CBS health alert-interview

Corrective Chiropractic ranked top 6 on Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Healthiest Employers 2018 under Small Companies Category!

At Corrective Chiropractic providing expert care for our patients begins with our employees. We understand that when our employees are healthy, happy, and feel at their best this will translate into the highest level of care for our patients.

The health and wellness of all of those who enter our offices, both employees and patients alike is our top priority. That’s why we have shaped our company culture to be one of support, positivity, and always with a focus improving the lives of our community.

Our employees are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle and can use their two-hour lunch break, stand-up workstations, and the on-site fitness center to achieve their personal wellness goals.

At Corrective Chiropractic, we don’t simply “walk the walk”, instead we are mindful of everything we do from the design of our office to the words we use with our patients and staff. Our practice is firmly rooted in helping our community be the happiest and healthiest in the state.

We are excited to be recognized by the Atlanta Business Chronicle as the 6th Healthiest Company, in the 2-99 employee category. With our second consecutive Top 10 placement on this list, we look forward to continuing to bring exceptional chiropractic service and wellness support to our patients, our staff, and the greater Atlanta community.


To schedule an expert chiropractic consultation or to learn more about why Corrective Chiropractic is one of the best places to work in Atlanta, talk to us at 404-355-5499. For the complete award announcement and details, click here.

With more than 10 million new cases a year, ear infections are the most common reason for a visit to the pediatrician and the 2nd most common reason for surgery in children under 2 years of age (following circumcision). According to the American Chiropractic Association, it is estimated that 50% of children will experience at least one middle ear infection before they are 1 year of age, and 75% of children will experience one before 3 years of age.

Why is Ear Infection So Common To Kids?

Babies and young children are very susceptible to ear infections because their Eustachian tubes are shaped differently than their adult counterparts. Children’s Eustachian tubes are horizontal and shortened. This shape makes it easy for bacteria to migrate from the ears and throat into the middle ear space, which causes the fluid to pool in the middle ear.

What can Chiropractic do?

In our office, we see several children each week who suffer with chronic ear infections. Many of these children have taken multiple rounds of antibiotics or have gone through surgery, still with no success.

Luckily, chiropractic care can help! Gentle chiropractic adjustments to the Atlas (the top bone in the neck) and the Occiput (base of the skull) allow fluid in the middle ear to drain, which boosts the body’s immune system. By strengthening the body’s ability to fight the infection naturally, the child is able to recover faster and prevent future ear infections. In fact, a recent research study showed that after receiving a six-month series of chiropractic adjustments, nearly 80% of the children treated were free of ear infections.

This means of healing is a safe and effective alternative to treating ear infections in babies and young children. Also, to avoid or prevent this certain conditions to your child, you can follow these 3 tips to fight ear infection.

Does your child is suffering with ear infections or suspect them to have one? Consult to our nearest Corrective Chiropractic offices in Atlanta, Sandy Springs, Decatur & Alpharetta to help your child now. You can also call us at 404-355-5499 and request appointment.

Many pregnant moms experience sciatica pain during pregnancy that can range from mild to severe pain. Sciatica can produce shooting and/or dull pain that travels along the site of the sciatic nerve (low back, buttock region, and leg). Structural changes and demands during pregnancy typically attribute to symptoms. Based on individual anatomy, the piriformis muscle can irritate the sciatic nerve resulting in similar symptoms as sciatica, and is termed “Piriformis Syndrome”. Chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy can ensure proper structural integrity in order to manage and even prevent associated symptoms.

Daily exercises can help with the tension associated with muscle changes during pregnancy that often lead to lower back stiffness and discomfort, and even sciatica.

Back Bend Stretch

The backbend stretch is a yoga pose utilized to improve low back and sacral range of motion. While standing, place hands on the tailbone and distract hands down towards the ground. Slowly bend torso and neck back as hands continue to distract down on the tailbone. Hold this stretch for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times whenever low back or tailbone tension associated with sciatica occurs.


Standing Lunge

A sustained lunge pose can improve flexibility for hip flexor muscles and hamstrings – both with attachments to the pelvic bones. Pelvic misalignments and muscle imbalance can lead to additional stress on the sciatic nerve. Place one foot in front of the other and bend the associated leg to a 90-degree angle. Squat down with chest and torso aligned with hips. Hold for 15-20 seconds. Repeat on each side 4-6 times.


Warrior One

Warrior one is a yoga pose designed to increase the range of motion and flexibility for the hip flexor muscles and the round ligament. Place one foot in front of the other and bend the associated leg to a 90-degree angle. Squat down with chest and torso aligned with hips. Reach hands and arms up, keeping aligned with hips. Hold for 15-20 seconds. Repeat on each side 4-6 times.


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America is on a silent (and rather deadly) downward trend. Over the last two years the average life expectancy of American adults has decreased to 78.6 years, shaving nearly 10% off of previous estimates. And, when you examine the gender life expectancy numbers, with women living an average of 81.1 years and men reaching 76.1 years, it becomes clear that how you live now will play a critical role in how long you will live, in the future.

Experts are warning that unless individual Americans begin to reverse their lifestyle and exercise habits, the life expectancy will continue to decline, year after year. This could translate into higher numbers of premature deaths and increased rates of preventable diseases. Though heart disease and cancer remain the leading causes of death among Americans, medical specialist strongly advise adults to begin implementing healthy regimes now into their daily lives.

In fact, according to the National Cancer Institute, adults who exercise regularly, defined as at least 45 minutes, three times a week, have statistically lower rates of lung, kidney, colon, and breast cancers1. Likewise, when coupled with a healthy diet and taking proactive medical precautions like visiting a physician for an annual exam, the risk of developing cancer and heart disease can be lowered even more.

Interestingly, another even more startling trend is quickly emerging. As the life expectancy rate has dropped, the prescription drug use in America has skyrocketed. It is now estimated that nearly 3.2 billion prescriptions are ordered each year, accounting for nearly 70% of the population actively taking a medication, at least once per day2. And, with the growing opioid addiction crisis sweeping across the nation, it is more important than ever for you to start finding healthy ways to restore your health – without the use of prescription drugs, whenever possible.

This is where exploring alternative wellness options like chiropractic benefits and living proactive lifestyle to achieve optimal health benefits can be key in keeping your body in the best shape possible. Visiting to Chiropractors are leading the way in this regard and partnering with adults to relieve pain, stress and discomfort using all natural and non-invasive techniques. There are long-term benefits chiropractic care can do to help improve quality of life. Chiropractic techniques are safe and proven medical techniques that date back to over a 100 years ago. So, if you are at all concerned about your health or want to increase the chances of you living a long and happy life, you cannot ignore these emerging trends. Your health and longevity is completely within your control, if you’ll invest the time to maintain it.

If you adopt the right eating habits, commit to exercising, and and proactively stay on top of your lifestyle and health, you can be the exception and live well beyond 78.

Chiropractors and alternative pain management clinicians may be the answer the country needs to end opioid abuse. Doctors often prescribe opioids to combat debilitating medical symptoms that arise due to underlying medical causes ranging from managing pain from migraine headaches, to reducing pain following an injury or surgery. In fact, over 259 million prescriptions for opioids are written each year– a number equivalent to giving every American adult 1.5 bottles of opioids. 1
Though administered for various reasons, even using opioids as prescribed can lead to addiction when left unmonitored. When interviewed, many opioid addicts trace their first uses of the drugs back to their need to relieve pain.2 New research is pointing to alternative medicine and its various natural and healing benefits as being the key to reduce or eliminate opioid addiction epidemic. And, benefits of chiropractic are leading the way in transforming how Americans are managing and relieving their pain without medication of any kind.

According to the New Hampshire Chiropractic Association, chiropractic care serves to cut down on the use of opiate pain medicines as it relates to back-related pain and injuries. In a Dartmouth study3, a doctor studied 33,000 lower back pain patients to determine how their use of chiropractic services related to their use of pain medication. Preliminary research has found that when chiropractic care regimes are followed to treat lower back issues, patients used 57% fewer opioids as their level of pain was dramatically reduced with traditional chiropractic treatments.

Yet, despite research findings, the current health insurance structure favors the use of prescription drugs. Chiropractic services are either not covered or insufficiently covered as part of a standard medical insurance plan, leaving patients stuck to pay the bill or struggling to pay high co-pays. This incentivizes patients to see their primary care physician to help with pain management. Most physicians lack the extensive training to administer natural, pain-relieving alternatives and instead often turn to encouraging patients to use prescription drugs.

As the debate of how to best manage the growing opioid crisis intensifies, lawmakers and local government officials will have to consider the role that alternative medicine can play. To shift the conversation, insurance providers must be lobbied to expand their coverage and lower co-pays to make services like acupuncture and regular chiropractic care more affordable and accessible to all.

If you’re silently suffering from mild to severe back pain, or have chronic debilitating pain in other areas of your body, then now is the time to consider scheduling a full-body evaluation with the experienced doctors at Corrective Chiropractic. Our doctors will meet with you to discuss your current pain concerns and create a comprehensive and all-natural pain management plan to get you feeling like yourself again – without the need for pain medication.

A chiropractor is often thought of as a must-go for adults, not for children. However, recent research points to the benefits that maintaining a healthy spine and body can have for even the youngest of patients. A growing trend is emerging that is seeing the nation’s chiropractic offices flooded with infants. You read that correctly – infants! Babies, as young as four weeks old, have been known to receive regular adjustments to help alleviate feeding problems.

Many common childhood ailments have been found to be reduced and/or managed by having regular chiropractic visits. In fact, one mother cited that after receiving an adjustment her newborn was better able to feed, and cried significantly less throughout the day. It is suggested that misalignment, in infants and young children, can cause various symptoms that may affect feeding, the quality of sleep, immunity, neurological development, and their overall daily comfort.

But, buyer beware…not every chiropractic office may be suited to accept the littlest of patients. When choosing the right chiropractor to perform adjustments on your child, you want to be sure to ask about their previous experience with children and what procedures/adjusting techniques they might perform. The key is to make sure the office is welcoming and will be an overall pleasant experience for you and your child.

It is important to also note the difference in an adult adjustment and one that an infant may receive. The amount of pressure applied to their growing bones is very light. Due to children not having a lot of cartilage, adjustments are gentle and low to zero force.

The experienced doctors at Corrective Chiropractic cite these important benefits babies and young children receive from consistent visits.

  1. Nervous System Support

    A misalignment in the spine can quickly compromise the nerves connected to your baby’s organs. This can increase stress, pressure and discomfort for your child, who is often too young to verbalize and/or describe their pain. And, in many cases, a pediatrician may prescribe medication or dietary changes to manage the discomfort without being able to truly pinpoint the underlying cause. A chiropractic adjustment can serve to take the unnecessary pressure and stress off of the nerves and allow your baby’s body to grow properly.

  2. Increased Overall Comfort

    When it comes to treating chronic alignments in young children, doctors often encourage parents to administer medications. Though the medicines may reduce the symptoms temporarily, the symptoms may also get worse or occur more often. Instead, seeking chiropractic care can be a natural and less invasive way to manage the following:

    Ear infections
    Colic symptoms
    Acid reflux
    Feeding/Chewing issues
    Breastfeeding/latching problems


  3. Improved Home Experience

    Raising children is a full-time and very stressful job – as is – not to mention adding in a crying baby who cannot get comfortable. Relieving the added stress placed on your growing baby’s body can be a great way to reduce some of the fussiness your baby may be exhibiting. Many families comment on how relaxed and “at peace” their young children are after an adjustment. Being able to allow the body to grow and develop correctly without introducing added physical stress may be just what you need to ensure that your baby is happy and healthy.

If you’re considering an adjustment for your young child, there are pediatric trained doctors at Corrective Chiropractic. Please contact the office to schedule a pediatric exam and consultation. We’ll walk you through the entire process and answer any questions you may have. Give us a call today at 404-355-5499

Pregnancy is one of life’s most beautiful works. Yet, despite being an exciting time for expectant families, the physical changes a woman’s body undergoes can take a great toll on her. Recurring back, neck and joint stiffness and pain are common complaints of pregnant women as they progress through each trimester. By partnering with a reputable prenatal chiropractor, pregnant women can tap into these five health benefits.

  1. Keep your spine in alignment

    The average woman gains between 30-40 pounds during her pregnancy. This added weight, in such a short period of time, can put great strain on the body. As the pregnancy progresses, this additional strain often pulls the spine out of alignment. Depending on the severity of the misalignment, expectant mothers could experience symptoms ranging from chronic stiffness to extreme, debilitating pain. Having consistent chiropractic care throughout the pregnancy can ensure that the spine remains in alignment and that the supporting tendons are performing at their best to support the added weight and physical changes.

  2. Reduce the need for pain medication

    Back and neck pain, when left untreated, could be too painful for an expectant mother to bare. Taking pain medications during pregnancy can be medically challenging and put their unborn child at risk. Instead of having to suffer silently with recurring joint and back pain, a chiropractor can help to pinpoint areas of discomfort and create a care and pain management plan. And, frequent chiropractic adjustments not only relieve stress on the body, but they often help to significantly decrease pain caused by other underlying issues.

  3. Strengthen your joints for better support

    Imagine a rubber band being stretched to its limit. Something similar to this occurs during a woman’s pregnancy. As the uterus expands to accommodate for the growing baby, more and more strain is placed on the hips, legs, ankles and feet. An experienced chiropractor will be able to partner with expectant mothers to treat their entire body to effectively strengthen the body’s tendons to be able to sustain the added weight and pressure. With these areas cared for, the body has a greater chance to heal itself and prevent additional (and painful) strain on the body later.

  4. Ensure proper pelvic alignment

    According to the American Pregnancy Association, an aligned pelvis is vitally important to ensure a more efficient vaginal birth. A misaligned pelvis will reduce the space for the baby to fit through, and can put both mother and baby at risk during childbirth. This reduction in the pelvic opening, often referred to as intrauterine constraint, will prevent the baby from getting into the proper position for the mother to push, often resulting in a breech position. Breech positions often lead to c-section births. A chiropractor who specializes in prenatal care would be able to align the pelvis to support a natural and non-invasive vaginal birth.

  5. Increases your body’s ability to bounce back

    Following birth the body tries to repair any damage caused to it over the previous ten months. When a woman is able to maintain her health regime throughout her pregnancy, the less work her body has to do to bounce back to its pre-pregnancy state. Exercising and eating a well-balanced diet are effective ways to provide the body with the nutrients and rest it needs to restore itself. Expectant mothers who follow a consistent chiropractic schedule often cite less pain, discomfort and increased mobility to be able to return to non-restricted daily activity and exercise faster.

Whether you’re in your first trimester or approaching the third, scheduling an appointment with a prenatal chiropractor can help you alleviate many of the pregnancy pain and discomfort you may be feeling. Working with a chiropractor to create a consistent prenatal care plan can be one of the best ways to ensure your delivery and post-baby transition are problem-free.

At Corrective Chiropractic, helping you get through your pregnancy as pain-free as possible is our top priority. For a complimentary evaluation, feel free to contact the knowledgeable doctors at Corrective Chiropractic. We would be happy to meet with you and discuss your pregnancy-related back and joint questions and concerns.

Need a quick lunch that is equally quick, healthy, and delicious?

Look no further than a Paleo Egg Wrap!
(from Jessica’s blog, @more_than_food)
Ingredients :
Grass-fed Butter (for cooking)
1 paleo (coconut) wrap
1 pasture-raised egg
1/2 avocado, sliced
Handful organic lettuce greens
A pinch of Celtic Sea salt, ground pepper, garlic powder
Instructions ::
1. Soft boil the egg.
2. Melt grass-fed butter in a pan to heat a paleo wrap.
3. Layer your wrap with the egg, greens, avocado, salt, and pepper.
4. Enjoy!
*My favorite brands :: butter (Kerrygold, Banner Butter), wraps (Thrive Market), eggs (any pasture-raised, local brand, Vital Farms)
Check out Jessica’s blog, More Than Food on IG // FB for more healthy tips and recipes! (@more_than_food)