Bowel regularity
  • Improved mental clarity
  • ADHD
  • Neck pain
  • Arthritis and joint pain
  • Scoliosis
  • Asthma
  • Blood pressure
  • Healthy pregnancy
  • Organ function
  • Surgery prevention
chiropractor lifestyle adjustment

What’s The Chiropractic Lifestyle

A Chiropractic lifestyle is sometimes unheard of in our society, right? However, it is truly a healthy lifestyle! Sure, it is an alternative approach to the traditional drugs and surgeries. But really, it is about making conscious decisions towards healthy living and all-around wellness + wholeness!

What is a Chiropractic Lifestyle?

Most of the time, when people think of Chiropractic, they think of neck or back pain. But a Chiropractic lifestyle is so much more than that! Yes, it includes regular adjustments. However, it also includes a healthy diet, exercise, and other positive lifestyle choices.

Why Should I Choose This Lifestyle?

Although a lot of patients will come into our office with specific issues, Chiropractic care is also used as the preservation of health. Because your nervous system controls every cell, organ, and tissue in your body, Chiropractors focus their attention on the health of the spine being properly aligned.

When subluxations occur, these misalignments put pressure and tension on the nerves exiting from the spine, causing either pain or decrease of function somewhere in your body. This means that the brain and body cannot communicate effectively, which leads to symptoms and dysfunction.

How Does This Fit In With My Lifestyle?

In this day and age, we are always on the go! We are always in the left-lane, going somewhere fast and want things to happen NOW! We choose to pick immediate pleasure over delayed gratification. Unfortunately, we tend to do that in most areas of our life, including our health. Chiropractic care, however, is not a “quick fix.” Although sometimes it is sold that way, it is not meant to serve as an emergency room. If you only come to see the Chiropractor when you’re in pain, then it is similar to only eating healthy food when you’re sick. Make sense?

Good Things Take Time

It takes your body time to heal and adapt to the changes that are being made. It takes patience and positivity and persistence. The truth is, Chiropractic care is not designed to make you instantly feel better, but FUNCTION better! We will give you some “homework” such as special exercises and routines to continue working on correcting between sessions.

Think about it! If you wake up, make it to a workout, work a 9-5 job Monday through Friday that has you sedentary for the majority of the day, drive home, cook dinner, take care of your family’s needs before your own, then do that process all over again… a substantial amount of physical and emotional stress is being placed on your body all week.

How To Get The Best Results Out Of Your Daily Routine

When Chiropractic care is a normal part of your routine, your body is able to adapt to those constant stressors in your life! Not to mention, when you are properly aligned, your body is put in the most optimal position to heal from the inside-out. If you don’t have patience, you will conform to what society says is “normal” and go straight to the medicine cabinet to cover up your symptoms.

Your body is always going to go through stresses that will come with different seasons of your life. But it’s all about how you adapt to stress when it comes! When you come to understand that patience is required for healing and restoration of life, you will notice that your body’s innate ability to adapt and heal is pretty incredible! Keep your chiropractic appointments! This is essential in maintaining a healthy spine.

Health Is A  Continued Journey

We write all this to remind you to not give up on your health journey too soon! Sometimes, setbacks happen because of something external that is out of our control. We like to encourage our patients, “That’s why we have you on a care plan.” It is only a matter of time before your body begins healing the way it was designed to, naturally!

We will leave you with this awesome quote by D.D Palmer, “Chiropractic is a restorative healthcare profession that focuses on the inherent healing capacity of the body and the fact that the nervous system is the primary system involved in that healing and repair.”


During this time it is important for us to stay open for you to maintain a healthy spine and immune system. Here are the chiropractic precautions we are taking. We are open for you to come in and maintain your care. As COVID19 affects our communities, our work as your family chiropractor continues. We are vigilant; heeding all federal, state and local health advisories; and where it makes sense, adjusting efforts to safeguard the health and safety of our staff and practice members.

Woodstock Office COVID-19 Policies

Please read below what chiropractic precautions we are doing  for COVID-19 in our Woodstock office to make sure you stay healthy and safe while here.

Our Covid-19 PROTOCOLS during this time:

  • Screening questions will be texted to 2 hours before appointments so we can take all precautions needed
      • Have you traveled internationally in the last 14 days, been in close contact with another person who has been diagnosed with or under investigation for COVID-19, or do you have the following symptoms: a cough, fever, or shortness of breath?
  • Neck traction, wobble chairs, adjustment table, and rolling tables will all be sanitized after every use
  • Before or after your adjustment we have vitamin D3 available for you to take at no charge
  • The schedule has been modified so that there is no more than 3 patients in the office at all times
  • On top of all of our precautions, you are more than welcome to bring your own towel, gloves, or mask

We Appreciate You Observing Our Chiropractic Precautions

Thank you for your continued support during this time. All of our offices are following the CDC and WHO guidelines given and taking other chiropractic precautions to make sure our patients feel comfortable during this time. If you have any questions please ask our Office Manger, Nikki.