When Should You Seek Chiropractic Treatment?

Chiropractic treatment is not only needed when you have severe or chronic back pain. Oftentimes you can benefit from the non-invasive, all natural spinal adjustments that chiropractic medicine is known for. It is recommended seeking chiropractic treatment if you experience any of the following:

Chiropractic Treatment for Poor or Disturbed Sleep

Sleep disturbances can be caused by a host of issues. When it is prolonged and not easily treated with other medical diagnoses then it is time to try chiropractic medicine. When your spine is out of alignment, this directly and negatively impacts your nervous system. As the body’s control center, your nervous system controls a variety of necessary body functions. This includes digestion, mood, and sleep patterns. If you have been silently suffering and find that you either have a hard time falling asleep or are unexpectedly awakened from your sleep, then consult with a reputable chiropractor in your area to schedule a back evaluation.

Chiropractic Treatment for Recurring Headaches

Debilitating migraines and headaches can make it hard for you to function and adversely impact your quality of life. Taking medication for prolonged periods of time to curb the pain of a headache can make your body more vulnerable to addiction. Chiropractic medicine can be a safe alternative to treat your headaches. It can also get your spine back in alignment to help you feel like yourself again.

Pain When Changing Positions

Whether you are moving from a seated position to standing or vice versa, wincing or straining to stand upright can be one of the first signs that you need to visit one of our Atlanta or Charleston, SC chiropractic centers. Having poor posture or spending long periods of time in an uncomfortable position can put strain on your spine and muscles, that over time can worsen and require more aggressive intervention. Struggling to bend over or experiencing pain when completing routine tasks such as tying shoes or lifting items is not a “normal” occurrence and should be checked out by a reputable chiropractic treatment specialist.

Use Mobile Devices for Extended Periods of Time

Known as “text neck”, more and more Americans are experiencing neck pain from looking down at mobile devices. Often paired with having poor posture, text neck, if left untreated can lead to muscle strains making it excruciatingly painful to move the head and neck muscles. If you are like most working professionals or students, you may be spending over 7 hours a day with your neck in an unnatural position while you work on your mobile devices. Having regular chiropractic treatments can help to keep text neck at bay and keep your back in the best shape.

You’ve Had Trauma to Your Back

Spinal misalignments occur naturally from the wear and tear of everyday movements. Your back could have experienced trauma and have symptoms and pain that appear and worsen months or years later. Your back health is an important component of your overall health and should be treated as such.

benefits for seniors

Chiropractic Benefits for Seniors

The natural aging process can take a toll on your body. For seniors getting up and moving can be a challenge, if not painful. With less physical activity, it is easier for the body to become stiff. This can have a negative effect on a senior’s health. Many studies have pointed to the health benefits for seniors of remaining active into late adulthood. Staying physically fit, as you age can be a surefire way to protect yourself from disease and illness. In fact, regular exercise has been linked to preventing Alzheimer’s and depression among seniors. Staying active is equally good for your brain as it is for your body.

A Study of Benefits for Seniors

A recent study from the University of lowa has established a link between chiropractic care and our health as we age. Researchers studied the medical records of Medicare patients to examine patterns in patient reports of function, activity levels, and self-reported health outcomes, specifically of patients who had visited a chiropractor, compared to those who had not.

For those patients that had visited a chiropractor, they were less likely to have functional or mobile limitations, difficulties participating in physical activity and had, on average, a lower number of doctor’s visits and hospitalizations. So, in short, visiting a chiropractor can be an insulating factor to protect aging seniors from inactivity and physical deterioration.

Researchers found that patients with spine conditions, receiving chiropractic adjustments provided a protective effect against 1-year declines in functional and personal health. Previous studies have shown that regular chiropractic adjustments can not only alleviate spinal pain but can also be a great way to manage your overall health.

Get the Help You Need

If suffering from back pain or want a natural way to boost your health, visiting a chiropractor can help. The award-winning chiropractors at Corrective Chiropractic are at the forefront of the industry. Their friendly and comprehensive approach will get you the information you need and the added health boost you deserve.

Corrective Chiropractic on Best Chiropractor List

When it comes to making the top list of chiropractors in Atlanta, Corrective Chiropractic is leading the way. The recent announcement that the firm would be highlighted as one of the top 50 chiropractic practices in the region, on Best Chiropractor, highlights Corrective Chiropractic continued success in providing top-tier services for all of their patients.

Best Chiropractor, is a widely-used site that carefully vets all nominees and only selects those chiropractic firms that have a proven track record of customer service excellence, are committed to continuing education opportunities for their staff, and play an active role in their local community. Unlike a standard search engine site, Best Chiropractor is the go-to source to find the healthcare providers who take pride in what they do. They go the extra mile to help their clients achieve a better quality of life.

Corrective Chiropractic Achievements

This addition to a top-rated list, marks the third of its kind for Corrective Chiropractic in 2018 alone. Also being recently featured on Three Best Rated and recognized by the Atlanta Business Chronicle as the 6th Healthiest Company, in the 2-99 employee category – Corrective Chiropractic is leading the way in providing superior back care for all of Atlanta area residents.

With offices conveniently located in Atlanta, Sandy Springs, Decatur, Alpharetta, and Woodstock; receiving the best chiropractic care is well within reach. If you have not had a back assessment in the past 6 months, then now is the time. Schedule your first appointment with Atlanta’s highest-rated chiropractic practice.

To explore Corrective Chiropractic’s award-winning health and wellness services or to schedule an appointment, visit our website at www.www.correctivechiropractic.com. For more information about how top companies are selected to be featured on the Best Chiropractors’ website, click here.

Correcting Spinal Misalignment Caused by Birth Interventions

Giving birth, in general, places an extreme amount of stress and tension on the mother’s body. Did you know that stress from birth interventions can cause stress and spine misalignment to an infant. Read further how the important is the role of pediatric chiropractor in correcting spinal misalignment caused by birth interventions.

New research is citing the longer term effects that birth interventions can have on the baby’s health. In a recent study, 500,000 low-risk, healthy women and their children born between 2000-2008 were tracked over a five-year period. Their findings are shedding new light on the role that the birthing process may play in shaping health outcomes throughout childhood. Researchers found that children born through medical interventions were at a higher risk of developing respiratory infections, diabetes, obesity, and eczema.

Previous studies have also highlighted the stress that even natural births can have on an infant’s spine. As a baby pushes through the rigid birth canal, their flexible bones have to adjust. This process causes even slight misalignment to the cranium and in the infant’s spine. This irritation to the nervous system can manifest into many common newborn health issues. Issues such as colic, breathing problems, latching/breastfeeding issues, sleep difficulties, and allergic reactions.

Trauma from Birth Interventions

When trauma to the spine from birth interventions or after a difficult natural birth are left uncorrected this could lead to future health complications as the child grows. Holding up the head, learning to sit up, crawl and walk are all impacted by the stability of the spine. Any spinal misalignment, no matter how sustained, can make it harder for the child to meet these key milestones. This may result in extreme discomfort.

This is why consulting to a pediatric chiropractor should be part of your child’s annual health regime. Gentle and specific chiropractic treatments administered by a highly-trained pediatric chiropractor can reduce the tension and interference in the spine caused during childbirth. As a child ages, the growing spine will undergo several changes and understanding how to apply the right chiropractic treatments that will be the most effective is vitally important. Partnering with a reputable chiropractor who is expertly-trained by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) can be a proven way to correct any spinal misalignment, as they occur.


Did you recently experienced birth intervention?

If your child was born using birth interventions or if you have specific concerns about your child’s spinal development, the pediatric-trained chiropractors at Corrective Chiropractic can help! Our child-friendly approaches can help pinpoint areas of stress that may be causing your child discomfort. We’ll walk you through the entire process and answer any questions you may have.

Give us a call today for a complimentary pediatric spine consultation at 404-355-5499.


Skyrocket Your Productivity By Improving Posture

Working smarter, not harder is a mantra we have all come to live by. If you’re finding you’re still not performing at your best, your posture could be to blame. How do you dramatically improve your productivity at workplace? What about at home or at anything you do? Read more to know that improving your body posture is the simple and best way to do it.

Posture in Sitting

How you sit can mean the difference between your body being energized or feeling sluggish.  In fact, recent research has found that slouching can decrease your oxygen intake with each breath by 30%. That means less oxygen going into your body and less energy your body can crank out to keep you running on all cylinders.

Slouching can also indirectly affect your overall health. By putting more strain on your upper body and back, your spine can be pushed out alignment. This can lead to more tension and pain in your upper body. In turn, that can result in poor sleep, and continued feelings of sluggishness. And, this effect can take its toll on your personal and workplace performance. According to a recent Gallup poll, depressed moods and lower employee health outcomes result in over $300 billion lost in productivity.

Correcting the Problem

Correcting and improving your posture is one of the quickest ways to naturally boost your productivity level, without the use of medication or energy drinks. The key to an improved posture is to identify the root cause of why you may be slouching and what you can do to correct the issue.

At Corrective Chiropractic, we take a proven and award-winning approach to helping you manage your posture and your overall health. Our experienced doctors will meet with you and assess your current posture and work with you to determine the best way to correct and maintain your posture moving forward. We can also partner with you to enhance your nutritional intake to ensure that you are getting both the nutrients and energy you need to take your productivity to the next level.

Helping you get the most out of life is our highest priority at Corrective Chiropractic. Our expert posture correction services will ensure that your spine is properly aligned and you are well on your way to performing at your best.


Improve Digestion with Proper Posture

Boosting your digestive system doesn’t start with your gut – it starts with your posture. Checking your (proper) posture is one of the easiest ways that you can manage your digestive system. When you go from a standing to a seated position, your body has to quickly compact itself into a smaller space. If you slouch or have poor posture, your body has to contort itself that much more. This often slows down important body systems.

Posture at the Workplace

If you’re like most working professionals, you may spend a lot of your week sitting. You likely spend an average of 13 hours per day in a seated position. That means for more than half of every day your intestines are constricted into a smaller than normal space.

Sitting up straight could aid better digestion. In order for your digestive system to function at its best, your stomach and intestinal walls must contract through a series of coordinated movements called peristalsis. It is this process that enables our food to travel throughout the digestive system, delivering nutrients to keep us energized. When you sit up straight, this process is naturally slowed down, but when poor posture is factored in, it nearly grinds to a complete halt.

Imagine trying to navigate your way through a long, dark hallway, as the ceiling is collapsing on top of you. It becomes very hard, very quickly, when the space you’re traveling in is getting smaller and smaller. This is exactly what happens to the food in your digestive system when you sit with poor posture. A decrease in food digestion often leads to a decrease in energy, as your body struggles to process foods and absorb nutrients. This can also lead to the production of gas, painful constipation, and acid reflux.

But, the good news is…

Poor or slouching posture can easily be corrected. The award-winning posture specialists at Corrective Chiropractic are experts in assessing spinal misalignments and using proven, pain-free techniques to help you feel your best. Our non-invasive procedures will help restore your posture to near perfect alignment, so you can live a happier and healthier life.

If you would benefit from having more energy, less stress, and an improved digestive system, then contact the trusted chiropractors at Corrective Chiropractic today to schedule your first appointment.


Breathing and Posture

Sitting up straight could be your most effective way to manage your health. Shocking, but true! Having an improved posture can help to not only alleviate stiffness in your neck and back, but it can also play a vital role in your mood, stress level, your breathing. In fact, the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation found that patients with poor posture, characterized by slumped shoulders and a tendency to lean forward while sitting, had 30% lower lung capacity.

Proper Posture is Important for Breathing

When you sit naturally, your organs are compressed into a smaller space. And, the organ that becomes the most compressed is your lungs. This is how proper body posture is important as it affects your breathing. Your lungs are designed to be flexible and continually expand and contract. However, with poor posture, the space that is available for them to expand as you inhale is severely restricted. This results in lower lung volume, meaning you draw in less air with each breath. When you slouch, you also decrease the movement of your diaphragm. The thick muscle at the base of your lungs. This is responsible for regulating how your pleural cavity contracts and expands.

Your lungs will not be able to take in the maximum amount of air. They also will not be able to energize your body cells with the high levels of oxygen it needs. When your body is seemingly starved of oxygen, your body’s natural stress responses are put into overdrive. This often results in shortness of breath, which can lead to mental fog and decreased energy levels. Slouching also puts more muscular strain on your chest, neck, and shoulder muscles, and, if left untreated could lead to chronic pain.

How a Chiropractor Can Help

The exact cause of poor posture can vary, but working with an experienced chiropractor can be one of the most effective ways to pinpoint the issue and correct it without the need for medication or surgery.

At Corrective Chiropractic, our focus is on alleviating your stress areas and ensuring your body is in proper alignment to help you feel your best. We will do a thorough and pain-free spinal assessment and work with you to identify those trouble areas that may be contributing to your poor posture. With regular chiropractic adjustments, our clients are able to both improve their posture and boost their entire respiratory system functioning.

To schedule your first appointment or to explore how our expert chiropractic services make the difference in our patients’ lives, click here.


Chiropractic Care and High Blood Pressure

American adults are on a path to set a startling record for high blood pressure. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), two out of every three Americans have high blood pressure or hypertension. And, the most common form of treatment, comes courtesy of Big Pharma, in the way of expensive and health-damaging blood pressure medications. However, recent studies are pointing to a unique chiropractic adjustment that can be used to effectively and significantly lower high blood pressure – naturally, without medications.

When performed correctly, the adjustment has been found to be the same as or more effective than taking medications for hypertension. Doctors, in a 2007 study, have also cited no adverse side effects or long-term health risks associated with this chiropractic treatment to manage hypertension.

The success of this chiropractic adjustment is rooted in the realignment of the Atlas vertebra, a doughnut-shaped bone located at the base of the skull and the top of the spine.

Patients that underwent this pain-free alignment, saw a 14 mmHg drop in their systolic blood pressure and an 88 mmHg or greater drop in the diastolic blood pressure. This means, a patient with a BP of 130/90, could see immediate effects from the procedure and have their BP naturally lower to 116/82, back within healthy range.


How is the Spine Related to High Blood Pressure?

The proper spine alignment adjustment is essential in how the body and brain function. When the Atlas vertebra is misaligned this can cause muscular stress in the surrounding area. At the base of the brain, are critical muscular control areas that, if pinched, misaligned vertebrae could disturb blood flow through the arteries, resulting in hypertension. By performing a non-invasive Atlas adjustment, chiropractors are able to relieve the stress at the base of the brain and help the body naturally regulate its blood pressure levels.

If you’re struggling to control your blood pressure or want to explore the health benefits that a chiropractic adjustment can provide, click here to contact the experienced doctors at Corrective Chiropractic.

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